Dipartimento di Geoscienze
A Method to Assess and Explain Changes in Sub‐Daily Precipitation Return Levels From Convection‐Permitting Simulations
2024 Dallan, Eleonora; Borga, Marco; Fosser, Giorgia; Canale, Antonio; Roghani, Bardia; Marani, Marco; Marra, Francesco
A method to derive satellite-based extreme precipitation return levels in poorly gauged areas
2023 Siena, Matteo; Levizzani, Vincenzo; Marra, Francesco
A simple and robust approach for adapting design storms to assess climate-induced changes in flash flood hazard
2024 Peleg, Nadav; Wright, Daniel B.; Fowler, Hayley J.; Leitão, João P.; Sharma, Ashish; Marra, Francesco
A simplified MEV formulation to model extremes emerging from multiple nonstationary underlying processes
2019 Marra, Francesco; Zoccatelli, Davide; Armon, Moshe; Morin, Efrat
A Unified Framework for Extreme Subdaily Precipitation Frequency Analyses Based on Ordinary Events
2020 Marra, F.; Borga, M.; Morin, E.
Adopting the margin of stability for space–time landslide prediction – A data-driven approach for generating spatial dynamic thresholds
2024 Steger, Stefan; Moreno, Mateo; Crespi, Alice; Luigi Gariano, Stefano; Teresa Brunetti, Maria; Melillo, Massimo; Peruccacci, Silvia; Marra, Francesco; de Vugt, Lotte; Zieher, Thomas; Rutzinger, Martin; Mair, Volkmar; Pittore, Massimiliano
Advancing precipitation estimation and streamflow simulations in complex terrain with X-Band dual-polarization radar observations
2018 Anagnostou, M. N.; Nikolopoulos, E. I.; Kalogiros, J.; Anagnostou, E. N.; Marra, F.; Mair, E.; Bertoldi, G.; Tappeiner, U.; Borga, M.
An evaluation of weather radar adjustment algorithms using synthetic data
2019 Silver, Micha; Karnieli, Arnon; Marra, Francesco; Fredj, Erick
Antecedent rainfall as a critical factor for the triggering of debris flows in arid regions
2023 Siman-Tov, Shalev; Marra, Francesco
Assessing the controlling factors on watershed soil erosion during intense rainstorm events using radar rainfall and process-based modeling
2023 Shmilovitz, Yuval; Marra, Francesco; Wei, Haiyan; Argaman, Eli; Goodrich, David; Assouline, Shmuel; Morin, Efrat
Autocorrelation structure of convective rainfall in semiarid-arid climate derived from high-resolution X-Band radar estimates
2018 Marra, Francesco; Morin, Efrat
Basin-scale analysis of the geomorphic effectiveness of flash floods: A study in the northern Apennines (Italy)
2018 Scorpio, V.; Crema, S.; Marra, F.; Righini, M.; Ciccarese, G.; Borga, M.; Cavalli, M.; Corsini, A.; Marchi, L.; Surian, N.; Comiti, F.
Brief communication: The potential use of low-cost acoustic sensors to detect rainfall for short-term urban flood warnings
2023 Peleg, N; Torello-Sentelles, H; Mariethoz, G; Benoit, L; Leitao, Jp; Marra, F
Changes in extreme daily precipitation over Africa: insights from a non-asymptotic statistical approach
2022 Marra, Francesco; Levizzani, Vincenzo; Cattani, Elsa
Climatic and altitudinal controls on rainfall extremes and their temporal changes in data-sparse tropical regions
2022 Amponsah, W; Dallan, E; Nikolopoulos, Ei; Marra, F
Coastal and orographic effects on extreme precipitation revealed by weather radar observations
2022 Marra, Francesco; Armon, Moshe; Morin, Efrat
Contrasting rainfall-runoff characteristics of floods in desert and Mediterranean basins
2019 Zoccatelli, Davide; Marra, Francesco; Armon, Moshe; Rinat, Yair; Smith, James A.; Morin, Efrat
Controls of flash flood peak discharge in Mediterranean basins and the special role of runoff-contributing areas
2018 Rinat, Yair; Marra, Francesco; Zoccatelli, Davide; Morin, Efrat
Convective rainfall in a dry climate: relations with synoptic systems and flash-flood generation in the Dead Sea region
2017 Belachsen, Idit; Marra, Francesco; Peleg, Nadav; Morin, Efrat
Coupled prediction of flash flood response and debris flow occurrence: Application on an alpine extreme flood event
2018 Destro, E.; Amponsah, W.; Nikolopoulos, E. I.; Marchi, L.; Marra, F.; Zoccatelli, D.; Borga, M.