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Annuario italiano dei diritti umani 2020
2020 Kehrer, Ino
Approfondimento. Il sistema italiano di protezione delle vittime di tratta e il Piano nazionale antitratta 2016-18.
2019 Cofelice, Andrea; DE PERINI, Pietro; DE STEFANI, Paolo; Degani, Paola; Kehrer, Ino; Mascia, Marco
Bodies and Identities Beyond the Binary Sex and Gender System: From Question of Order to Question of Rights
2020 Kehrer, Ino
Cuts into children’s future: a comparative analysis between female genital mutilation, male circumcision and intersex treatments
2019 Kehrer, Ino
Female Genital Mutilation as a Form of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: Intersections with the Migration Context
2018 Leye, E.; Kehrer, Ino
Il diritto alla propria identità di fronte al binarismo di sesso e genere
2019 Kehrer, Ino
Medical Interventions on Newborns with Intersex Traits: a Legal Literature Review
2018 Kehrer, Ino
The Bio-medicalization of Intersex Variations between Medi-cal and Parental Authority
2020 Balocchi, M.; Kehrer, I.