Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche - DSB  

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Risultati 1 - 13 di 13 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.034 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A novel class of cardioprotective small-molecule PTP inhibitors 2020 Antonucci S.Di Sante M.Sileikyte J.ALANOVA, PETRACarraro M.Forte M. A.Bernardi P.Di Lisa F. + PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH - -
Biocompatibility studies of macroscopic fibers made from carbon nanotubes: Implications for carbon nanotube macrostructures in biomedical applications 2021 Antonucci S.Di Sante M.Di Lisa F.Delogu L. G. + CARBON - -
Emerging role of monoamine oxidase as a therapeutic target for cardiovascular disease 2017 Deshwal, SoniDi Sante, MoisesDi Lisa, FabioKaludercic, Nina CURRENT OPINION IN PHARMACOLOGY - -
mCerulean3-Based Cameleon Sensor to Explore Mitochondrial Ca2+ Dynamics In Vivo 2019 Fortunati I.Pendin D.Ferrante C.Galla L.Kaludercic N.Di Sante M.Lia A.Gomez-Gonzalo M.Sessolo M.Bozio R.Pozzan T. + ISCIENCE - -
Monoamine oxidase A-dependent ROS formation modulates human cardiomyocyte differentiation through AKT and WNT activation 2023 Di Sante, MoisesPontarollo, LauraSegat, FrancescaDeshwal, SoniDi Lisa, FabioKaludercic, Nina + BASIC RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY - -
Monoamine oxidase-dependent endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria dysfunction and mast cell degranulation lead to adverse cardiac remodeling in diabetes 2018 DESHWAL, SONIANTONUCCI, SALVATOREDI SANTE, MOISESPAOLOCCI, NAZARENOKRIEG, THOMASDi Lisa, FabioKaludercic, Nina + CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION - -
Monoamine Oxidase-Dependent Pro-Survival Signaling in Diabetic Hearts Is Mediated by miRNAs 2022 Stefano CagninMarco BrugnaroCaterina MillinoBeniamina PacchioniCarmen TroianoMoises Di SanteNina Kaludercic CELLS - -
On the clinical pharmacology of reactive oxygen species 2020 Ghezzi P.Deshwal S.Di Sante M.Kaludercic N.Di Lisa F. + PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEWS - -
Practical guidelines for rigor and reproducibility in preclinical and clinical studies on cardioprotection 2018 Antonucci S.Deshwal S.Di Lisa F.Di Sante M.Kaludercic N.Pagliaro P. + BASIC RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY - -
Rescue of neonatal cardiac dysfunction in mice by administration of cardiac progenitor cells in utero 2015 Di Sante, Moises + NATURE COMMUNICATIONS - -
Selective mitochondrial superoxide generation in vivo is cardioprotective through hormesis 2019 Salvatore AntonucciMoises Di SanteNina KaludercicFabio Di Lisa + FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY & MEDICINE - -
Selective mitochondrial superoxide generation in vivo is cardioprotective through hormesis 2019 Antonucci, SalvatoreDi Sante, MoisesDeshwal, SoniKaludercic, NinaDi Lisa, FabioKrieg, Thomas + FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY & MEDICINE - -
The Determining Role of Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species Generation and Monoamine Oxidase Activity in Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity 2020 Antonucci, SalvatoreDi Sante, MoisesTonolo, FedericaPontarollo, LauraScalcon, ValeriaAlanova, PetraBindoli, AlbertoRigobello, Maria PiaGiorgio, MarcoKaludercic, NinaDi Lisa, Fabio + ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING - -