Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche - DSB
A novel class of cardioprotective small-molecule PTP inhibitors
2020 Antonucci, S.; Di Sante, M.; Sileikyte, J.; Deveraux, J.; Bauer, T.; Bround, M. J.; Menabo, R.; Paillard, M.; Alanova, Petra; Carraro, M.; Ovize, M.; Molkentin, J. D.; Cohen, M.; Forte, M. A.; Bernardi, P.; Di Lisa, F.; Murphy, E.
Second-Generation Inhibitors of the Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore with Improved Plasma Stability
2019 Šileikytė, Justina; Devereaux, Jordan; de Jong, Jelle; Schiavone, Marco; Jones, Kristen; Nilsen, Aaron; Bernardi, Paolo; Forte, Michael; Cohen, Michael S
The mitochondrial permeability transition pore: channel formation by F-ATP synthase, integration in signal transduction, and role in pathophysiology
2015 Bernardi, Paolo; Rasola, Andrea; Forte, MICHAEL ANTHONY; Lippe, Giovanna
Treatment with a triazole inhibitor of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore fully corrects the pathology of sapje zebrafish lacking dystrophin
2021 Stocco, Anna; Smolina, Natalia; Sabatelli, Patrizia; Šileikytė, Justina; Artusi, Edoardo; Mouly, Vincent; Cohen, Michael; Forte, Michael; Schiavone, Marco; Bernardi, Paolo