A new X-ray method for residual stress evaluation in coatings
2003 Gelfi, M; Bontempi, E.; Rigato, V.; Patelli, Alessandro; Guizzi, A.; Roberti, Roberto; Tosti, M.; Depero, LAURA ELEONORA
Effects of plasma non-homogeneity on the physical properties of sputtered thin films
2001 Rigato, V; Maggioni, Gianluigi; Patelli, Alessandro; Antoni, Vanni; Serianni, Gianluigi; Spolaore, M.; Tramontin, L.; Depero, LAURA ELEONORA; Bontempi, E.
Ion bombardment effects on nucleation of sputtered Mo nano-crystals in Mo/B4C/Si multilayers
2006 Patelli, Alessandro; Rigato, V.; Salmaso, Guido; Carvalho, N. J. M.; De Hosson, J. T. h. M.; Bontempi, E.; Depero, LAURA ELEONORA
Nanocrystalline SnO2-based thin films obtained by sol-gel route: A morphological and structural investigation
2003 Acciarri, M.; Canevali, C.; Mari, C. M.; Mattoni, M.; Ruffo, R.; Scotti, R.; Morazzoni, F.; Barreca, D.; Armelao, L.; Tondello, E.; Bontempi, E.; Depero, L. E.
Physical properties and microstructure of sputter deposited aluminum and zirconium oxynitride multilayers
2003 Rigato, V; Patelli, Alessandro; Maggioni, Gianluigi; Restello, Silvio; Vezzu', Simone; Cooke, K. E.; Teer, D. G.; Boscarino, D.; Figueras, A.; Depero, LAURA ELEONORA; Bontempi, E.
Residual stress analysis of thin films and coatings through XRD 2 experiments
2004 Gelfi, Marcello; Bontempi, E.; Roberti, R.; Armelao, L.; Depero, L. E.
Structural characterization of sol-gel lanthanum cobaltite thin films
2002 Bontempi, E.; Armelao, L.; Barreca, D.; Bertolo, L.; Bottaro, G.; Pierangelo, Elisabetta; Depero, L. E.
Surface reactivity of nanostructured tin oxide and Pt-doped tin oxide as studied by EPR and XPS spectroscopies
2001 Morazzoni, F.; Canevali, C.; Chiodini, N.; Mari, Cristina; Ruffo, R.; Scotti, R.; Armelao, L.; Tondello, E.; Depero, L.; Bontempi, E.