Dipartimento di Medicina - DIMED  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A biomechanical screening tool for élite athletes after ACL surgery 2019 Cibin F.D. PavanA. GuiottoF. SpolaorZ. Sawacha + GAIT & POSTURE - -
A musculoskeletal model to perform high knee flexion tasks: Application to ACL injury prevention 2020 Pavan, D.Giacomini, E.Sawacha, Z. + GAIT & POSTURE - -
Alterations in surface EMG during gait in children with Fragile X Syndrome 2020 Sawacha Z.Spolaor F.Piatkowska W.Cibin F.Pavan D.Guiotto A.Polli R.Murgia A. + GAIT & POSTURE - -
Basketball biomechanics: side cut as noncontact ACL injury screening 2019 Cibin F.D. PavanF. SpolaorZ. Sawacha + - - XXVII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics - Abstract book
Biomechanical analysis of lifting tasks in healthy and low back pain affected subjects. 2019 Fabiola SpolaorAnnamaria GuiottoFederica CibinDavide PavanZimi Sawacha + - - Proceedings ISB 2019
Biomechanical analysis of the side cut in basketball athletes as noncontact ACL injury screening 2019 F. CibinD. PavanF. SpolaorZ. Sawacha + GAIT & POSTURE - -
Biomechanical evaluation of single leg landing in élite athletes before and after ACL surgery 2018 D. PavanF. CibinA. GuiottoF. SpolaorZ. Sawacha - - Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children
Can a rehabilitation treatment with the device Equistasi® impact on motor control of Parkinson’s disease patients? 2019 A. GuiottoF. SpolaorM. RomanatoD. PavanZ. Sawacha + GAIT & POSTURE - -
Can laboratory based ACL screening efficiently portray on the field knee loading? A pilot study 2019 Ciniglio, A.Cibin, F.Pavan, D.Guiotto, A.Spolaor, F.Sawacha, Z. + GAIT & POSTURE - -
Can smart footwear contribute to the biomechanical analysis of lifting tasks in healthy and lower back pain affected subjects? 2019 A. GuiottoF. SpolaorF. CibinD. PavanZ. Sawacha GAIT & POSTURE - -
Cluster analysis of electromyographic data in children with Fragile X Syndrome and controls 2020 Piatkowska WSawacha ZSpolaor FRomanato MCibin FPavan DGuiotto APolli RMurgia A + GAIT & POSTURE - -
Comparison between female and male professional field hockey players during on field 20 m sprint run with particular reference to the effect of handling a stick 2019 Cibin F.F. SpolaorA. GuiottoD. PavanZ. Sawacha + - - XXVII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics - Abstract book
Comparison between field and laboratory analysis in ACL injuries prevenction: a pilot study 2019 Ciniglio A.F. CibinD. PavanA. GuiottoF. SpolaorZ. Sawacha GAIT & POSTURE - -
Effects of the Equistasi® device treatment in gait parameters of patient with Parkinson's disease 2018 F. SpolaorA. GuiottoD. PavanZ. Sawacha + GAIT & POSTURE - -
Effects of the Equistasi® neurological rehabilitation device on the gait of Parkinson's disease patients. 2019 A. GuiottoF. SpolaorD. PavanZ. Sawacha + - - Proceedings ISB 2019
Figure skating axel jump: relationship between performance and injury risk assessment 2019 Pavan D.A. GuiottoF. SpolaorF. CibinZ. Sawacha + GAIT & POSTURE - -
From surgery to functional capacity: muscle strength modifications in women post sleeve gastrectomy 2024 Bullo, ValentinaPavan, DavideGobbo, StefanoBortoletto, AlessandroVettor, RobertoErmolao, AndreaBergamin, Marco + BMC SPORTS SCIENCE, MEDICINE & REHABILITATION - -
Gait analysis in children with fragile syndrome: a pilot study 2018 Z. SawachaF. SpolaorD. PavanA. GuiottoR. PolliA. Murgia GAIT & POSTURE - -
Gait analysis in children with fragile x syndrome: could this become a measurable outcome? 2019 Sawacha Z.F. SpolaorF. CibinW. PiatkowskaD. PavanA. GuiottoR. PolliA. Murgia + GAIT & POSTURE - -
Gait analysis in children with X fragile syndrome: a combined EMG and markerless approach 2019 Sawacha Z.F. SpolaorF. CibinW. PiatkowskaD. PavanA. GuiottoR. PolliA. Murgia + - - XXVII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics - Abstract book