Università di Padova
Attachment and Defensive Functioning: A Preliminary Investigation of Their Interplay with Internalized Homophobia in Gay and Homoflexible Men
2023 Calvo, Vincenzo; Aurelio Cappellini, Marco; Paoletti, Giulio; Masaro, Chiara; Ronconi, Lucia; Marogna, Cristina; Pellicelli, Camilla
Attachment and emotion regulation across the life cycle | ATTACCAMENTO E REGOLAZIONE EMOZIONALE NEL CICLO DI VITA
2021 Calvo, V.; Masaro, C.; Fusco, C.
Eudaimonic Well-Being of Italian Young Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Predictive and Mediating Roles of Fear of Death and Psychological Inflexibility
2023 Calvo, Vincenzo; Masaro, Chiara; Fusco, Chiara; Pellicelli, Camilla; Ghedin, Simona; Marogna, Cristina
Interpersonal Emotion Regulation: From Research to Group Therapy
2021 Messina, I.; Calvo, V.; Masaro, C.; Ghedin, S.; Marogna, C.
Psychological inflexibility mediates the effect of death anxiety on the eudaimonic well-being of Italian young adults during the Covid-19 pandemic
2022 Calvo, Vincenzo; Masaro, Chiara; Fusco, Chiara; Valan, Elena; Pellicelli, Camilla; Ronconi, Lucia; Marogna, Cristina
Relationship satisfaction in same-sex couples: The role of Romantic Attachment and Internalized Homophobia within the dyad
2023 Calvo, Vincenzo; Paoletti, Giulio; Aurelio Cappellini, Marco; Masaro, Chiara; Ronconi, Lucia; Marogna, Cristina; Pellicelli, Camilla
Romantic attachment, infertility-related stress, and positive body image of women dealing with infertility
2023 Calvo, V.; Fusco, C.; Pellicelli, C.; Masaro, C.
The extended unconscious group field and metabolization of the pandemic experience: dreaming together to keep cohesion alive
2022 Marogna, C.; Masaro, C.; Calvo, V.; Ghedin, S.; Caccamo, F.
This is what life is all about": Romantic couples’ meaning-making of death. A pilot study with Italian couples before the Covid-19 pandemic
2022 Calvo, Vincenzo; Masaro, Chiara; Fusco, Chiara; Marogna, Cristina
Traumatic potential of Recurrent Implantation Failure in Assisted Reproductive Technology paths for couples experiencing infertility
2023 Fusco, C.; Righetti, P. L.; Pellicelli, C.; Masaro, C.; Longo, S.; Calvo, V.
‘I feel like I was born for something that my body can’t do’: a qualitative study on women’s bodies within medicalized infertility in Italy
2024 Fusco, C.; Masaro, C.; Calvo, V.