Dipartimento di Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali - TESAF
A new framework for evaluating social innovation and its impacts in marginalised rural areas
2019 Pisani, Elena; Da Re, Riccardo; Vicentini, Kamini; Weiss, Gerhard; Ludvig, Alice; Secco, Laura
Evaluation of social innovation in marginalised rural areas: potential, challenges and a methodological proposal based on Italian case studies.
2018 Secco, Laura; Pisani, Elena; DA RE, Riccardo; Vicentini, Kamini; Burlando, Catie
Manual on Innovative Methods to Assess Social Innovation and its Impacts. Deliverable 4.3, Social Innovation in Marginalized Rural Areas Project (SIMRA)
2019 Secco, L.; Pisani, E.; Da Re, R.; Vicentini, K.; Rogelja, T.; Burlando, C.; Ludvig, A.; Weiss, G.; Zivojinovic, I.; Górriz-Mifsud, E.; Marini-Govigli, V.; Martínez de Arano, I.; Melnykovych, M.; Tuomasiukka, D.; Den Herde, M.; Lovric, M.; Ravazzoli, E.; Dalla Torre, C.; Streifeneder, T.; Vassilopoulos, A.; Akinsete, E.; Koundouri, P.; Lopolito, A.; Prosperi, M.; Baselice, A.; Polman N., Dijkshoorn M.; Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Barlagne, C.; Hewitt, R.; Prokofieva, I.; Kuvlankova-Oravska, T.; Špaček, M.; Brnkalakova, S.; Gezik, V.
SIMRA in practice - Tools and Indicators
2020 Da Re, Riccardo; Pisani, Elena; Secco, Laura; Vicentini, Kamini; Burlando, Catie
SIparte: Orientamento, Formazione e un Hackathon Rurale e supporto di idee Imprenditoriali Innovative in Aree Montane
2019 Burlando, Catie; Secco, Laura; Pisani, Elena; Da Re, Riccardo; Vicentini, Kamini; Pra Levis, Francesco
SIparte: soft coaching and a rural hackathon to support socio-entrepreneurial innovative businesses in rural areas
2019 Burlando, Catie; Da Re, Riccardo; Pisani, Elena; Vicentini, Kamini; Aguanno, Matteo; Secco, Laura
Social innovation and its impacts in disadvantaged rural areas: a new evaluation framework
2019 Da Re, Riccardo; Pisani, Elena; Vicentini, Kamini; Weiss, Gerhard; Ludvig, Alice; Secco, Laura
The role of agency in the emergence and development of social innovations in rural areas. Analysis of two cases of social farming in Italy and the Netherlands
2020 Torre, C. D.; Ravazzoli, E.; Dijkshoorn-Dekker, M.; Polman, N.; Melnykovych, M.; Pisani, E.; Gori, F.; Da Re, R.; Vicentini, K.; Secco, L.
Towards a method of evaluating social innovation in forest-dependent rural communities: First suggestions from a science-stakeholder collaboration
2019 Secco, L.; Pisani, E.; Da Re, R.; Rogelja, T.; Burlando, C.; Vicentini, Kamini; Pettenella, D.; Masiero, M.; Miller, D.; Nijnjk, M.