Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Galileo Galilei" - DFA  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A new dedicated plunger device for the GALILEO γ-ray detector array 2019 Goasduff, A.Boso, A.Gozzelino, A.John, P. R.Lenzi, S. M.Mengoni, D.Recchia, F.Siciliano, M.Testov, D.Valiente-Dobón, J. J. + NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT - -
A powerful combination measurement for exploring the fusion reaction mechanisms induced by weakly bound nuclei 2019 Testov, D.John, P. R.Valiente-Dobón, J. J.Goasduff, A.Siciliano, M.Galtarossa, F.Recchia, F.Mengoni, D.Boso, A.Lenzi, S. M. + NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT - -
An alternative viewpoint on the nuclear structure towards 100Sn: Lifetime measurements in 105Sn 2023 Pasqualato, G.Mengoni, D.Goasduff, A.Brugnara, D.Cicerchia, M.Galtarossa, F.Lenzi, S. M.Mantovani, G.Recchia, F.Testov, D.Zanon, I. + PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B - -
Angular distribution of γ rays emitted by oriented nuclei: the case of 92 Mo formed in the reaction 6 Li+ 89 Y 2021 Mazzocco M.Testov D.John P. R.Valiente-Dobon J. J.Goasduff A.Siciliano M.Galtarossa F.Recchia F.Mengoni D. + THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. A, HADRONS AND NUCLEI - -
Applications of Rutherford backscattering analysis methods to nuclear physics experiments 2021 Goasduff A.John P. R.Mengoni D.Perego A.Recchia F.Testov D. + NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS - -
Coulomb excitation studies at LNL with the SPIDER-GALILEO set-up 2020 John P. R.Goasduff A.Mengoni D.Recchia F.Testov D. + PHYSICA SCRIPTA - -
Diversity of shapes and rotations in the γ-soft 130Ba nucleus: First observation of a t-band in the A = 130 mass region 2019 Mengoni D.Li R.Boso A.Goasduff A.Recchia F.Testov D.Galtarossa F.Riccetto S.Valiente-Dobon J. J. + PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B - -
Energy calibration of HPGe detector using the high-energy characteristic γ rays in 13C formed in 6Li + 12C reaction 2020 Testov D.John P. R.Goasduff A.Galtarossa F.Recchia F.Mengoni D. + NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES - -
Evidence for pseudospin-chiral quartet bands in the presence of octupole correlations 2020 Mengoni D.Boso A.Goasduff A.Recchia F.Testov D.Galtarossa F.Riccetto S.Valiente-Dobon J. J. + PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B - -
Exotic collective excitation patterns in triaxially deformed 131Ba 2024 Mengoni D.Boso A.Goasduff A.Recchia F.Testov D.Galtarossa F. + ACTA PHYSICA SINICA - -
First measurement with a new setup for low-energy Coulomb excitation studies at INFN LNL 2017 Goasduff, A.TESTOV, DMITRYJohn, P. R.Mengoni, D.Galtarossa, F.Recchia, F. + PHYSICA SCRIPTA - -
Further investigation on the fusion of 6Li with 209Bi target at near-barrier energies 2024 Mengoni D.Valiente-Dobon J. J.Testov D.Mazzocco M.Parascandolo C.Goasduff A.Galtarossa F.Recchia F.Lenzi S. + CHINESE PHYSICS C - -
High Resolution γ-Ray Spectrometry Using Galileo Array 2019 Testov D.Mengoni D.Recchia F.Goasduff A.Boso A.Lenzi S.Lenzi S.Colucci G.Cicerchia M.Galtarossa F.Pasqualato G. + EURASIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS - -
Identification of high- K rotation in Ba 130: Testing the consistency of electromagnetic observables 2019 Mengoni, D.Boso, A.Goasduff, A.Recchia, F.Testov, D.Galtarossa, F.RICCETTO, SERENASiciliano, M.Valiente-Dobon, J. J. + PHYSICAL REVIEW C - -
Isospin symmetry in the 60Zn nucleus 2020 Bocchi G.Giaz A.Leoni S.Galtarossa F.Goasduff A.Testov D.Marchi T.Mengoni D.Boso A.John P. R.Recchia F. + ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B - -
Level scheme study of Mo91 : Weak-coupling approximation in the N=50 region 2023 Mengoni, D.Testov, D.Goasduff, A.Galtarossa, F.Recchia, F.Lenzi, S. M. + PHYSICAL REVIEW C - -
Level scheme study of Mo92 : Searching for evidence of core excitation 2022 Lenzi, S. M.Mengoni, D.Testov, D.Recchia, F. + PHYSICAL REVIEW C - -
Lifetime measurements in the even-even isotopes 2021 Siciliano M.Valiente-Dobon J. J.Goasduff A.Marchi T.Mengoni D.Michelagnoli C.Nyberg J.Szilner S.Testov D. + PHYSICAL REVIEW C - -
Lifetime measurements using a plunger device and the EUCLIDES Si array at the GALILEO γ-ray spectrometer 2020 Testov D.Goasduff A.Mengoni D.Valiente-Dobon J. J.Boso A.Cicerchia M.Colucci G.Galtarossa F.John P. R.Lenzi S.Lunardi S.Pasqualato G.Recchia F. + NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT - -
Low-lying intruder and tensor-driven structures in As 82 revealed by β decay at a new movable-tape-based experimental setup 2015 Verney, DavidGOASDUFF, ALAINTESTOV, DMITRY + PHYSICAL REVIEW. C, NUCLEAR PHYSICS - -