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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) fluorescence guided surgery of high-grade gliomas in eloquent areas assisted by functional mapping. Our experience and review of the literature 2013 Alessandro Della PuppaSerena De PellegrinElena d’AvellaGIOFFRE', GIORGIOMarta RossettoGerardi, AlessandraGiuseppe LombardiRenzo ManaraMarina MunariMarina SaladiniRenato Scienza ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA - -
Hydrocephalus after meningioma surgery 2013 Rossetto MPersano LScienza RDella Puppa A NEUROSURGICAL FOCUS - -
Indocyanine green videoangiography (ICGV) in parasagittal meningiomas surgery. Considerations on veins management and brain function preservation 2013 Alessandro Della PuppaElena d’AvellaFrancesco VolpinOriela RustemiGiorgio Gioffre’Renato Scienza ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA - -
Indocyanine green videoangiography (ICGV)-guided surgery of parasagittal meningiomas occluding the superior sagittal sinus (SSS) 2013 D'Avella, ElenaVolpin, FrancescoManara, RenzoScienza, RenatoDella Puppa, Alessandro ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA - -
Indocyanine green videoangiography (ICGV)-guided surgery of parasagittal meningiomas occluding the superior sagittal sinus (SSS) 2013 Volpin, FrancescoManara, RenzoScienza, RenatoDella Puppa, Alessandro + ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA - -
Interaction of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and Notch signaling regulates medulloblastoma precursor proliferation and fate 2010 Rampazzo EPersano LDenaro LD'Avella DDella Puppa AScienza RBasso G + STEM CELLS - -
Intra-operative 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)-induced fluorescence of medulloblastoma: Phenotypic variability and CD133+ expression according to different fluorescence patterns 2014 Della Puppa AGIOFFRE', GIORGIOGardiman MPCecchin DScienza RPersano L + NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES - -
Multifocal presentation of medulloblastoma in adulthood 2012 Ciccarino, PietroRossetto, MartaManara, RenzoOrvieto, EnricoBerti, FrancoLombardi, Giusepped'Avella, DomenicoScienza, RenatoDella Puppa, Alessandro + JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY - -
Open Transcranial Resection of Small (<35 mm) Meningiomas of the Anterior Midline Skull Base in Current Microsurgical Practice 2015 Della Puppa, AlessandroD'Avella, ElenaRossetto, MartaVolpin, FrancescoRustemi, OrielaGioffrè, GiorgioLombardi, GiuseppeRolma, GiuseppeScienza, Renato WORLD NEUROSURGERY - -
Outcome of patients affected by newly diagnosed glioblastoma undergoing surgery assisted by 5-aminolevulinic acid guided resection followed by BCNU wafers implantation: a 3-year follow-up 2017 DELLA PUPPA, ALESSANDROLOMBARDI, GIUSEPPEROSSETTO, MARTARUSTEMI, ORIELABERTI, FRANCOCECCHIN, DIEGOROLMA, GIUSEPPEPERSANO, LUCAZAGONEL, VITTORINASCIENZA, RENATO + JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY - -
Predictive value of intraoperative 5-aminolevulinic acid-induced fluorescence for detecting bone invasion in meningioma surgery. 2014 DELLA PUPPA, ALESSANDROTRONCON, IRENELOMBARDI, GIUSEPPEROLMA, GIUSEPPESERGI, MASSIMOMUNARI, MARINACECCHIN, DIEGOSCIENZA, RENATO + JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY - -
Right parietal cortex and calculation processing: Intraoperative functional mapping of multiplication and addition in patients affected by a brain tumor Clinical article 2013 Della Puppa, AlessandroDe Pellegrin, SerenaD'Avella, ElenaGioffrè, GiorgioMunari, MarinaSaladini, MarinaScienza, RenatoSemenza, Carlo + JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY - -