Università di Padova  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
"Exercise in Medicine: From Functional Evaluation to Adapted Exercise Training”: a Massive Open Online Course to Respond to the Burning Need for Exercise Prescription to Combat Chronic Diseases. 2023 Battista FQuinto GFaggian SVecchiato MDuregon FNeunhaeuserer D + DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR SPORTMEDIZIN - -
A comparative analysis between head-out underwater walking and land-based treadmill walking in a group of healthy asymptomatic elderly 2017 Gobbo, StefanoBullo, ValentinaDuregon, FedericaErmolao, AndreaBergamin, Marco + SPORT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH - -
A tailored physical activity intervention and exercise prescription to improve clinical practice for onco-hematology inpatients 2017 DUREGON F.BULLO V.GOBBO S.VENDRAMIN B.BERGAMIN M.ERMOLAO A.ZACCARIA M. + - - Book of Abstract of the 22nd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science
A Tailored Physical Activity Intervention for Hospitalized Onco-Hematology Patients 2017 Duregon, F.Bullo, V.Gobbo, S.Vendramin, B.Bergamin, M.Ermolao, A.Zaccaria, M. + JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY AND KINESIOLOGY - Italian Society of Sports and Exercise Medicine Annual Conference Held in Brescia
Acute effects of physical exercise on cognitive function and neurotrophins in patients with type 1 diabetes: A systematic review 2025 Quinto G.Battista F.Duregon F.Vecchiato M.Ermolao A.Neunhaeuserer D. + HELIYON - -
Are Gyms a Feasible Setting for Exercise Training Interventions in Patients with Cardiovascular Risk Factors? An Italian 10-Years Cross-Sectional Survey Comparison 2022 Vecchiato M.Quinto G.Foccardi G.Mazzucato B.Battista F.Duregon F.Neunhaeuserer D.Ermolao A. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH - -
Are Suggested Hiking Times Accurate? A Validation of Hiking Time Estimations for Preventive Measures in Mountains 2025 Vecchiato M.Borasio N.Duregon F.Savino S.Ermolao A.Neunhaeuserer D. + MEDICINA - -
Balance impairment in kidney transplant recipients without concurrent peripheral neuropathy 2017 GOBBO, STEFANOBULLO, VALENTINAVENDRAMIN, BARBARADUREGON, FEDERICAFURIAN, LUCREZIASILVESTRE, CRISTINANEUNHAEUSERER, DANIELZACCARIA, MARCOBERGAMIN, MARCOERMOLAO, ANDREA + GAIT & POSTURE - Book of Abstract of the 22nd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science
Body Composition Changes in Adolescents Who Underwent Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta‑analysis 2024 Francesca BattistaFederica DuregonSara FaggianLuca BusettoAndrea Ermolao + CURRENT OBESITY REPORTS - -
Cardiopulmonary exercise response at high altitude in patients with congenital heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis 2024 Vecchiato M.Duregon F.Borasio N.Faggian S.Battista F.Ermolao A.Neunhaeuserer D. + FRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE - -
Comparison of cardiovascular screening guidelines for middle-aged/older adults 2019 Ermolao, AndreaGasperetti, AndreaPatti, AlessandroBattista, FrancescaFrigo, Anna ChiaraDuregon, FedericaZaccaria, MarcoBergamin, MarcoNeunhaeuserer, Daniel + SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS - -
Determinants of Longitudinal Changes in Exercise Blood Pressure in a Population of Young Athletes: The Role of BMI 2025 Battista F.Vecchiato M.Faggian S.Duregon F.Borasio N.Ermolao A.Neunhaeuserer D. + JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR DEVELOPMENT AND DISEASE - -
Dynamic Balance and Explosive Strength Assessment by an Integrated Inertial Sensor in a Group of Elderly People 2017 Vendramin, B.Duregon, F.Bullo, V.Gobbo, S.Bergamin, M.Ermolao, A. JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY AND KINESIOLOGY - Italian Society of Sports and Exercise Medicine Annual Conference Held in Brescia
Effectiveness of Text Messaging as an Incentive to Maintain Physical Activity after Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. 2021 Foccardi GVecchiato MNeunhaeuserer DQuinto GBattista FDuregon FErmolao A + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH - -
Effects of a Pilates exercise program on muscle strength, postural control and body composition: results from a pilot study in a group of post-menopausal women 2015 Bergamin, MGOBBO, STEFANOBULLO, VALENTINADUREGON, FEDERICACAMOZZI, VALENTINANEUNHAEUSERER, DANIELERMOLAO, ANDREA + AGE - -
Effects of exercise on cancer patients suffering chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy undergoing treatment: A systematic review 2018 Duregon, FedericaVendramin, BarbaraBullo, ValentinaGobbo, StefanoNeunhaeuserer, DanielZaccaria, MarcoBergamin, MarcoErmolao, Andrea + CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ONCOLOGY HEMATOLOGY - -
Effects of tailored resistance exercise training in a group of metalworkers with ergonomic or manual handlings loads prescription by the occupational physician: A pilot study 2021 Gobbo S.Bullo V.Vendramin B.Duregon F.Priolo G.Ermolao A.Bergamin M. + M.L.T.J. MUSCLES, LIGAMENTS AND TENDONS JOURNAL - -
Exercise prescription and tailored physical activity intervention in onco-hematology inpatients, a personalized bedside approach to improve clinical best practice 2019 Duregon, FedericaGobbo, StefanoBullo, ValentinaRoma, EnricoVendramin, BarbaraNeunhaeuserer, DanielBergamin, MarcoErmolao, Andrea + HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY - -
Exercise prescription to improve clinical practice on cancer patients suffering chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy undergoing treatment: a systematic review 2017 VENDRAMIN B.DUREGON F.BULLO V.GOBBO S.ZACCARIA M.BERGAMIN M.ERMOLAO A. + - - Book of Abstract of the 22nd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science