"Of coronary arteries and men": The fight of a dialysis patient against his coronary arteries
2014 Vertolli, Ugo; Vinci, Claudio; Rebeschini, Mirca; Ruffatti, Annamaria; Scaparrotta, Giuseppe; Napodano, Massimo; Naso, Agostino; Calo', Lorenzo
'The heart never grows better by "AGE"; I fear rather worse...' - Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
2006 Calo', Lorenzo
[C825T polymorphism of the GNB3 gene codifying the G-protein beta3-subunit and cardiovascular risk].
2004 Sartori, M; Parotto, E; Ceolotto, Giulio; Papparella, I; Lenzini, Livia; Calo', Lorenzo; Semplicini, Andrea
[G-protein beta3-subunit gene 825T allele and cardiovascular risk]
2004 Sartori, M; Parotto, E; Ceolotto, G; Papparella, I; Lenzini, Livia; Calo', Lorenzo; Semplicini, A.
A Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Protocol for Patients With Acute Kidney Injury in Intensive Care Unit With COVID-19
2020 Nalesso, Federico; Garzotto, Francesco; Cattarin, Leda; Gobbi, Laura; Qassim, Laila; Sgarabotto, Luca; Tiberio, Ivo; Calo', Lorenzo
A new approach to the evaluation of hyperphosphatemia in chronic kidney disease
2007 Savica, V; Calo', Lorenzo; Granata, A; Caldarera, R; Cavaleri, A; Santoro, D; Monardo, P; Savica, R; Muraca, U; Bellinghieri, G.
A pheochromocytoma with normal clonidine-suppression test: how difficult the biochemical diagnosis?
2008 Sartori, M; Cosenzi, A; Bernobich, E; Calo', Lorenzo; Bellini, G; Semplicini, Andrea
A pheochromocytoma with normal clonidine-suppression test: how difficult the biochemical diagnosis?
2008 Sartori, M; Cosenzi, A; Bernobich, E; Calo', Lorenzo; Bellini, G; Semplicini, A.
A rare cause of flank pain.
2010 Pengo, Mf; Calo', Lorenzo
A role for heme oxygenase-1 in the antioxidant and antiapoptotic effects of erythropoietin: the start of a good news/bad news story?
2006 Calo', Lorenzo; Davis, Pa; Piccoli, A; Pessina, A. C.
A role for heme oxygenase-1 in the antioxidant and antiapoptotic effects of erythropoietin: The start of a good news/bad news story?
2006 Calo, La; Davis, Pa; Piccoli, Antonio; Pessina, ACHILLE CESARE
2018 Vertolli, Ugo; Berno, Tamara; Riva, Marcello; Adami, Fausto; Angelini, Annalisa; Calo', Lorenzo
A Very Unique Case of Boric Acid Intoxication With Very High-magnitude Rhabdomyolysis.
2017 Vertolli, U; Alessi, M; Naso, E; Naso, A; Calo', Lorenzo
A very unusual case of hypokalaemia.
2013 Vertolli, U; Ruffatti, A; De Giorgi, Ml; Scapin, V; Naso, A; Calo', Lorenzo
Abnormal regulation of G protein alpha(i2) subunit in skin fibroblasts from insulin-resistant hypertensive individuals
2004 Baritono, Elisabetta; Ceolotto, Giulio; Papparella, I; Sartori, Michelangelo; Ciccariello, L; Lori, E; Calo', Lorenzo; Pessina, ACHILLE CESARE; Semplicini, Andrea
Abnormalities of Gq-mediated cell signaling in Bartter's and Gitelman's syndome
2001 Calo', Lorenzo; Ceolotto, Giulio; Milani, M; Pagnin, Elisa; VAN DEN HEUVEL, P; Sartori, M; Davis, P; Costa, Rodolfo; Semplicini, Andrea
Aborted sudden cardiac death in two patients with Bartter's/Gitelman's syndromes
2007 Scognamiglio, R; Negut, C; Calo', Lorenzo
Absence of vascular remodelling in a high angiotensin-II state (Bartter's and Gitelman's syndromes): implications for angiotensin II signalling pathways
2008 Calo', Lorenzo; Puato, M; Schiavo, Silvia; Zanardo, Marco; Tirrito, Carmen; Pagnin, Elisa; Balbi, Giulia; Davis, Pa; Palatini, Paolo; Pauletto, Paolo
ACE2 and angiotensin 1-7 are increased in a human model of cardiovascular hyporeactivity: Pathophysiological implications
2010 Calo', Lorenzo; Schiavo, S; Davis, Pa; Pagnin, E; Mormino, PAOLO GINO; D'Angelo, Angela; Pessina, Ac
ACE2 and angiotensin 1-7 are increased in a human model of cardiovascular hyporeactivity: pathophysiological implications.
2010 Calo', Lorenzo; Schiavo, S; Davis, Pa; Pagnin, E; Mormino, P; D'Angelo, A; Pessina, A. C.