Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Galileo Galilei" - DFA
A novel approach to the mathematical modelling of atmospheric corrosion rates from fragmented subtropical environments
2015 Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Morales, J.; Cristina Vasconcelos, H.; Souto, R. M.; Gonzalez, S.; Cano, V.; Santana, J. J.
A novel scanning electrochemical microscopy strategy for the investigation of anomalous hydrogen evolution from AZ63 magnesium alloy
2020 Filotas, D.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Nagy, L.; Nagy, G.; Souto, R. M.
Characterization of the corrosion products formed on zinc in archipelagic subtropical environments
2012 Santana, J. J.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Morales, J.; Vasconcelos, H. C.; Souto, R. M.; Gonzalez, S.
Characterization of the corrosive action of mineral waters from thermal sources: A case study at Azores archipelago, Portugal
2015 Vasconcelos, H. C.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Gonzalez, S.; Souto, R. M.; Santana, J. J.
Combined amperometric/potentiometric probes for improved chemical imaging of corroding surfaces using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
2016 Filotas, D.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Izquierdo, J.; Nagy, L.; Nagy, G.; Souto, R. M.
Contributions of Microelectrochemical Scanning Techniques for the Efficient Detection of Localized Corrosion Processes at the Cut Edges of Polymer-Coated Galvanized Steel
2022 Filotas, D.; Izquierdo, J.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Nagy, L.; Nagy, G.; Souto, R. M.
Development of mathematical models to predict the atmospheric corrosion rate of carbon steel in fragmented subtropical environments
2014 Vasconcelos, H. C.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Morales, J.; Souto, R. M.; Gonzalez, S.; Cano, V.; Santana, J. J.
Double barrel microelectrode assembly to prevent electrical field effects in potentiometric SECM imaging of galvanic corrosion processes
2018 Filotas, D.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Kiss, A.; Nagy, L.; Nagy, G.; Souto, R. M.
Effect of Interfacial SiOx Defects on the Functional Properties of Si-Transition Metal Oxide Photoanodes for Water Splitting
2023 Ragonese, P.; Kalinic, B.; Franco, L.; Girardi, L.; Fernandez Perez, B. M.; Carbonera, D.; Mattei, G.; Rizzi, G. -A.; Maurizio, C.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy investigation of the corrosion resistance of a waterborne acrylic coating containing active electrochemical pigments for the protection of carbon steel
2014 Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Gonzalez-Guzman, J. A.; Gonzalez, S.; Souto, R. M.
Electrochemical investigation of the corrosion resistance of Ti20Mo alloys in simulated physiological solution with added proteins for biomaterial application
2016 Mareci, D.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Trinca, L. C.; Fotea, L.; Souto, R. M.
Evaluation of in vitro corrosion resistance and in vivo osseointegration properties of a FeMnSiCa alloy as potential degradable implant biomaterial
2021 Trinca, L. C.; Burtan, L.; Mareci, D.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Stoleriu, I.; Stanciu, T.; Stanciu, S.; Solcan, C.; Izquierdo, J.; Souto, R. M.
Evaluation of the corrosion protection of steel by anodic processing in metasilicate solution using the scanning vibrating electrode technique
2015 Izquierdo, J.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Martin-Ruiz, L.; Mena, V.; Rodriguez-Raposo, R.; Santana, J. J.; Souto, R. M.
Imaging Local Surface Reactivity on Stainless Steels 304 and 316 in Acid Chloride Solution using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy and the Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique
2014 Izquierdo, J.; Martin-Ruiz, L.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Fernandez-Merida, L.; Santana, J. J.; Souto, R. M.
Imaging of Concentration Distributions and Hydrogen Evolution on Corroding Magnesium Exposed to Aqueous Environments Using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
2016 Izquierdo, J.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Filotas, D.; Ori, Z.; Kiss, A.; Martin-Gomez, R. T.; Nagy, L.; Nagy, G.; Souto, R. M.
Improved potentiometric SECM imaging of galvanic corrosion reactions
2017 Filotas, D.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Izquierdo, J.; Kiss, A.; Nagy, L.; Nagy, G.; Souto, R. M.
In situ monitoring of the electrochemical reactivity of aluminium alloy AA6060 using the scanning vibrating electrode technique
2014 Izquierdo, J.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Santana, J. J.; Gonzalez, S.; Souto, R. M.
Inhibitive effect of sodium (E)-4-(4-nitrobenzylideneamino)benzoate on the corrosion of some metals in sodium chloride solution
2018 Talebian, M.; Raeissi, K.; Atapour, M.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Salarvand, Z.; Meghdadi, S.; Amirnasr, M.; Souto, R. M.
Insights into Tripodal Tris(pyrazolyl) Compounds as Ionophores for Potentiometric Ammonium Ion Sensing
2022 Colozza, N.; Casanova, A.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.; Crespo, G. A.; Flores, G. A.; Kavallieratos, K.; de Gracia, J.; Ahlquist, M.; Cuartero, M.
Investigating metal-inhibitor interaction with EQCM and SVET: 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole on Au, Cu and Au–Cu galvanic coupling
2018 Ramirez-Cano, J. A.; Veleva, L.; Souto, R. M.; Fernandez-Perez, B. M.