Changes in FAT/CD36, UCP2, UCP3 and GLUT4 gene expression during lipid infusion in rat skeletal and heart muscle
2002 Vettor, Roberto; Fabris, ROBERTO LUIGI; Serra, R; Lombardi, Am; Tonello, C; Granzotto, M; Marzolo, Mo; Carruba, Mo; Ricquier, D; Federspil, Giovanni; Nisoli, E.
Effect of sibutramine on glucose metabolism in genetically obese (fa/fa) Zucker rats
2000 Fabris, ROBERTO LUIGI; Granzotto, M; Pagano, Claudio; Lombardi, Am; Ferretti, E; Marzolo, M; Scagnol, I; Federspil, Giovanni; Vettor, Roberto
Effect of Sibutramine on Weight Management and Metabolic Control in Type 2 Diabetes: A meta-analysis of clinical studies
2005 Vettor, Roberto; Serra, R; Fabris, ROBERTO LUIGI; Pagano, Claudio; Federspil, Giovanni
Further lowering of muscle lipid oxidative capacity in obese subjects after biliopancreatic diversion
2004 Fabris, ROBERTO LUIGI; Mingrone, G; Milan, Gabriella; Manco, M; Granzotto, M; DALLA POZZA, A; Scarda, ALESSANDRO GINO; Serra, R; Greco, Av; Federspil, Giovanni; Vettor, Roberto
Neuroendocrine regulation of eating behavior.
2002 Vettor, Roberto; Fabris, ROBERTO LUIGI; Pagano, Claudio; Federspil, G.
Neuroendocrine regulation of feeding
2003 Vettor, Roberto; Fabris, ROBERTO LUIGI; Pagano, Claudio; Federspil, Giovanni
Preferential channelling of energy fuels toward fat rather than muscle during high free fatty acid availability in rats
2001 Fabris, ROBERTO LUIGI; Nisoli, E.; Lombardi, A. M.; Tonello, C.; Serra, R. .; Granzotto, M.; Cusin, I.; Rohnerjeanrenaud, F.; Federspil, Giovanni; Carruba, M. O.; Vettor, Roberto
Role of the 4G/5G polymorphism of PaI-1 gene promoter on PaI-1 levels in obese patients: influence of fat distribution and insulin-resistance
2001 Sartori, MARIA TERESA; Vettor, Roberto; DE PERGOLA, G; DE MITRIO, V; Saggiorato, G; DELLA MEA, P; Patrassi, Gm; Lombardi, Am; Fabris, ROBERTO LUIGI; Girolami, Antonio
Substrate competition and insulin action in animal models
2000 Vettor, Roberto; Lombardi, Am; Fabris, ROBERTO LUIGI; Serra, R; Pagano, Claudio; Macor, C; Federspil, Giovanni
Weight loss reduces anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies and improves inflammatory and coagulative parameters in obese patients
2016 Zanato, Veronica; Lombardi, ANNA-MARIA; Busetto, Luca; Prà, Chiara Dal; Foletto, Mirto; Prevedello, Luca; de Marinis, Giulia Berti; Fabris, Fabrizio; Vettor, Roberto; Fabris, ROBERTO LUIGI