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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Affective correlates of trichotillomania across the pulling cycle: Findings from an Italian sample of self-identified hair pullers 2016 BOTTESI, GIOIACEREA, SILVIASICA, CLAUDIOGHISI, MARTA + PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH - -
Anxiety sensitivity and obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions: Further evidence of specific relationships in a clinical sample 2017 GHISI, MARTABOTTESI, GIOIASICA, CLAUDIO + PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES - -
Behavioural inhibition and psychological features in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder and pathological gamblers. 2011 BOTTESI, GIOIAGHISI, MARTABOZ, FRANCESCOSICA, CLAUDIOSANAVIO, EZIO - - Abstract book of the 41st Annual European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT) Congress
Caratteristiche fenomenologiche e psicopatologiche in un gruppo clinico con tricotillomania 2013 GHISI, MARTABOTTESI, GIOIACEREA, SILVIASICA, CLAUDIOSANAVIO, EZIO - - Atti del II Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana 
Disturbo Ossessivo-Compulsivo (AIDOC)
Cognitive vulnerabilities in parents as a potential risk factor for anxiety symptoms in young adult offspring: An exploration of looming cognitive style 2017 SICA, CLAUDIOBOTTESI, GIOIAGHISI, MARTA + JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOR THERAPY AND EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHIATRY - -
Comprehensive Behavioral Therapy of Trichotillomania: A Multiple-Baseline Single-Case Experimental Design 2020 Bottesi, GioiaCerea, SilviaGranziol, UmbertoCarraro, EleonoraSica, ClaudioGhisi, Marta + FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY - -
Construct validity of “Not Just Right Experiences”: results from a picture-based assessment procedure 2019 Sica ClaudioBottesi GioiaGhisi Marta + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE THERAPY - -
Exploring the association between Intolerance of Uncertainty, Not Just Right Experiences and obsessive-compulsive features in an Italian community sample. 2016 Bottesi G.Ghisi M.DALLA VERDE, ALBERTOSica C. + - - Atti del 8th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT)
Facial expression movement enhances the measurement of temporal dynamics of attentional bias in the dot-probe task 2017 F CeccariniC Sica + BEHAVIOUR RESEARCH AND THERAPY - -
Factor structure and psychometric properties of the anxiety sensitivity index-3 in an Italian community sample 2016 GHISI, MARTABOTTESI, GIOIAALTOE', GIANMARCORAZZETTI, ENRICOSICA, CLAUDIO + FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY - -
Familial Patterns of Intolerance of Uncertainty: Preliminary Evidence in Female University Students 2020 Bottesi G.GURDERE, CERENCerea S.Sica C.Ghisi M. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE THERAPY - -
Impaired parenting and Dysfunctional Cognition in The Intergenerational Transmission of Anxiety and Depression 2013 SICA, CLAUDIOGHISI, MARTABOTTESI, GIOIA + - - Abstract book of the 47th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
Indagine preliminare inerente le caratteristiche fenomenologiche della tricotillomania in un gruppo clinico 2014 CEREA, SILVIABOTTESI, GIOIASICA, CLAUDIOGHISI, MARTA PSICOTERAPIA COGNITIVA E COMPORTAMENTALE - -
Intolerance of uncertainty, not just right experiences, and compulsive checking: Test of a moderated mediation model on a non-clinical sample 2017 BOTTESI, GIOIAGHISI, MARTASICA, CLAUDIO + COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY - -
Investigating the relationship between motor inhibition ability and Not Just Right Experience in patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 2012 BOTTESI, GIOIAGHISI, MARTASICA, CLAUDIOSANAVIO, EZIO - - Abstract book of the 42nd Annual European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT) Congress
Investigation of the affective correlates of trichotillomania in an Italian sample of clinical hair pullers. 2016 Bottesi G.Cerea S.Sica C.Ghisi M. + - - Atti del 46th Annual European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT) Congress
Investigation of the phenomenological and psychopathological features of trichotillomania in an Italian sample 2016 BOTTESI, GIOIACEREA, SILVIARAZZETTI, ENRICOSICA, CLAUDIOGHISI, MARTA + FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY - -
L’accordo sé-altro nella valutazione dei tratti maladattivi di personalità: l'utilizzo del Personality Inventory for DSM-5 e del Personality Inventory for DSM-5-Informant Form 2018 Gioia BottesiMarta GhisiClaudio Sica + - - Atti del XIX Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Terapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale (SITCC)
Not just right experiences in family: Family study of a non-clinical Italian sample 2013 BOTTESI, GIOIAGHISI, MARTASICA, CLAUDIO + - - Abstract book of the 43rd Annual European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT) Congress
Not Just Right Experiences, Disgust Proneness and Their Associations to Obsessive–Compulsive Symptoms: A Stringent Test with Structural Equation Modeling Analysis 2019 Sica C.Bottesi G.Ghisi M. + COGNITIVE THERAPY AND RESEARCH - -