Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali - DTG  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
50th anniversary article: Multiaxial fatigue testing of composites: From the pioneers to future directions 2015 QUARESIMIN, MARINO STRAIN - -
A Re-Analysis on Fatigue Data of Aluminium Alloy Bolted Joints 1997 QUARESIMIN, MARINO + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE - -
A bio-composite racing sailboat: Materials selection, design, manufacturing and sailing 2017 CASTEGNARO, STEFANOQUARESIMIN, MARINOLAZZARETTO, ANDREA + OCEAN ENGINEERING - -
A comprehensive description of interfibre failure in fibre reinforced composites 2015 CARRARO, PAOLO ANDREAZAPPALORTO, MICHELEQUARESIMIN, MARINO THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS - -
A damage-based model for crack initiation in unidirectional composites under multiaxial cyclic loading 2014 CARRARO, PAOLO ANDREAQUARESIMIN, MARINO COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - -
A damage-based model for mixed-mode crack propagation in composite laminates 2018 Carraro, P. A.Quaresimin, M. + COMPOSITES. PART A: APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING - -
A multi-scale and multi-mechanism approach for the fracture toughness assessment of polymer nanocomposites 2014 QUARESIMIN, MARINOSALVIATO, MARCOZAPPALORTO, MICHELE COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - -
A multiscale model to describe nanocomposite fracture toughness enhancement by the plastic yielding of nanovoids 2012 ZAPPALORTO, MICHELESALVIATO, MARCOQUARESIMIN, MARINO COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - -
A multiscale strategy for assessing the micro-scale stress distribution in the matrix of textile composites 2022 Lamon, FCarraro, PAMaragoni, LQuaresimin, M COMPOSITES. PART A: APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING - -
A novel method to include crack-induced delamination in a fatigue damage predictive procedure for composite laminates 2023 Maragoni L.Carraro P. A.Simonetto M.Quaresimin M. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - -
A novel pseudo-grain approach for the estimation of the elastic stress distributions within the matrix of short fiber-reinforced polymers 2018 Pietrogrande, RiccardoCarraro, Paolo AndreaQuaresimin, Marino + COMPOSITES. PART B, ENGINEERING - -
A numerical/experimental procedure for the assessment of the crash response of composite structures 2015 QUARESIMIN, MARINO + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE COMPOSITES - -
A re-analysis on fatigue data of aluminium alloy bolted joints 1997 ATZORI, BRUNOLAZZARIN, PAOLOQUARESIMIN, MARINO INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE - -
A stiffness degradation model for cracked multidirectional laminates with cracks in multiple layers 2015 CARRARO, PAOLO ANDREAQUARESIMIN, MARINO INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES - -
A two-term stress function approach to evaluate stress distributions in bonded joints of different geometries 2002 LAZZARIN, PAOLOQUARESIMIN, MARINOFERRO, PAOLO JOURNAL OF STRAIN ANALYSIS FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN - -
Advances in damage mechanics of polymer composites 2014 QUARESIMIN, MARINOZAPPALORTO, MICHELE + COMPOSITES. PART B, ENGINEERING - -
An efficient RVE formulation for the analysis of the elastic properties of spherical nanoparticle reinforced polymers 2015 PONTEFISSO, ALESSANDROZAPPALORTO, MICHELEQUARESIMIN, MARINO COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE - -
Analisi delle tensioni in giunti incollati testa a testa e a doppia sovrapposizione 2001 LAZZARIN, PAOLOQUARESIMIN, MARINOFERRO, PAOLO LAMIERA - -
Analytical model for the prediction of the piezoresistive behavior of CNT modified polymers 2017 Panozzo, FrancescoZappalorto, MicheleQuaresimin, Marino COMPOSITES. PART B, ENGINEERING - -
Analytical solution for the three-dimensional stress fields in anisotropic composite bimaterial corners 2015 ZAPPALORTO, MICHELECARRARO, PAOLO ANDREAQUARESIMIN, MARINO COMPOSITE STRUCTURES - -