Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.836
EU - Europa 3.043
AS - Asia 1.586
SA - Sud America 13
AF - Africa 10
OC - Oceania 5
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 13.496
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.806
IT - Italia 1.713
CN - Cina 636
SG - Singapore 560
FI - Finlandia 252
DE - Germania 235
SE - Svezia 212
FR - Francia 192
UA - Ucraina 184
IN - India 105
VN - Vietnam 97
GB - Regno Unito 72
RU - Federazione Russa 58
KR - Corea 47
JP - Giappone 44
HK - Hong Kong 29
NL - Olanda 26
BE - Belgio 20
CH - Svizzera 20
IE - Irlanda 17
NO - Norvegia 17
MX - Messico 16
CA - Canada 14
IR - Iran 13
TR - Turchia 12
TW - Taiwan 12
BR - Brasile 11
ES - Italia 8
IQ - Iraq 7
TH - Thailandia 7
SA - Arabia Saudita 6
DK - Danimarca 4
DZ - Algeria 4
GR - Grecia 4
ID - Indonesia 4
AU - Australia 3
EU - Europa 3
PL - Polonia 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
LB - Libano 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PT - Portogallo 2
AT - Austria 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CL - Cile 1
EG - Egitto 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
KE - Kenya 1
PK - Pakistan 1
RO - Romania 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SI - Slovenia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 13.496
Città #
Fairfield 1.005
Woodbridge 982
Jacksonville 785
Houston 738
Ann Arbor 708
Chandler 563
Wilmington 485
Singapore 399
Ashburn 396
Seattle 380
Santa Clara 330
Cambridge 319
Boardman 241
Padova 219
Princeton 205
Beijing 176
Medford 129
San Diego 112
Milan 105
Nanjing 103
Dong Ket 97
Helsinki 87
Roxbury 83
Des Moines 79
Rome 60
Hebei 47
Shenyang 42
Guangzhou 34
Tappahannock 31
Verona 30
Nanchang 28
Changsha 27
Norwalk 27
Jiaxing 26
Redwood City 26
Vicenza 26
Venice 25
Hong Kong 23
London 21
Naples 20
Tianjin 20
Gaithersburg 17
New York 17
Trondheim 17
Dallas 16
Shanghai 16
Indiana 15
Dublin 14
Seoul 13
Chihuahua City 12
Kassel 12
Trieste 12
Udine 12
Chicago 11
Jinan 11
Turin 10
Venezia 10
Baudour 9
Florence 9
Kurume 9
Ogden 9
Saga 9
Zhengzhou 9
Banqiao 8
Lynchburg 8
Recoaro Terme 8
Vigonza 8
Cornuda 7
Genoa 7
Hangzhou 7
Ottawa 7
Selvazzano Dentro 7
Spinea 7
Bologna 6
Borgo a Mozzano 6
Borås 6
Cadoneghe 6
Duncan 6
Kharkiv 6
Lonigo 6
Marcon 6
Mira 6
Scorzè 6
Tokyo 6
Yenibosna 6
Yeongdeungpo-gu 6
Ancona 5
Bari 5
Casier 5
Fossalunga 5
Modena 5
Murano 5
Palermo 5
Piove di Sacco 5
Porto Alegre 5
Pune 5
Rockville 5
Seongbuk-gu 5
Taranto 5
Torre del Greco 5
Totale 9.730
Nome #
Elementi di gasdinamica 1.225
ARIA UMIDA: teoria e applicazioni 277
I fluidi frigorigeni. Processi di sostituzione e nuove frontiere tecnologiche 241
Pressure drop during condensation and vaporisation of refrigerants inside enhanced tubes. 196
Effect of cross sectional shape during condensation in a single square minichannel 171
Analysis and prediction of condensation heat transfer of the zeotropic mixture R-125/236ea 166
Heat transfer during air flow in aluminum foams 134
A new model for forced-convection condensation on integral-fin tubes 134
A new computational procedure for heat transfer and pressure drop during refrigerant condensation inside enhanced tubes 131
Performance of a large capacity propane heat pump with low charge heat exchangers 130
Condensation inside and outside smooth and enhanced tubes - a review of recent research 130
Pressure drop during air flow in aluminum foams 128
A tube-in-tube water/zeotropic mixture condenser: design procedure against experimental data 127
Two-phase frictional pressure gradient of R236ea, R134a and R410A inside multi-port mini-channels 126
The importance of turbulence during condensation in a horizontal circular minichannel 126
Condensation of pure and near-azeotropic refrigerants in microfin tubes: A new computational procedure 125
Intube condensation of halogenated refrigerants: a new predictive model 125
Condensation Heat Transfer and Pressure Gradient Inside Multiport Minichannels 121
Condensation of R134a inside a horizontal microfin and smooth tube: experimental heat transfer and flow pattern visualization 121
Foam height effects on heat transfer performance of 20 ppi aluminum foams 120
Carbon dioxide as a natural refrigerant 120
Frictional pressure drop during vapour-liquid flow in minichannels: Modelling and experimental evaluation 118
A model for condensation inside minichannels 117
Low GWP refrigerants condensation inside a 2.4 mm ID microfin tube 111
Shell-and-Tube Minichannel Condenser for Low Refrigerant Charge 109
Heat Transfer Performance of Aluminum Foams 109
Flow patterns during condensation of refrigerants inside enhanced tubes 105
Experimental study on condensation heat transfer inside a single circular minichannel 105
Experiments on dry-out during flow boiling in a round minichannel 104
Condensation of Halogenated Refrigerants Inside Smooth Tubes 104
Condensation heat transfer and pressure losses of high- and low-pressure refrigerants flowing in a single circular minichannel 104
Heat transfer and pressure drop during condensation of the low GWP refrigerant R1234yf 103
Dryout during flow boiling in a single circular minichannel: experimentation and modelling 103
Thermophysical Properties and Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Performance Potentials of Hydrofluoro-olefins, Hydrochlorofluoro-olefins and their blends 103
Foam height effects on heat transfer performance of 20 PPI aluminum foams 102
Flow boiling of R1234yf in a 1 mm diameter channel 102
In-tube condensation performance of refrigerants considering penalization terms (exergy losses) for heat transfer and pressure drop 102
Condensation heat transfer inside multi-port minichannels 101
Heat transfer and pressure drop of natural refrigerants in minichannels (low charge equipment) 101
Performance of finned coil condensers optimized for new HFC refrigerants 100
Shell-and-Tube Minichannel Condenser for Low Refrigerant Charge 100
Heat transfer and pressure drop experimentation inside single minichannels 99
Experimental investigation on condensation heat transfer and pressure drop of new HFC refrigerants (R134a, R125, R32, R410A, R236ea) in a horizontal smooth tube 96
Pressure drop during two-phase flow of R134a and R32 in a single minichannel 96
Modelling of Condensation in a Circular Minichannel by Means of the VOF Method 95
Condensation in horizontal smooth tubes: a new heat transfer model for heat exchangers design. 94
Experimental investigation of R1234ze(E) flow boiling inside a 2.4 mm ID horizontal microfin tube 94
Experimental study of condensation inside a horizontal single square minichannel 92
Effect of minichannel cross sectional shape in condensation 90
Air flow in aluminum foam: heat transfer and pressure drops measurements 90
Experimental heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop during condensation of R22 and R407C inside a horizontal microfin tube 89
Flow boiling inside a single circular minichannel: measurement of local heat transfer coefficient. 87
Two-stage transcritical carbon dioxide cycle optimisation: A theoretical and experimental analysis 87
Experimental investigation on condensation heat transfer coefficient inside multi-port minichannels 86
Heat transfer and pressure drop during condensation of refrigerants inside horizontal enhanced tubes 85
A tube-in-tube water/zeotropic mixture condenser: designing procedure against experimental data 85
Update on Condensation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop inside Minichannels 83
Experimental and analytical study of heat transfer and fluid flow through aluminum foams 82
Porosity effects on thermal behaviour of 10 PPI aluminum foam 81
Unsteady-state analysis of the compression cycle of a hermetic reciprocating compressor 81
Condensation of zeotropic mixtures in horizontal tubes: new simplified heat transfer model based on flow regimes 81
Flow boiling of refrigerants inside a single circular minichannel. 80
New model for forced-convection condensation on integral-fin tubes 80
Measurement of pressure gradient during two-phase flow inside multi-port mini-channels 79
Update on condensation heat transfer and pressure drop inside minichannels 79
Condensation Flow Patterns Inside Plain and Microfin Tubes: a Review 79
A new experimental test rig for the thermal-fluid-dynamic characterization of enhanced surfaces during single phase air flow 78
A new model for refrigerant condensation on the outside of three-dimentional enhanced tubes 78
Pure vapour condensation of refrigerants 11 and 113 on a horizontal integral finned tube at high vapour velocity 78
R1234yf Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Inside a 2.4-mm Microfin Tube 78
Convective air heat transfer through 10 PPI aluminum foams 76
Condensation of new refrigerants inside smooth and enhanced tubes 76
Thermodynamic properties of eight fluorinated olefins 75
Methods for predicting the condensation heat transfer of zeotropic mixtures of refrigerants 75
Flow boiling of R1234yf in a 1 mm diameter channel 75
Scambio termico durante la condensazione in tubi a superficie intensificata: R22, R134a e R407C a confronto 75
Sustainability with prospective refrigerants 74
Experimental Heat Transfer Coefficients during External Condensation of Halogenated Refrigerants on Enhanced Tubes 69
Forced convection condensation inside minichannels: guidelines for a new predictive procedure 67
Heat and mass transfer and flow patterns during absorption of steam in LiBr + water falling film 66
Local heat transfer coefficient during condensation in a 0.8 mm diameter pipe 65
Condensation of pure saturated vapor on the outside of tube bundles 65
Simulation of Condensation in a Circular Minichannel: Application of VOF Method and Turbulence Model 64
Experimental Investigations on Condensate Flow Patterns on Enhanced Tubes 64
Intube condensation with refrigerants 63
Patterns of LiBr + water falling film in presence of surfactants 62
Refrigerant vaporization inside enhanced tubes: a heat transfer model 62
Heat transfer and pressure drop of natural refrigerants in minichannels (low charge equipment) 62
Refrigerant vaporisation inside enhanced tubes: a heat transfer model 61
Forced convection in enhanced surfaces: heat transfer and pressure drop measurements. 59
A new model for refrigerant condensation inside enhanced tubes. 59
R1234yf condensation inside a 3.4 mm ID horizontal microfin tube [Condensation de R1234yf dans un tube horizontal à micro-ailette de diamètre intérieur de 3,4 mm] 59
Carbon dioxide as a refrigerant 58
Condensation of refrigerants in smooth tubes: a new heat transfer model for heat exchangers design 58
Condensation heat transfer in annular flow:a new predictive model for pure fluids 58
Totale 10.814
Categoria #
all - tutte 42.782
article - articoli 16.759
book - libri 2.988
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 736
Totale 63.265

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.093 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 222 216 244 285 126
2020/20211.820 36 142 34 160 103 266 89 168 282 142 213 185
2021/20221.818 39 248 191 102 80 187 54 216 142 43 187 329
2022/20231.673 285 39 25 143 316 253 35 165 269 23 74 46
2023/20241.071 81 200 93 117 70 45 60 68 67 42 125 103
2024/20251.584 71 376 180 139 562 94 113 49 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.575