Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.133
EU - Europa 1.211
AS - Asia 1.167
AF - Africa 9
OC - Oceania 6
SA - Sud America 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 9.533
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.108
SG - Singapore 539
IT - Italia 406
CN - Cina 404
FI - Finlandia 176
SE - Svezia 160
DE - Germania 123
VN - Vietnam 122
GB - Regno Unito 89
FR - Francia 82
IN - India 44
RU - Federazione Russa 27
UA - Ucraina 27
ES - Italia 22
CA - Canada 21
PT - Portogallo 21
NL - Olanda 20
GR - Grecia 15
IE - Irlanda 15
HK - Hong Kong 11
JP - Giappone 10
MY - Malesia 8
IR - Iran 6
KR - Corea 6
SI - Slovenia 6
AU - Australia 5
BD - Bangladesh 5
BW - Botswana 4
CH - Svizzera 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
TR - Turchia 4
BE - Belgio 3
MA - Marocco 3
MN - Mongolia 3
AT - Austria 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
BR - Brasile 2
CL - Cile 2
CO - Colombia 2
MX - Messico 2
PL - Polonia 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
CU - Cuba 1
CY - Cipro 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EU - Europa 1
HN - Honduras 1
HU - Ungheria 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PK - Pakistan 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 9.533
Città #
Fairfield 1.102
Woodbridge 964
Houston 582
Ann Arbor 559
Ashburn 468
Singapore 453
Wilmington 372
Seattle 363
Cambridge 343
Chandler 337
Boardman 251
Santa Clara 200
Princeton 144
Medford 137
San Diego 125
Dong Ket 121
Jacksonville 114
Padova 106
Beijing 84
Des Moines 82
Helsinki 67
Nanjing 63
Roxbury 63
Milan 25
Shenyang 23
Nanchang 21
Norwalk 20
Hebei 18
Lappeenranta 17
Lisbon 15
Dublin 14
Rome 14
Turin 13
Changsha 12
London 12
Jiaxing 11
Ogden 11
Jinan 10
Ottawa 10
Florence 9
Munich 9
Tianjin 9
Guangzhou 8
Petaling Jaya 8
Brendola 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Fremont 7
Monopoli 7
New York 7
Pisa 7
Teo 7
Zhengzhou 7
Amsterdam 6
Anguillara Veneta 6
Borås 6
Cagliari 6
Hong Kong 6
Ljubljana 6
Paese 6
Spinea 6
Vicenza 6
Dhaka 5
Kharkiv 5
Madrid 5
Naples 5
Prescot 5
Rockville 5
Shanghai 5
Washington 5
A Coruña 4
Bologna 4
Chiampo 4
Ferrara 4
Gaborone 4
Kilburn 4
Kolkata 4
Korydallos 4
Modena 4
Nuremberg 4
Pilsen 4
Pittsburgh 4
Toronto 4
Verona 4
Waltham 4
Ahmedabad 3
Arzignano 3
Birmingham 3
Casablanca 3
Choibalsan 3
Dallas 3
Dietzenbach 3
Falls Church 3
Haikou 3
Hefei 3
Kunming 3
Legnaro 3
Livorno 3
Newham 3
Perth 3
Phoenix 3
Totale 7.647
Nome #
Statistical Stemmers: A Reproducibility Study 152
NESTOR: A formal model for digital archives 150
A Framework for Citing Nanopublications 131
PROMISE - Participative Research labOratory for Multimedia and Multilingual Information Systems Evaluation 130
Focal elements of neural information retrieval models. An outlook through a reproducibility study 130
Data credit distribution: A new method to estimate databases impact 130
Digital Library Interoperability at High Level of Abstraction 128
On Synergies Between Information Retrieval and Digital Libraries 128
Digital Libraries: From Digital Resources to Challenges in Scientific Data Sharing and Re-Use 127
A Methodology for Citing Linked Open Data Subsets 124
Access and Exchange of Hierarchically Structured Resources on the Web with the NESTOR Framework 118
DIRECTions: Design and Specification of an IR Evaluation Infrastructure 113
A geolinguistic web application based on linked open data 110
A linked open data approach for geolinguistics applications 110
Thirty Years of Digital Libraries Research at the University of Padua: The User Side 109
3.5K runs, 5K topics, 3M assessments and 70M measures: What trends in 10 years of Adhoc-ish CLEF? 108
A Methodology for Sharing Archival Descriptive Metadata in a Distributed Environment 103
SIAR: A User-Centric Digital Archive System 102
Automating data citation: the eagle-i experience 100
Towards a semantic web enabled representation of DL foundational models: The quality domain example 99
Measuring Syntactic Distances between Dialects: A Web Application for Annotating Dialectal Data 98
Overview of iDPP@CLEF 2022: The Intelligent Disease Progression Prediction Challenge 97
Descendants, Ancestors, Children and Parent: A Set-Based Approach to Efficiently Address XPath Primitives 97
Learning to Cite Framework: How to Automatically Construct Citations for Hierarchical Data 97
VIRTUE: A Visual Tool for Information Retrieval Performance Evaluation and Failure Analysis 96
The PREFORMA project: Federating memory institutions for better compliance of preservation formats 96
Modeling Archives by means of OAI-ORE 94
Semantic Representation and Enrichment of Information Retrieval Experimental Data 94
Thirty Years of Digital Libraries Research at the University of Padua: The Systems Side 94
Overview of iDPP@CLEF 2023: The Intelligent Disease Progression Prediction Challenge 93
An ontology to make the DELOS reference model and the 5S model interoperable 92
SIAR: A User-Centric Digital Archive System 91
Search Text to Retrieve Graphs: A Scalable RDF Keyword-Based Search System 86
FAST and NESTOR: How to Exploit Annotation Hierarchies 86
A System for Exposing Linguistic Linked Open Data 83
CLAIRE: A combinatorial visual analytics system for information retrieval evaluation 83
Improving Ranking Evaluation Employing Visual Analytics 82
An Innovative Approach to Data Management and Curation of Experimental Data Generated Through IR Test Collections 82
Probabilistic Word Embeddings in Neural IR: A Promising Model That Does Not Work as Expected (For Now) 82
An Open Source System Architecture for Digital Geolinguistic Linked Open Data 81
A Scalable Virtual Document-Based Keyword Search System for RDF Datasets 80
A Visual Interactive Environment for Making Sense of Experimental Data 79
Measuring and Analyzing the Scholarly Impact of Experimental Evaluation Initiatives 79
Empowering Archives Through Annotations 78
Formal Models for Digital Archives: NESTOR and the 5S 78
Handling Hierarchically Structured Resources Addressing Interoperability Issues in Digital Libraries 77
Evaluation of Conformance Checkers for Long-Term Preservation of Multimedia Documents 76
A General Linear Mixed Models Approach to Study System Component Effects 75
Learning Unsupervised Knowledge-Enhanced Representations to Reduce the Semantic Gap in Information Retrieval 75
Keyword-based Search over Databases: A Roadmap for a Reference Architecture Paired with an Evaluation Framework 73
The NESTOR Framework: How toHandle Hierarchical Data Structures 72
A curated and evolving linguistic linked dataset 72
PROMISE Retreat Report: Prospects and Opportunities for Information Access Evaluation 72
Cumulated Relative Position: A Metric for Ranking Evaluation 71
The Twist Measure for IR Evaluation: Taking User's Effort into Account 71
The Evaluation Approach of IPSA@CULTURA 71
Proposta metodologica per la gestione distribuita e condivisa di collezioni di documenti digitali 68
Cumulated Relative Position: A Metric for Ranking Evaluation 67
Theory and Practice of Data Citation 67
A Distributed Digital Library System Architecture for Archive Metadata 66
Visual Interactive Failure Analysis: Supporting Users in Information Retrieval Evaluation 66
Advances in Information Retrieval. Proc. 38th European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2016) 66
IR Scientific Data: How to Semantically Represent and Enrich Them 65
Supervised lexicon extraction for emotion classification 64
Enabling Cross-Language Access to Archival Metadata 63
A Rule-Based Citation System for Structured and Evolving Datasets 63
Digital Archives: Extending the 5S Model through NESTOR 63
The CLEF Monolingual Grid of Points 61
Search, access, and explore life science nanopublications on the Web 61
"Data Citation is Coming". Introduction to the Special Issue on Data Citation 60
An Architecture to Share Metadata among Geographically Distributed Archives 59
Enriching Digital Cultural Heritage Collections via Annotations: The CULTURA approach 59
A Set-Based Approach to Deal with Hierarchical Structures 59
PROMISE winter school 2013 bridging between information retrieval and databases 57
Information Retrieval Failure Analysis: Visual analytics as a Support for Interactive "What-If" Investigation 56
Data Citation: a Computational Challenge 56
Unfolding Off-the-shelf IR Systems for Reproducibility 53
Learning to Cite: Transfer Learning for Digital Archives 53
Gender stereotype reinforcement: Measuring the gender bias conveyed by ranking algorithms 53
Visual Analytics for Information Retrieval Evaluation (VAIRË 2015)Advances in Information Retrieval 52
IEEE TCDL Special Issue on Data Citation 52
An Architecture to Share Metadata among Geographically Distributed Archives 50
PROMISE Retreat Report - Prospects and Opportunities for Information Access 50
A Visual Analytics Approach for What-If Analysis of Information Retrieval Systems 50
The Road Towards Reproducibility in Science: The Case of Data Citation 50
Visual Interactive Failure Analysis: Supporting Users in Information Retrieval Evaluation 48
Towards an Anatomy of IR System Component Performances 48
Medical Retrieval using Structured Information Extracted from Knowledge Bases 46
Comparing methodologies: Linked open data and digital libraries 45
Metodologie e percorsi interdisciplinari per la ideazione di un Sistema Informativo Archivistico 44
Proposta metodologica e architetturale per la gestione distribuita e condivisa di collezioni di documenti digitali 44
A Model for Fine-Grained Data Citation 44
Component-Based Evaluation using GLMM 44
Neural Feature Selection for Learning to Rank 44
Intelligent Disease Progression Prediction: Overview of iDPP@CLEF 2022 42
Measuring gender stereotype reinforcement in information retrieval systems 42
A Visual Analytics Tool for Experimental Evaluation 41
Biblioteche digitali tra modellazione, gestione e valutazione 41
CLEF 15th Birthday: What Can We Learn From Ad Hoc Retrieval?Information Access Evaluation. Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction 41
A Perspective Look at Keyword-based Search Over Relation Data and its Evaluation 41
Totale 7.769
Categoria #
all - tutte 39.963
article - articoli 12.429
book - libri 249
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 630
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.430
Totale 56.701

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.003 0 0 0 0 0 110 152 214 192 160 117 58
2020/20211.187 81 117 133 81 73 51 37 94 154 79 120 167
2021/20221.557 36 214 203 124 56 107 73 157 80 37 121 349
2022/2023998 226 16 3 75 205 128 10 82 145 6 66 36
2023/2024876 50 107 109 85 40 46 52 76 31 45 107 128
2024/20251.340 37 384 188 181 463 87 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.729