Dipartimento di Scienze Cardio-Toraco-Vascolari e Sanita' Pubblica  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
'Hot phase' clinical presentation in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy 2021 Bariani, RiccardoCipriani, AlbertoRizzo, StefaniaCeleghin, RudyBueno Marinas, MariaDe Gaspari, MonicaRigato, IlariaLeoni, LoiraZorzi, AlessandroDe Lazzari, ManuelRampazzo, AlessandraIliceto, SabinoThiene, GaetanoCorrado, DomenicoPilichou, KalliopiBasso, CristinaPerazzolo Marra, MartinaBauce, Barbara + EUROPACE - -
351Cannabinoids-induced toxic myocarditis underlying apical ballooning syndrome: a case proven by combined cardiac magnetic resonance and endomyocardial biopsy 2019 Carrer, ACipriani, ARizzo, SGiorgi, BCacciavillani, LTarantini, GBasso, CIliceto, SPerazzolo Marra, M + EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL. CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING - -
3D speckle tracking does not allow to characterize transmurality of myocardial necrosis in individual left ventricular segments 2011 MURARU, DENISABADANO, LUIGIPERAZZOLO MARRA, MARTINADE LAZZARI, MANUELCUCCHINI, UMBERTOERMACORA, DAVIDEILICETO, SABINO + EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL - -
529Relationship between ventricular mechanics and fibro-fatty replacement on cardiac magnetic resonance in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy 2019 Perazzolo Marra, MBariani, RCipriani, ARizzon, GGiorgi, BQuaia, EBasso, CCorrado, DRigato, IBauce, BTona, FIliceto, S + EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL. CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING - -
[ANMCO/SIC Consensus document on the management of myocarditis] 2020 Basso, CristinaCaforio, AlidaPerazzolo Marra, Martina + GIORNALE ITALIANO DI CARDIOLOGIA - -
[Combined treatment of refractory cardiac arrest by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and therapeutic hypothermia]. 2013 GASPARETTO, NICOLATARANTINI, GIUSEPPEPERAZZOLO MARRA, MARTINABIANCO, ROBERTOILICETO, SABINOCACCIAVILLANI, LUISA GIORNALE ITALIANO DI CARDIOLOGIA - -
A Case of Occult Myocarditis Causing Fatal Arrhythmia in a Cystic Fibrosis Patient Subjected to Retransplantation 2021 Mammana, M.Dell'Amore, A.Ferrigno, P.Faccioli, E.Marra, M. PerazzoloBasso, C.Calabrese, F.Rea, F. THE JOURNAL OF HEART AND LUNG TRANSPLANTATION - ISHLT
A Comprehensive Analysis of Non-Desmosomal Rare Genetic Variants in Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy: Integrating in Padua Cohort Literature-Derived Data 2024 Cason, MarcoBariani, RiccardoDe Gaspari, MonicaPinci, SerenaCipriani, AlbertoZorzi, AlessandroRizzo, StefaniaPerazzolo Marra, MartinaCorrado, DomenicoBasso, CristinaBauce, BarbaraPilichou, Kalliopi + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - -
A targeted next-generation gene panel reveals a novel heterozygous nonsense variant in the TP63 gene in patients with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy 2019 Poloni, GiuliaCalore, MartinaRigato, IlariaMinervini, GiovanniMazzotti, ElisaLorenzon, AlessandraTelatin, AndreaZARA, IVANOSimionati, BarbaraPerazzolo Marra, MartinaPONTI, JESSICAOcchi, GianlucaVitiello, LiberoDaliento, LucianoThiene, GaetanoBasso, CristinaCorrado, DomenicoTosatto, SilvioBauce, BarbaraRampazzo, AlessandraDe Bortoli, Marzia + HEART RHYTHM - -
Abstract 12559: Functional Autoantibodies Against Angiotensin II Receptor Type 1 and Endothelin-1 Receptor Type A Predict Adverse Remodeling and Cardiovascular Events After Acute Myocardial Infarction 2023 Civieri, GiovanniMasiero, GiuliaPerazzolo Marra, MartinaVadori, MartaIop, LauraCozzi, EmanueleIliceto, SabinoTona, Francesco CIRCULATION - -
Abstract 12646: Autoantibodies Targeting Endothelin Type-A Receptors Associate With no Reflow After ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction 2023 Civieri, GiovanniPerazzolo Marra, MartinaMasiero, GiuliaVadori, MartaIop, LauraCozzi, EmanueleIliceto, SabinoTona, Francesco CIRCULATION - -
Accuracy and reproducibility of three-dimensional echo left ventricular volumes obtained using completely automated and manually edited endocardial border tracing algorithms 2014 CECCHETTO, ANTONELLAMURARU, DENISAPERAZZOLO MARRA, MARTINACUCCHINI, UMBERTOPELUSO, DILETTA MARIAILICETO, SABINOBADANO, LUIGI + EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL - -
Accuracy and reproducibility of three-dimensional echo left ventricular volumes obtained using completely automated and manually edited endocardial border tracing algorithms 2014 MURARU, DENISACECCHETTO, ANTONELLAPERAZZOLO MARRA, MARTINACUCCHINI, UMBERTOPELUSO, DILETTA MARIAILICETO, SABINOBADANO, LUIGI + JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY - -
Acute decompensated heart failure in young woman with lymphoproliferative disorder 2013 De Lazzari, M.Calabro', F.Perazzolo Marra, M.Fedrigo, M.Tarantini, G.Adami, F.Thiene, G.Iliceto, S.Angelini, A.Tona, F. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL - -
Added Value of CCTA-Derived Features to Predict MACEs in Stable Patients Undergoing Coronary Computed Tomography 2022 Pergola, ValeriaCabrelle, GiulioMattesi, GiuliaCattarin, SimoneFurlan, AntonioDellino, Carlo MariaContinisio, SaverioMontonati, CarolinaGiorgino, AdelaideGiraudo, ChiaraLeoni, LoiraBariani, RiccardoBarbiero, GiulioBauce, BarbaraMele, DonatoPerazzolo Marra, MartinaIliceto, SabinoMotta, Raffaella + DIAGNOSTICS - -
Analytical and clinical evaluation of a new heart-type fatty acid-binding protein automated assay 2006 PERAZZOLO MARRA, MARTINAILICETO, SABINOPLEBANI, MARIO + CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE - -
Anti-Heart and Anti-Intercalated Disk Autoantibodies in Acute Myocardial Infarction with Normal Coronary Arteries are noninvasive serum markers of probable immune-mediated myocarditis. 2011 Caforio APerazzolo Marra M + EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL - -
Apical ballooning with mid-ventricular obstruction: the many faces of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. 2013 SPADOTTO, VERONICAZORZI, ALESSANDROMIGLIORE, FEDERICOPERAZZOLO MARRA, MARTINA + GLOBAL CARDIOLOGY SCIENCE & PRACTICE - -
Apico-Basal Gradient Of Left Ventricular Myocardial Edema Underlies Transient T-Wave Inversion And Qt Interval Prolongation (Wellens' Ecg Pattern) In Tako-Tsubo Cardiomyopathy. 2012 PERAZZOLO MARRA, MARTINAZORZI, ALESSANDRODE LAZZARI, MANUELMIGLIORE, FEDERICOTONA, FRANCESCOTARANTINI, GIUSEPPEILICETO, SABINOCORRADO, DOMENICO + HEART RHYTHM - -
Apicobasal gradient of left ventricular myocardial edema underlies transient T-wave inversion and QT interval prolongation (Wellens’ ECG pattern) in Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy 2013 PERAZZOLO MARRA, MARTINADE LAZZARI, MANUELMIGLIORE, FEDERICOTONA, FRANCESCOTARANTINI, GIUSEPPEILICETO, SABINOCORRADO, DOMENICO + HEART RHYTHM - -