Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche - DiSC  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Characterisation of Solute Mobility in Hypercross-Linked Resins in Solvents of Different Polarity: Two Promising Supports for Catalysis 2012 BORTOLUS, MARCOCENTOMO, PAOLOZECCA, MARCOMANIERO, ANNA LISA + CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL - -
Characterization of Synthetic Iron Oxides and their Performance as Support for Au Catalysts 2010 CENTOMO, PAOLOZECCA, MARCODI NOTO, VITOLAVINA, SANDRABOMBI, GIUSEPPE GIORGIONODARI, LUCASALVIULO, GABRIELLA + CHEMCATCHEM - -
Chemoselective and re-usable heterogeneous catalysts for the direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide in the liquid phase under non-explosive conditions and in the absence of chemoselectivity enhancers. 2009 CAMPESTRINI, SANDROCENTOMO, PAOLOCANU, PAOLOCORAIN, BENEDETTO + APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL - -
Comparing Catalysts of the Direct Synthesis of Hydrogen Peroxide in Organic Solvent: is the Measure of the Product an Issue? 2021 Sandri F.Danieli M.Zecca M.Centomo P. CHEMCATCHEM - -
Comprehensive in-situ and ex-situ analysis of the phase evolution during the synthesis of CoO nanostructures in tetra-ethylene glycol In corso di stampa Paolo Centomo + JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH - -
Cross-linked poly-vinyl polymers versus polyureas as designed supports for catalytically active M-0 nanoclusters Part II. Pd-0/cross-linked poly-vinyl polymers versus Pd-0/EnCat (TM) 30NP in mild hydrogenation reactions 2009 CENTOMO, PAOLOZECCA, MARCOCORAIN, BENEDETTO + JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL - -
Cross-Linked Polymers as Scaffolds for the Low-Temperature Preparation of Nanostructured Metal Oxides 2020 Centomo P.Zecca M.Biffis A. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL - -
Cross-linked polyvinyl polymers versus polyureas as designed supports for catalytically active M-0 nanoclustersPart III. Nanometer scale structure of the cross-linked polyurea support EnCat 30 and of the Pd-II/EnCat 30 and Pd-0/EnCat 30NP catalysts 2009 CENTOMO, PAOLOZECCA, MARCOZOLEO, ALFONSOMANIERO, ANNA LISACORAIN, BENEDETTO + PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS - -
Direct Synthesis of Hydrogen Peroxide under Semi-Batch Conditions over Un-Promoted Palladium Catalysts Supported by Ion-Exchange Sulfonated Resins: Effects of the Support Morphology 2019 FRISON, FRANCESCODALLA VALLE, CHIARACentomo, PaoloZecca, Marco + CATALYSTS - -
Dry- and swollen-state morphology of novel high surface area polymers 2014 STERCHELE, STEFANOCENTOMO, PAOLOZECCA, MARCO + MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS - -
Effect of the Sulfonation on the Swollen State Morphology of Styrenic Cross-Linked Polymers 2020 Chiara Dalla ValleMarco ZeccaFederico RastrelliCristina TubaroPaolo Centomo POLYMERS - -
EXAFS in situ: The effect of bromide on Pd during the catalytic direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide 2015 CENTOMO, PAOLOSTERCHELE, STEFANOZECCA, MARCO + CATALYSIS TODAY - -
Functional Resins as Hydrophylic Supports for Nanoclustered Pd(0) and Pd(0)-Au(0) Catalysts Designed for the Direct Synthesis of Hydrogen Peroxide 2006 CENTOMO, PAOLOBIFFIS, ANDREACAMPESTRINI, SANDROCORAIN, BENEDETTO + ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS - -
Functional resins as innovative supports for catalytically active metal nanoclusters 2003 CORAIN, BENEDETTOCENTOMO, PAOLO + JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL - -
Gel-type and macroporous cross-linked copolymers functionalized with acid groups for the hydrolysis of wheat straw pretreated with an ionic liquid 2019 LAVARDA, GIULIACentomo P.Zecca M. + CATALYSTS - -
Generation of size-controlled gold(0) and palladium(0) nanoclusters inside the nanoporous domains of gel-type functional resins - Part I: Synthetic aspects and first catalytic data in the liquid phase 2005 CORAIN, BENEDETTOBURATO, CLAUDIOCENTOMO, PAOLO + JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL - -
Generation of size-controlled palladium (0) and gold (0) nanoclusters inside the nanoporous domains of gel-type functional resins. Part II: Prospects for oxidation catalysis in the liquid phase 2005 BURATO, CLAUDIOCENTOMO, PAOLOCORAIN, BENEDETTO + JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL - -
Generation of size-controlled Pd-0 nanoclusters inside nanoporous domains of gel-type resins: Diverse and convergent evidence that supports a strategy of template-controlled synthesis 2004 CENTOMO, PAOLO + ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION - -
Highly Hydrophilic Copolymers of N,N-Dimethylacrylamide, Acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid, and Ethylenedimethacrylate: Nanoscale Morphology in the Swollen State and Use as Exotemplates for Synthesis of Nanostructured Ferric Oxide 2012 CENTOMO, PAOLOZOLEO, ALFONSOMANIERO, ANNA LISAZECCA, MARCO + CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL - -
Hybrid phase metal catalysis based on cross-linked functional polymers: past expectations and present prospects 2004 CORAIN, BENEDETTOCENTOMO, PAOLOZECCA, MARCO LA CHIMICA E L'INDUSTRIA - -