Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita" - DM
About students' understanding and learning of the concept of surface area
2003 Bonotto, Cinzia
About the role of real-world knowledge and experiencesin mathematical modelling
2009 Bonotto, Cinzia
Artifacts: influencing practice and supporting problem posing in the mathematics classrooms
2009 Bonotto, Cinzia
Bonotto, C. & Dal Santo L. On the Relationship Between Problem Posing, Problem Solving and Creativity in the Primary School
2015 Bonotto, Cinzia; Dal Santo, Lisa
Engaging primary school students in meaningful mathematical activities.
2018 Bonotto, Cinzia; Baroni, Marzia
Explorative Study on Realistic Mathematical Modeling
2007 Bonotto, Cinzia
Extending students' understanding of decimal numbers via realistic mathematical modeling and problem posing
2006 Bonotto, Cinzia
From the decimal number as a measure to the decimal number as a mental object
2001 Bonotto, Cinzia
How can the use of suitable cultural artifacts as didactic materials facilitate and make more effective mathematics leaerning
2003 Bonotto, Cinzia; Ceroni, G.
How it is possible to make real-world mathematics more visible: some results from two Italian Projects.
2013 Bonotto, Cinzia
How to replace the word problem solving activities with activities of realistic mathematical modeling
2004 Bonotto, Cinzia
How to Replace the Word Problems with Activities of Realistic Mathematical Modeling
2007 Bonotto, Cinzia
Il ruolo della logica matematica nella scuola: culturale o strumentale?
2010 Bonotto, Cinzia
Is it possible to use cultural heritage to change attitudes about mathematics and its teaching? Exemplifications from an activity in primary schools
2000 Bonotto, Cinzia; Basso, M.
Mathematizing the everyday or 'everydaying' mathematics?
2005 Bonotto, Cinzia
Realistic Mathematical Modeling and Problem Posing
2010 Bonotto, Cinzia
Rileggere la storia 'in chiave metamatematica, o per meglio dire logica'
2012 Bonotto, Cinzia
Studi esplorativi basati su attività di problem solving e modellizzazione matematica di tipo realistico
2006 Bonotto, Cinzia; Basso, M; Baccarin, R; Feltresi, M.
Studi esplorativi sulla comprensione del concetto di numero decimale attraverso l'uso del righello
2002 Bonotto, Cinzia; Basso, M; Baccarin, R; Feltresi, M.
Suspension of sense-making in mathematical word problem solving. A possible remedy
2002 Bonotto, Cinzia