Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.950
AS - Asia 358
EU - Europa 350
SA - Sud America 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 3.664
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.946
CN - Cina 188
SG - Singapore 124
FI - Finlandia 64
IT - Italia 64
DE - Germania 53
UA - Ucraina 52
SE - Svezia 34
FR - Francia 33
IN - India 19
RU - Federazione Russa 18
GB - Regno Unito 16
VN - Vietnam 16
TR - Turchia 5
CA - Canada 4
IE - Irlanda 4
RO - Romania 4
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 4
GR - Grecia 3
ES - Italia 2
AR - Argentina 1
BR - Brasile 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CO - Colombia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EU - Europa 1
JP - Giappone 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 3.664
Città #
Fairfield 391
Woodbridge 338
Chandler 296
Ann Arbor 257
Houston 248
Ashburn 183
Jacksonville 159
Wilmington 148
Seattle 142
Cambridge 111
Singapore 94
Princeton 79
Santa Clara 77
Boardman 71
Beijing 49
Des Moines 45
San Diego 42
Roxbury 40
Nanjing 31
Medford 23
Helsinki 20
Dong Ket 16
Guangzhou 15
Pune 10
Padova 9
Redwood City 9
Nanchang 8
Shenyang 8
Changsha 7
Kharkiv 7
New York 6
Washington 6
Hebei 5
Norwalk 5
Yenibosna 5
Bari 4
Dallas 4
Dublin 4
Kunming 4
Milan 4
Rome 4
Taizhou 4
Dearborn 3
Falls Church 3
Hefei 3
Indiana 3
Jinan 3
Ogden 3
Trieste 3
Zhengzhou 3
Athens 2
Caserta 2
Florence 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Fuzhou 2
Hudsonville 2
Kilburn 2
Lumezzane 2
Palermo 2
San Nicola la Strada 2
Tappahannock 2
Tianjin 2
Toronto 2
Towson 2
Vado Ligure 2
Vigonza 2
Acton 1
Aigaleo 1
Bologna 1
Borås 1
Brescia 1
Buenos Aires 1
Caorle 1
Carpignano 1
Centro 1
Changchun 1
Chiswick 1
Desio 1
Falkenstein 1
Galatina 1
Genoa 1
Genova 1
Hounslow 1
Iasi 1
Jiaxing 1
Kelowna 1
Kemerovo 1
Lanzhou 1
Legnaro 1
Lima 1
Los Angeles 1
Monserrato 1
Nuremberg 1
Nürnberg 1
Ottawa 1
Phoenix 1
Pinehaven 1
Porto 1
Ravenna 1
Rockville 1
Totale 3.078
Nome #
Influence of the genetic polymorphism in the 5′-noncoding region of the CYP1A2 gene on CYP1A2 phenotype and urinary mutagenicity in smokers 141
Mutagenic activity of carbon black dyes used in the leather industry 132
Interaction between CYP1A2-T2467DELT polymorphism and smoking in adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the lung 119
Influence of GSTM1 null and low repair XPC PAT+ on anti-B[a]PDE-DNA adduct in mononuclear white blood cells of subjects low exposed to PAHs through smoking and diet 119
Mutagenic activity of overnight urine from healthy non-smoking subjects 116
Reduced nucleotide excision repair and GSTM1-null genotypes influence anti-B[a]PDE-DNA adduct levels in mononuclear white blood cells of highly PAH-exposed coke oven workers 115
Determinants of anti-benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide-DNA adduct formation in lymphomonocytes of the general population 108
GSTM1 null genotype as a risk factor for anti-BPDE-DNA adduct formation in mononuclear white blood cells of coke-oven workers 107
Release of mutagens from finished leather. 106
Sister chromatid exchanges and DNA repai capability in sanitary workers exposed to ethylene oxide: evaluation of the dose-effect relationship. 102
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons administered in humans by dermal route increase total IgE 100
Relationship between total urinary PAH, 1-OH pyrene levels and mutagenicity of urinary extracts from psoriatic patients exposed to therapeutical coal tar-based ointment. 98
Mutagenesis test on urine of workers exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a anode plant. 97
Tobacco-smoke exposure indicators and urinary mutagenicity 96
Esposizione agli inquinanti dell'aria urbana dei vigili municipali. 94
Mutagenic activity and polycylic aromatic hydrocarbon levels in urine of humans exposed to therapeutical coal tar. 88
Validation of SOS Chromotest with chemical compounds and biological samples 88
Mutagenic activity and polycylic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) levels in urine of humans. 86
HPLC/fluorescence determination of anti-BPDE-DNA adducts in mononuclear white blood cells from PAH-exposed humans 85
Influence of GSTM1 genotypes on anti-BPDE-DNA adduct levels in mononuclear white blood cells of humans exposed to PAH 85
Biological monitoring of human exposure to coal tar. Urinary excretion of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 1-hydroxypyrene and mutagens in psoriatic patients. 81
I coloranti azoici per cuoio: rischio mutageno e cancerogeno. 78
Role of metabolic polymorphisms NAT2 and CYP1A2 on urinary mutagenicity after a pan-fried hamburger meal 76
The influence of cytochrome P450 1A1 and glutathione S-transferase M1 genotypes on biomarker levels in coke-oven workers 76
Biological indicators of genotoxic risk and metabolic polymorphisms 75
Test di mutagenicità urinaria nel monitoraggio dell'esposizione ad idrocarburi policiclici aromatici di lavoratori dell'industria di alluminio. 74
Influence of CYP1A2 and NAT2 metabolic phenotypes on smokers' urinary mutagenicity 71
Influence of GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1, and EPHX gene polymorphisms on DNA adduct level and HPRT mutant frequency in coke-oven workers 70
Mutagenic activity and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon levels in urine of workers exposed to coal tar pitch volatiles in a anode plant. 69
Induction of SOS response on Escherichia coli by 16 chemical compounds and human urine extracts. 69
Identificazione di composti genotossici utilizzati nella lavorazione delle pelli. 68
Micronuclei related to Anti-B[a]PDE-DNA adduct in peripheral blood lymphocytes of heavily polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-exposed nonsmoking coke-oven workers and controls 68
Escrezione urinaria di mutageni e cisplatino nel personale infermieristico dei reparti di oncologia medica esposto a farmaci citostatici. 65
Five cases of "fluoride asthma" [Osservazione di cinque casi di asma da fluoro] 58
[Acute effects of environmental pollution on the urban vigilants airways]. 56
Exposure to diesel exhaust enhances total IgE in non-atopic dockers 55
[Dosimetry of DNA and protein adducts in occupational health] 55
Exposure levels and cytochrome P450 1A2 activity, but not N-acetyltransferase, glutathione S-transferase (GST) M1 and T1, influence urinary mutagen excretion in smokers 52
[Biomarkers of gentotoxic risk and metabolic polymorphism] 44
[Molecular epidemiology in occupational medicine: methodological features and impact of individual genetic susceptibility] 42
[The toxicology and prevention of the risks of occupational exposure to aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons. II. Toxicology. Exposure assessment. Environmental and biological monitoring] 40
[Individual susceptibility to occupational carcinogens: the evidence from biomonitoring and molecular epidemiology studies] 40
Totale 3.709
Categoria #
all - tutte 13.738
article - articoli 13.250
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 232
Totale 27.220

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020341 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 76 65 68 51 23
2020/2021477 18 37 9 19 8 113 19 39 94 20 49 52
2021/2022566 102 49 23 34 8 69 8 44 17 41 38 133
2022/2023540 127 54 28 61 89 83 0 21 55 1 15 6
2023/2024187 7 31 23 15 24 33 6 3 4 2 20 19
2024/2025346 3 63 54 42 130 25 29 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.709