Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari - DISLL
Acquiring Italian stop consonants: A challenge for Mandarin Chinese-speaking learners
2022 Feng, Qiang; Busà, M. Grazia
Mandarin Chinese-speaking learners' acquisition of Italian consonant length contrast
2022 Feng, Q; Busà, M. G.
Part 7: Neonatal resuscitation. 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science with Treatment Recommendations
2015 Wyllie, J.; Perlman, J. M.; Kattwinkel, J.; Wyckoff, M. H.; Aziz, K.; Guinsburg, R.; Kim, H. -S.; Liley, H. G.; Mildenhall, L.; Simon, W. M.; Szyld, E.; Tamura, M.; Velaphi, S.; Boyle, D. W.; Byrne, S.; Colby, C.; Capetta, Davis; Ersdal, H. L.; Escobedo, M. B.; Feng, Q.; de Almeida, M. F.; Halamek, L. P.; Isayama, T.; Kapadia, V. S.; Lee, H. C.; Mcgowan, M.; Mcmillan, D. D.; Niermeyer, S.; O'Donnell, C. P. F.; Rabi, Y.; Ringer, S. A.; Singhal, N.; Stenson, B. J.; Strand, M. L.; Sugiura, T.; Trevisanuto, D.; Udaeta, E.; Weiner, G. M.; Yeo, C. L.
Part 7: Neonatal resuscitation: 2015 international consensus on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care science with treatment recommendations
2015 Perlman, J. M.; Wyllie, J.; Kattwinkel, J.; Wyckoff, M. H.; Aziz, K.; Guinsburg, R.; Kim, H. -S.; Liley, H. G.; Mildenhall, L.; Simon, W. M.; Szyld, E.; Tamura, M.; Velaphi, S.; Boyle, D. W.; Byrne, S.; Colby, C.; Capetta, Davis; Ersdal, H. L.; Escobedo, M. B.; Feng, Q.; De Almeida, M. F.; Halamek, L. P.; Isayama, T.; Kapadia, V. S.; Lee, H. C.; Mcgowan, J.; Mcmillan, D. D.; Niermeyer, S.; O'Donnell, C. P. F.; Rabi, Y.; Ringer, S. A.; Singhal, N.; Stenson, B. J.; Strand, M. L.; Sugiura, T.; Trevisanuto, D.; Udaeta, E.; Weiner, G. M.; Yeo, C. L.
The acquisition of Italian /r-l/ contrast by L1-Chinese learners
2023 Feng, Qiang; Busà, M Grazia