Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - DII
2-D analytical formulation to calculate waterjet performance under dynamic similitude
2005 Benini, Ernesto; Calza, Paolo; Biollo, Roberto; V., Quaggiotti
3D CFD modeling for the limits’ identification of 2D flow pattern’s effects on the aerodynamic performance of a reference H-Darrieus prototype
2023 Fertahi, S. -D.; Belhadad, T.; Kanna, A.; Samaouali, A.; Kadiri, I.; Arid, A.; Benini, E.; Agounoun, R.; El Rhafiki, T.; El Kadri Elyamani, N. E.
A "Dynamic Inlet - Changeable Geometry" (DICG) Waterjet for High Speed Marine Vehicles
1999 Quaggiotti, Vittorio; Benini, Ernesto
A Bi-Dimensional Method of Forced Vortex for Axial Flow Pumps Design
1997 Benini, Ernesto; Quaggiotti, V.
A comparison between Hybrid and Experimental Extended Polars for the Numerical Prediction of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Performance using Blade Element-Momentum Algorithm
2012 Bedon, Gabriele; RACITI CASTELLI, Marco; Benini, Ernesto
A computational assessment of the aerodynamic performance of a tilted Darrieus wind turbine
2015 Bedon, Gabriele; DE BETTA, Stefano; Benini, Ernesto
A Critical Review of CFD Modeling Approaches for Darrieus Turbines: Assessing Discrepancies in Power Coefficient Estimation and Wake Vortex Development
2023 Fertahi, S. E. -D.; Belhadad, T.; Kanna, A.; Samaouali, A.; Kadiri, I.; Benini, E.
A Kriging-assisted multiobjective evolutionary algorithm
2017 Venturelli, Giovanni; Benini, Ernesto; Laniewski-Wollk, Lukasz
A methodology for determining the optimal rotational speed of a variable RPM main rotor/turboshaft engine system
2015 Miste, G. A.; Benini, E.; Garavello, A.; Gonzalez-Alcoy, M.
A methodology for determining the optimal rotational speed of a variable RPM main rotor/turboshaft engine system
2015 Miste', GIANLUIGI ALBERTO; Benini, Ernesto; Garavello, Andrea; Gonzalez Alcoy, Maria
A New Methodology for Determining the Optimal Rotational Speed of a Variable RPM Main Rotor/Turboshaft Engine System
2013 Miste', GIANLUIGI ALBERTO; Benini, Ernesto; A., Garavello; M., Gonzalez Alcoy
A New Pareto-Like Evaluation Method for Finding Multiple Global Optima in Evolutionary Algorithms
2000 Toffolo, Andrea; Benini, Ernesto
A novel implementation of wind energy in buildings based on synthetic jet concept
2015 Bedon, G.; De Betta, S.; Elarga, H.; De Carli, M.; Benini, E.
A Numerical Investigation on the Effects of Vaned Diffusers on the Aerodynamic Performance of a Low Pressure-Ratio Methane Centrifugal Compressor
2024 Anbarsooz, M.; Amiri, M.; Benini, E.
A Parametric Method for Optimal Design of Two-Dimensional Cascades
2001 Benini, Ernesto; Toffolo, Andrea
2024 Casoni, M.; Klausmann, F.; Benini, E.
A Retrospective of Wind Turbine Architectural Integration in the Built Environment
2013 S., Degrassi; M. R., Castelli; Benini, Ernesto
A review of computational methods and reduced order models for flutter prediction in turbomachinery
2021 Casoni, M.; Benini, E.
A review of installation effects of ultra-high bypass ratio engines
2020 Magrini, Andrea; Benini, Ernesto; Yao, Hua-Dong; Postma, Jos; Sheaf, Christopher
A sharp-interface immersed boundary method for moving objects in compressible viscous flows
2020 De vanna, F.; Picano, F.; Benini, E.