Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare - DMM
A worm gel-based 3D model to elucidate the paracrine interaction between multiple myeloma and mesenchymal stem cells
2020 Spelat, Renza; Ferro, Federico; Contessotto, Paolo; Warren, Nicholas J.; Marsico, Grazia; Armes, Steven P.; Pandit, Abhay
An optimized protocol for combined fluorescent lectin/immunohistochemistry to characterize tissue-specific glycan distribution in human or rodent tissues
2021 Rebelo, Ana Lúcia; Contessotto, Paolo; Joyce, Kieran; Kilcoyne, Michelle; Pandit, Abhay
Broadly Applicable Hydrogel Fabrication Procedures Guided by YAP/TAZ-Activity Reveal Stiffness, Adhesiveness, and Nuclear Projected Area as Checkpoints for Mechanosensing
2021 Gandin, Alessandro; Torresan, Veronica; Ulliana, Lorenzo; Panciera, Tito; Contessotto, Paolo; Citron, Anna; Zanconato, Francesca; Cordenonsi, Michelangelo; Piccolo, Stefano; Brusatin, Giovanna
Clinical potential of plasma-functionalized graphene oxide ultrathin sheets for bone and blood vessel regeneration: Insights from cellular and animal models
2024 Krukiewicz, Katarzyna; Contessotto, Paolo; Nedjari, Salima; Martino, Mikaël M; Redenski, Idan; Gabet, Yankel; Speranza, Giorgio; O'Brien, Timothy; Altankov, George; Awaja, Firas
Distinct glycosylation in membrane proteins within neonatal versus adult myocardial tissue
2020 Contessotto, Paolo; Ellis, Bradley W; Jin, Chunsheng; Karlsson, Niclas G; Zorlutuna, Pinar; Kilcoyne, Michelle; Pandit, Abhay
Elastin-like hydrogel stimulates angiogenesis in a severe model of critical limb ischemia (CLI): An insight into the glyco-host response
2021 Marsico, Grazia; Jin, Chunseng; Abbah, Sunny A; Brauchle, Eva M; Thomas, Dilip; Rebelo, Ana Lúcia; Orbanić, Doriana; Chantepie, Sandrine; Contessotto, Paolo; Papy-Garcia, Dulce; Rodriguez-Cabello, Carlos; Kilcoyne, Michelle; Schenke-Layland, K; Karlsson, N G; Mccullagh, Karl J A; Pandit, Abhay
Elastin-like recombinamers-based hydrogel modulates post-ischemic remodeling in a non-transmural myocardial infarction in sheep
2021 Contessotto, Paolo; Orbanić, Doriana; Da Costa, Mark; Jin, Chunsheng; Owens, Peter; Chantepie, Sandrine; Chinello, Clizia; Newell, John; Magni, Fulvio; Papy-Garcia, Dulce; G Karlsson, Niclas; Kilcoyne, Michelle; Dockery, Peter; C Rodríguez-Cabello, José; Pandit, Abhay
Glycosylation of blood cells during the onset and progression of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction
2024 Ferro, Federico; Spelat, Renza; Pandit, Abhay; Martin-Ventura, José L.; Rabinovich, Gabriel A.; Contessotto, Paolo
Metabolic reprogramming and membrane glycan remodeling as potential drivers of zebrafish heart regeneration
2022 Spelat, Renza; Ferro, Federico; Contessotto, Paolo; Aljaabary, Amal; Martin-Saldaña, Sergio; Jin, Chunsheng; Karlsson, Niclas G; Grealy, Maura; Hilscher, Markus M; Magni, Fulvio; Chinello, Clizia; Kilcoyne, Michelle; Pandit, Abhay
Methods to Study the Role of Mechanical Signals in the Induction of Cancer Stem Cells
2024 Gandin, Alessandro; Contessotto, Paolo; Panciera, Tito
Regenerative and Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Regularly Fed, Starved Cells and Extracellular Vesicles In Vivo
2022 Ferro, F; Spelat, R; Shaw, G; Coleman, Cm; Chen, Xz; Connolly, D; Palama, Emf; Gentili, C; Contessotto, P; Murphy, Mj
Reproducing extracellular matrix adverse remodelling of non-ST myocardial infarction in a large animal model
2023 Contessotto, Paolo; Spelat, Renza; Ferro, Federico; Vysockas, Vaidas; Krivickienė, Aušra; Jin, Chunsheng; Chantepie, Sandrine; Chinello, Clizia; Pauza, Audrys G; Valente, Camilla; Rackauskas, Mindaugas; Casara, Alvise; Zigmantaitė, Vilma; Magni, Fulvio; Papy-Garcia, Dulce; Karlsson, Niclas G; Ereminienė, Eglė; Pandit, Abhay; Da Costa, Mark
Simple yet effective methods to probe hydrogel stiffness for mechanobiology
2021 Gandin, A.; Murugesan, Y.; Torresan, V.; Ulliana, L.; Citron, A.; Contessotto, P.; Battilana, G.; Panciera, T.; Ventre, M.; Netti, A. P.; Nicola, L.; Piccolo, S.; Brusatin, G.
Single-cell analyses reveal YAP/TAZ as regulators of stemness and cell plasticity in glioblastoma
2021 Castellan, M.; Guarnieri, A.; Fujimura, A.; Zanconato, F.; Battilana, G.; Panciera, T.; Sladitschek, H. L.; Contessotto, P.; Citron, A.; Grilli, A.; Romano, O.; Bicciato, S.; Fassan, M.; Porcu, E.; Rosato, A.; Cordenonsi, M.; Piccolo, S.
Synthetic/ECM-inspired hybrid platform for hollow microcarriers with ROS-triggered nanoporation hallmarks
2017 Milcovich, Gesmi; Contessotto, Paolo; Marsico, Grazia; Ismail, Siti; Pandit, Abhay
Therapies to prevent post-infarction remodelling: From repair to regeneration
2021 Contessotto, Paolo; Pandit, Abhay
Three-dimensionally two-photon lithography realized vascular grafts
2021 Limongi, T.; Brigo, L.; Tirinato, L.; Pagliari, F.; Gandin, A.; Contessotto, P.; Giugni, A.; Brusatin, G.
2022 Pandit, Abhay; Contessotto, Paolo; Da Costa, Mark; Carlos Rodriguez-Cabello, José
Understanding How Heart Metabolic Derangement Shows Differential Stage Specificity for Heart Failure with Preserved and Reduced Ejection Fraction
2022 Ferro, Federico; Spelat, Renza; Valente, Camilla; Contessotto, Paolo
YAP/TAZ as master regulators in cancer: modulation, function and therapeutic approaches
2023 Piccolo, Stefano; Panciera, Tito; Contessotto, Paolo; Cordenonsi, Michelangelo