Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare - DMM  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Biomaterials and engineered microenvironments to control YAP/TAZ-dependent cell behaviour 2018 Brusatin, GiovannaPanciera, TitoGandin, AlessandroCITRON, ANNAPiccolo, Stefano NATURE MATERIALS - -
Broadly Applicable Hydrogel Fabrication Procedures Guided by YAP/TAZ-Activity Reveal Stiffness, Adhesiveness, and Nuclear Projected Area as Checkpoints for Mechanosensing 2021 Alessandro GandinVeronica TorresanLorenzo UllianaTito PancieraPaolo ContessottoAnna CitronFrancesca ZanconatoMichelangelo CordenonsiStefano PiccoloGiovanna Brusatin ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS - -
Publisher Correction: Reprogramming normal cells into tumour precursors requires ECM stiffness and oncogene-mediated changes of cell mechanical properties 2020 Panciera TCitron ADi Biagio DBattilana GGandin AGiulitti SForcato MBicciato SAzzolin LTotaro ATos APDFassan MVindigni VBassetto FRosato ABrusatin GCordenonsi M + NATURE MATERIALS - -
Reprogramming normal cells into tumour precursors requires ECM stiffness and oncogene-mediated changes of cell mechanical properties 2020 Panciera T.Citron A.Di Biagio D.Battilana G.Gandin A.Giulitti S.Forcato M.Bicciato S.Azzolin L.Totaro A.Dei Tos A. P.Fassan M.Vindigni V.Bassetto F.Rosato A.Brusatin G.Cordenonsi M.Piccolo S. + NATURE MATERIALS - -
Role of YAP/TAZ downstream of common oncogenic drivers 2018 Citron, Anna - - -
Simple yet effective methods to probe hydrogel stiffness for mechanobiology 2021 Gandin A.Murugesan Y.Torresan V.Ulliana L.Citron A.Contessotto P.Battilana G.Panciera T.Nicola L.Piccolo S.Brusatin G. + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Single-cell analyses reveal YAP/TAZ as regulators of stemness and cell plasticity in glioblastoma 2021 Castellan M.Guarnieri A.Zanconato F.Battilana G.Panciera T.Sladitschek H. L.Contessotto P.Citron A.Romano O.Bicciato S.Fassan M.Porcu E.Rosato A.Cordenonsi M.Piccolo S. + NATURE CANCER - -