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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Evaluating the vulnerability to pesticides of wells supplying drinking water from wine-growing areas through the spatial analysis of the soil infiltration capacity at the scale of the wellhead protection areas 2022 Leonardo CostaPaolo Salandin - - AGU Fall Meeting 2022
Fate of glyphosate and AMPA in the vadose zone: dissipation, transport and adsorption 2020 Mencaroni MartaDal Ferro NicolaCardinali AlessandraCarretta LauraCosta LeonardoMazzega Ciamp StefanoMorari FrancescoSalandin PaoloZanin Giuseppe - - EGU 2020
Fiber optics passive monitoring of groundwater temperature reveals three-dimensional structures in heterogeneous aquifers 2024 Furlanetto D.Camporese M.Schenato L.Costa L.Salandin P. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
From point to field scale results: upscaling pointwise analysis of glyphosate vertical mobility through the spatial knowledge of the soil infiltration capacity 2021 Costa, LeonardoSalandin, Paolo - - EGU General Assembly 2021
Glyphosate and AMPA have low mobility through different soil profiles of the prosecco wine production area: A monitoring study in north-eastern Italy 2022 Mencaroni, MCardinali, ACosta, LMorari, FSalandin, PDal Ferro, N + FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE - -
Impact of the Prosecco production on the wellhead protection areas: analysis of the glyphosate vulnerability across the vadose zone through the study of the spatial variability of the topsoil hydraulic and chemical properties 2021 Leonardo CostaPaolo Salandin - - AGU Fall Meeting 2021
Impatto delle attività agronomiche sulle aree di salvaguardia delle prese da falda 2022 COSTA, LEONARDO - - -
INTERAZIONE FRA PRATICHE AGRONOMICHE E UTILIZZO DELLE ACQUE DI FALDA A SCOPO IDROPOTABILE 2020 Leonardo CostaStefano Mazzega CiampAlessandra CardinaliLaura CarrettaNicola Dal FerroMarta MencaroniFrancesco MorariGiuseppe ZaninPaolo Salandin - - Atti del 37° Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche
Linking glyphosate and AMPA dynamics between soil and groundwater: 1. Degradation, transport and adsorption in the vadose zone 2019 Mencaroni MartaDal Ferro NicolaCardinali AlessandraCarretta LauraCosta LeonardoMazzega Ciamp StefanoMorari FrancescoSalandin PaoloZanin Giuseppe - - AGU 2019
Linking glyphosate and AMPA dynamics between soil and groundwater: 2. numerical assessment of chemical species evolution in the vadose zone 2019 Leonardo CostaStefano Mazzega CiampAlessandra CardinaliLaura CarrettaNicola Dal FerroMarta MencaroniFrancesco MorariPaolo SalandinGiuseppe Zanin - - AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Modeling rainfall-driven transport of Glyphosate in the vadose zone of two experimental sites in North-East Italy 2023 Costa L.Dal Ferro N.Cardinali A.Camporese M.Morari F.Salandin P. + JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY - -
Numerical assessment of chemical species infiltration in the Prosecco area 2020 Costa, LeonardoMazzega Ciamp, StefanoCardinali, AlessandraCarretta, LauraDal Ferro, NicolaMencaroni, MartaMorari, FrancescoZanin, GiuseppeSalandin, Paolo - - EGU General Assembly 2020
Vulnerability of wells supplying drinking water and use of pesticides in wine-growing areas: the Treviso province case study 2022 Leonardo CostaPaolo Salandin - - EGU22
Wellhead Protection Areas Vulnerability and the Use of Pesticides: The Treviso Province Case Study 2022 Leonardo CostaPaolo Salandin ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES PROCEEDINGS - Environ. Sci. Proc., 2022, EWaS5