Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.083
EU - Europa 772
AS - Asia 740
OC - Oceania 25
AF - Africa 12
SA - Sud America 3
Totale 6.635
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.066
SG - Singapore 330
CN - Cina 254
IT - Italia 188
FI - Finlandia 141
UA - Ucraina 113
DE - Germania 108
VN - Vietnam 92
FR - Francia 66
SE - Svezia 47
GB - Regno Unito 42
HK - Hong Kong 28
AU - Australia 21
GR - Grecia 16
CA - Canada 13
IE - Irlanda 13
RU - Federazione Russa 12
KR - Corea 7
NL - Olanda 7
RO - Romania 7
IR - Iran 6
ZA - Sudafrica 6
TW - Taiwan 5
MM - Myanmar 4
MX - Messico 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
CH - Svizzera 3
JP - Giappone 3
MA - Marocco 3
MY - Malesia 3
PL - Polonia 3
SO - Somalia 3
TH - Thailandia 3
AT - Austria 2
CO - Colombia 2
DK - Danimarca 2
ID - Indonesia 2
IN - India 2
BE - Belgio 1
BR - Brasile 1
ES - Italia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
Totale 6.635
Città #
Ann Arbor 640
Woodbridge 630
Fairfield 558
Jacksonville 487
Houston 406
Singapore 282
Santa Clara 248
Wilmington 246
Chandler 242
Ashburn 230
Seattle 184
Cambridge 173
Boardman 143
Princeton 136
Dong Ket 92
Medford 90
Padova 87
Nanjing 66
Des Moines 49
Helsinki 47
San Diego 43
Roxbury 33
Beijing 31
Guangzhou 24
Shenyang 23
Nanchang 18
Hebei 15
Perth 15
Norwalk 14
Tianjin 14
Wilmette 13
Dublin 12
Jiaxing 11
Athens 10
Milan 10
Oneta 10
Brendola 9
Indiana 8
Changsha 7
Jinan 7
London 7
Redwood City 7
Shanghai 7
Centurion 6
Dallas 6
Este 6
New York 6
Sydney 6
Venice 6
Borås 5
Central 5
Ivano-Frankivsk 5
Monselice 5
Tomsk 5
Hong Kong 4
Jung-gu 4
Kaohsiung 4
Lytham 4
Rome 4
San Francisco 4
Yangon 4
Fremont 3
Haikou 3
Hargeisa 3
Hounslow 3
Kharkiv 3
Lodz 3
Los Angeles 3
Moscow 3
Napoli 3
Newport 3
Ogden 3
Ottawa 3
Sha Tin Wai 3
Stuttgart 3
Vineuil 3
Warwick 3
Atlanta 2
Bandung 2
Bangkok 2
Barry 2
Braunschweig 2
Christchurch 2
College Station 2
Düsseldorf 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Gangnam-gu 2
Hangzhou 2
Kilburn 2
Kingston 2
Kitaku 2
Lanzhou 2
Marcon 2
Mestre 2
New Bedfont 2
Paris 2
Rabat 2
Regina 2
Rockville 2
Romano d'Ezzelino 2
Totale 5.567
Nome #
A thermo-hydro-mechanical model for multiphase geomaterials in dynamics with application to strain localization simulation 146
Local and non-local elasto-viscoplasticity in strain localization analysis of multiphase geomaterials 133
Simulation of cavitation in water saturated porous media considering effects of dissolved air 126
A depth average SPH model including μ(I) rheology and crushing for rock avalanches 121
A formulation for an unsaturated porous medium undergoing large inelastic strains 120
Strain localisation simulation in non-isothermal multiphase geomaterials 119
Numerical modelling of a slope stability test by means of porous media mechanics 119
Fluid-structure interaction in the localization of saturated porous media 117
Finite element analysis of strain localization in multiphase materials 110
Phase-field modeling of fracture in variably saturated porous media 102
Modelling of Localisation at Finite Inelastic Strains in Fluid Saturated Porous Media 100
Explicit meshfree solution for large deformation dynamic problems in saturated porous media 93
Phase-field modeling and simulation of desiccation-induced cracking 90
Finite Element Analysis of the Initiation of Landslides with a Non-isothermal Multiphase Model 89
Multi-physics modelling of thermo-elasto-plastic saturated/unsaturated porous materials 87
A porous media finite element approach for soil instability including the second-order work criterion 87
Finite element modelling of thermo-elasto-plastic unsaturated porous materials with application to nuclear waste disposal 86
Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of Venice lagoon salt marshes 86
Finite element modelling of thermo-elasto-plastic water saturated porous materials 85
Finite element analysis of the initiation of landslides with a multiphase model 83
A mathematical and numerical model for finite elastoplastic deformations in fluid saturated porous media 83
A model for a partially saturated geomaterial undergoing large inelastic strains 82
Numerical analysis of dynamic strain localisation in initially water saturated dense sand with a modified generalised plasticity model 82
Coupled hydro-thermo-mechanical analysis of a deep radioactive waste disposal based on porous media mechanics 81
Thermo-Elasto-Plastic Consolidation Analysis with Water Phase Change 81
Modelling multiphase geomaterials at high temperatures in dynamics with application to strain localization and rapid catastrophic landslides 79
u–w formulation for dynamic problems in large deformation regime solved through an implicit meshfree scheme 79
Mathematical model of hydro-thermal phenomena in porous media, considering air dissolved in water 78
A multiphase medium model for localization and postlocalization simulation in geomaterials 77
A finite element model for water saturated and partially saturated geomaterials 76
Thermo-Elasto-Plastic Consolidation Analysis with Water Phase Change 76
Cavitation modelling in saturated geomaterials with application to dynamic strain localization 76
Finite element modelling of thermo-elasto-plastic water saturated porous materials 75
A general framework for modelling long term behaviour of earth and concrete dams 75
Coupled hydro-thermo-mechanical analysis of a deep radioactive waste disposal on porous media mechanics 75
A multiphase approach for a unified modelling of fully and partially saturated porous materials by considering air dissolved in water 73
Strain localisation simulation in non-isothermal multiphase geomaterials 73
Shear band localization in partially saturated porous media 70
Coupled and multiphysics phenomena 70
Dynamics of partially saturated soils 70
Finite element modelling of thermo-elasto-plastic multiphase porous materials 69
Predictive potential of Perzyna viscoplastic modelling for granular geomaterials 69
Finite element analysis of non-isothermal multiphase geomaterials with application to strain localization simulation 69
Viscoplastic regularization of strain localization in fluid-saturated porous media 67
Some theoretical aspects of strain localization analysis of multiphase porous media with regularized constitutive models 66
A general frame work for modelling long term behaviour of earth and concrete dams 65
A model for the thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of multiphase porous media in dynamics 64
Coupling equations for water saturated and partially saturated geomaterials 61
Interaction between different internal length scales in strain localization analysis of fully and partially saturated porous media - the 1-D case 59
Dynamic strain localisation of gradient dependent multiphase geomaterials 58
Multi-physics modelling of thermo-elasto-plastic multi-phase porous materials 58
A model for thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of multiphase porous media in dynamics 58
Multiphysics modelling of environmental engineering problems by means of porous media mechanics 57
Finite strain localization in dynamics of multiphase materials 56
Multiphysics modelling of partially saturated geomaterials 56
Geometrical and material non linear analysis of fully and partially saturated porous media 56
Numerical modelling of hygro-thermal behaviour and deformations of soils by means of mechanics of multiphase porous media 55
Numerical modelling of hydrologically-driven slope instability by means of porous media mechanics 53
Viscoplastic regularization in strain localization simulation of multiphase porous materials 53
A multiphase approach for a unified modelling of fully and partially saturated porous materials by considering air dissolved in water 52
A model for thermo-hydromechanical analysis of multiphase porous media in dynamics 52
Stabilized mixed formulation for phase-field computation of deviatoric fracture in elastic and poroelastic materials 52
A model for unsaturated porous media undergoing large inelastic strains 51
Finite element analysis of the initiation of landslides with a non-isothermal multiphase model 51
Virtual simulation of strain localization in multiphase geomaterials by using a regularized approach 50
Fluid-structure interaction in dynamic strain localisation of multiphase geomaterials 48
A model for non-isothermal variably saturated porous media in dynamics 48
Shear band localization in saturated porous media: preliminary investigations 47
Implementation and validation of advanced constitutive models for the analysis of hydro-thermo-mechanical interactions in geo-environmental engineering problems 47
Finite element analysis of non-isothermal multiphase porous media in dynamics 47
Numerical modelling of the initiation of landslides due to increase of water pressure with a multiphase material model 46
Strain localisation modelling in fully and partially saturated porous media 46
Analisi sismica di dighe in terra con modello multifase 46
Shear band localization in satured porous media 46
Strain localisation modelling in saturated sand samples 45
Multiphysics Modelling of Flowslides Initiation 44
A unified approach to numerical modeling of fully and partially saturated porous materials by considering air dissolved in water 44
Numerical modelling of non-isothermal porous media with application to slope stability 44
Multiphase analysis of strain localization with regularized models 44
Finite strain localization in dynamics of multiphase materials 43
An internal length scale in dynamic strain localization of multiphase porous media 43
Finite strain localisation in water saturated porous media 41
Algoritmi di contatto per lo studio dei problemi di localizzazione 39
Modelling multiphase geomaterials under frictional heating with application to rapid landslide 38
Implementation and validation of advanced constitutive models for the analysis of hydro-thermo-mechanical interactions in geo-environmental engineering problems 38
Finite element modelling of thermo-elasto-plastic multiphase porous materials 37
Localizzazione delle Deformazioni nei Mezzi Multifase 36
Fracturing dry and saturated porous media, Peridynamics and dispersion 35
Modelling pore pressure response as a function of tide in the Venice lagoon marshes. 35
Multi-physics modelling of the consolidation processes in variably saturated elasto-plastic soils due to high temperature 35
Hydro-mechanical continuum modelling of an experimental slope with a material stability criterion 34
Phase-field modeling of fracture in partially saturated porous media 32
Some aspects on basic theories of strain localization analysis of multiphase porous media with regularized constitutive model 31
Multi-physics problems in thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of partially saturated geomaterials 29
Numerical analysis of non-isothermal multiphase geomaterials with application to strain localisation simulation of initially water saturated soils 28
Finite element analysis of non-isothermal elasto-plastic multiphase geomaterials 28
Multi-physics modelling of the coupled behaviour of thermoelasto-plastic porous media with fluid phase change 28
Totale 6.486
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.166
article - articoli 9.666
book - libri 336
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 851
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.568
Totale 37.587

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020583 0 0 0 0 0 93 67 115 116 90 38 64
2020/2021859 27 90 13 70 26 84 21 89 114 83 115 127
2021/2022807 20 190 40 41 24 47 24 68 46 17 82 208
2022/2023686 187 24 20 44 129 92 6 31 78 27 38 10
2023/2024404 21 48 28 29 21 23 24 18 21 17 51 103
2024/2025897 16 296 89 51 407 38 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.730