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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A new map of the Permo-Carboniferous cover and Variscan metamorphic basement in the Central Orobic Alps, Southern Alps - Italy: structural and stratigraphical data 1996 PENNACCHIONI, GIORGIO + MEMORIE DI SCIENZE GEOLOGICHE - -
Along-strike architectural variability of an exhumed crustal-scale seismogenic fault (Bolfin Fault Zone, Atacama Fault System, Chile) 2022 Masoch, SFondriest, MGomila, RPennacchioni, GDi Toro, G + JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY - -
Alpine and pre-Alpine tectonics in the Central Orobic Alps (Southern Alps) 1988 PENNACCHIONI, GIORGIO + ECLOGAE GEOLOGICAE HELVETIAE - -
Amphibolite-facies pseudotachylytes in Premosello metagabbro and felsic mylonites (Ivrea Zone, Italy) 2012 PITTARELLO, LIDIAPENNACCHIONI, GIORGIODI TORO, GIULIO TECTONOPHYSICS - -
Analogue modelling of the influence of shape and particle/matrix interface lubrication on the rotational behaviour of rigid particles in simple shear 2003 PENNACCHIONI, GIORGIO + JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY - -
Brittle precursors of plastic deformation in a granite: an example from the Mont Blanc massif (Helvetic, western Alps) 1998 PENNACCHIONI, GIORGIO + JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY - -
Brittle precursors, fluid‐rock interaction and the localization or spreading of shear zones 2011 PENNACCHIONI, GIORGIO + - - Conference Abstracts
Brittle-ductile-brittle deformation during cooling of tonalite (Adamello, Southern Italian Alps) 2006 PENNACCHIONI, GIORGIODI TORO, GIULIOMENEGON, LUCA + TECTONOPHYSICS - -
Brittle-viscous deformation cycles in the dry lower continental crust 2015 PENNACCHIONI, GIORGIO + GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS - -
Can pseudotachylytes be used to infer earthquake source parameters? An example of limitations in the study of exhumed faults 2005 DI TORO, GIULIOPENNACCHIONI, GIORGIOTEZA, GIORDANO TECTONOPHYSICS - -
Carta geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000: foglio 058 Monte Adamello e Note Illustrative 2008 PENNACCHIONI, GIORGIOCARTON, ALBERTO + - - -
Carta Geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000 (Geological Map of Italy, 1:50.000 scale): foglio 91 Chatillon e Note illustrative 2010 DAL PIAZ, GIORGIOPENNACCHIONI, GIORGIO + - - -
Carta geologico-strutturale (1:25.000) delle Alpi Orobiche centrali (tra le Valli Armisa e Venina, e l'alta Val Seriana) - Structural Map of the Central Orobic Alps (Armisa - Venina - Seriana Valley) 1994 PENNACCHIONI, GIORGIO + - - -
Comment on "Alpine thermal and structural evolution of the highest external crystalline massif: The Mont Blanc'' by P. H. Leloup, N. Arnaud, E. R. Sobel, and R. Lacassin 2007 PENNACCHIONI, GIORGIO + TECTONICS - -
Control of the geometry of precursor brittle structures on the type of ductile shear zone in the Adamello tonalites, Southern Alps (Italy) 2005 PENNACCHIONI, GIORGIO JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY - -
Correction to "Why calcite can be stronger than quartz" 2010 PENNACCHIONI, GIORGIO + JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: SOLID EARTH - -
Crystallographic control and texture inheritance during mylonitization of coarse grained quartz veins 2017 Ceccato, AlbertoPennacchioni, Giorgio + LITHOS - -
Crystallographic control on microstructural evolution of coarse grained quartz veins 2017 CECCATO, ALBERTOPENNACCHIONI, GIORGIO + - - TSG-VMSG-BGA General Assembly 2017
Deep-seated pseudotachylytes from the Ivrea Zone metagabbros (Southern Alps, Italy) 2010 PITTARELLO, LIDIAPENNACCHIONI, GIORGIODI TORO, GIULIO TRABAJOS DE GEOLOGÍA - -
Deformation and ultrafine dynamic recrystallization of quartz in pseudotachylyte-bearing brittle faults: A matter of a few seconds 2012 PENNACCHIONI, GIORGIO + JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY - -