Dipartimento di Scienze Cardio-Toraco-Vascolari e Sanita' Pubblica  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A founder mutation in the SDHD gene as the cause of the high prevalence of Head and Neck Paraganglioma in Trentino, Italy 2006 M. PiazzaGREGO, FRANCOMANTERO, FRANCOOPOCHER, GIUSEPPE + JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION - -
A meta-analysis of the effect of stent design on clinical and radiologic outcomes of carotid artery stenting 2019 Piazza M. + JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY - -
A new endovascular approach to exclude isolated bilateral common iliac artery aneurysms 2009 PIAZZA MMENEGOLO, MIRKOGREGO, FRANCO + EJVES EXTRA - -
A systematic review and meta-analysis on the outcomes of carotid endarterectomy after intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke 2024 Squizzato, FrancescoMenegolo, MirkoColacchio, Elda ChiaraGrego, FrancoPiazza, MicheleAntonello, Michele + JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY - -
accessi vascolari 2016 Mirko MenegoloFranco GregoMichele AntonelloMichele Piazza + - - Dionigi-Chirurgia. Basi teoriche e chirurgia generale
Acute Liver Failure in a Patient With Previous Vascular Surgery for Bowel Ischemia 2023 Squizzato F.Piazza M. + THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY - -
Allestimento e monitoraggio degli accessi vascolari e delle fistole artero-venose 2024 Mirko MenegoloElda Chiara ColacchioCarlo MaturiMichele PiazzaMichele AntonelloFrancesco SquizzatoFranco Grego - - Trattato di medicina vascolare
Analysis of Midterm Readmissions and Related Costs after Open and Endovascular Procedures for Aorto-Iliac Occlusive Disease 2024 Colacchio, Elda ChiaraSquizzato, FrancescoPiazza, MicheleMenegolo, MirkoGrego, FrancoAntonello, Michele + LIFE - -
Aortic hybrid sutureless anastomosis on porcelain aorta 2015 ZAVATTA, MARCOGREGO, FRANCOPIAZZA, MICHELE + JOURNAL OF ENDOVASCULAR THERAPY - -
CAR 16. A Comparative Quantitative Analysis of Embolic Filter Debris Load During Carotid Artery Stenting Between Open-Cell, Closed-Cell, and Micromesh Stents 2019 Antonello, MicheleSquizzato, FrancescoXodo, AndreaChincarini, ChiaraGrego, FrancoPiazza, Michele JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY - -
Carotid artery stenting in a patient with a continuous-flow left ventricular assist device 2016 PIAZZA, MICHELESQUIZZATO, FRANCESCOGREGO, FRANCOGEROSA, GINOANTONELLO, MICHELE + JOURNAL OF ENDOVASCULAR THERAPY - -
Carotid artery stenting in a patient with a continuous-flow left ventricular assist device 2016 PIAZZA, MICHELESquizzato, FrancescoGREGO, FRANCOGEROSA, GINOANTONELLO, MICHELE + JOURNAL OF ENDOVASCULAR THERAPY - -
Carotid body tumors embolization 2018 franco gregomichele piazzafrancesco squizzatomirko menegolomichele antonello + - - embolization and vascular surgery
Carotid endarterectomy or carotid artery stenting? Matching the patient to the intervention 2010 Piazza M. + PERSPECTIVES IN VASCULAR SURGERY AND ENDOVASCULAR THERAPY - -
Chemodectomi 2012 GREGO, FRANCOMENEGOLO, MIRKOM. PiazzaANTONELLO, MICHELE - - Chirurgia Vascolare
Chirurgia dell'arteria vertebrale 2024 Elda Chiara ColacchioMichele AntonelloMirko MenegoloFrancesco SquizzatoMichele PiazzaFranco Grego + - - Trattato di medicina vascolare
Chirurgia open vs chirurgia endovascolare: tecniche a confronto. 2024 Michele AntonelloFrancesco SquizzatoMichele PiazzaMirko MenegoloFranco GregoElda Chiara Colacchio + - - Trattato di medicina vascolare
Clinical and Imaging Predictors of Disease Progression in Type B Aortic Intramural Hematomas and Penetrating Aortic Ulcers: A Systematic Review 2022 Colacchio, Elda ChiaraSquizzato, FrancescoPiazza, MicheleMenegolo, MirkoGrego, FrancoAntonello, Michele DIAGNOSTICS - -
Clinical Impact and Determinants of Fenestration to Target Vessel Misalignment in Fenestrated Endovascular Aortic Repair 2023 Squizzato, FrancescoPiazza, MicheleGrego, FrancoAntonello, Michele + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY - -
Clinical Impact of Routine Cardiology Consultation Prior to Elective Carotid Endarterectomy in Neurologically Asymptomatic Patients 2020 Squizzato F.Antonello M.Taglialavoro J.Prosdocimi L.Grego F.Lupia M.Piazza M. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY - -