Dipartimento di Medicina Animale, Produzioni e Salute - MAPS  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A landmark analysis-based approach to age and sex classification of the skull of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) (Hermann, 1779) 2009 ZOTTI, ALESSANDROSALMASO, LUIGICOZZI, BRUNO + ANATOMIA HISTOLOGIA EMBRYOLOGIA - -
A machine learning based-approach for classification of focal splenic lesions based on their CT features 2022 Burti SilviaZotti AlessandroBonsembiante FedericoContiero BarbaraBanzato Tommaso FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE - -
A methodological approach for deep learning to distinguish between meningiomas and gliomas on canine MR-images 2018 Tommaso BanzatoMarco BernardiniAlessandro Zotti + BMC VETERINARY RESEARCH - -
A preliminary investigation of the relationship between the “moment of resistance” of the canine spine, and the frequency of traumatic vertebral lesions at different spinal levels 2011 ZOTTI, ALESSANDROGIANESELLA, MATTEOCOZZI, BRUNO + RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE - -
A review of diagnostic imaging of snakes and lizards 2013 BANZATO, TOMMASOZOTTI, ALESSANDRO + THE VETERINARY RECORD - -
Abdominal anatomic features and reference values determined by use of ultrasonography in healthy common rats (Rattus norvegicus). 2014 BANZATO, TOMMASOBELLINI, LUCACONTIERO, BARBARAZOTTI, ALESSANDRO + AMERICAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH - -
Abdominal ultrasound features and reference values in 21 healthy rabbits. 2015 BANZATO, TOMMASOBELLINI, LUCACONTIERO, BARBARAZOTTI, ALESSANDRO + THE VETERINARY RECORD - -
Accuracy and precision of computer-assisted analysis of bone density via conventional and digital radiography in relation to dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry 2012 BUSETTO, ROBERTOBERNARDINI, DANIELEZOTTI, ALESSANDRO + AMERICAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH - -
Accuracy and precision of Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry for ex vivo determination of mineral content in turkey poult bones 2003 ZOTTI, ALESSANDRODE FASSI NEGRELLI RIZZI, CHIARACHIERICATO, GIANMARIABERNARDINI, DANIELE VETERINARY RADIOLOGY & ULTRASOUND - -
Accuracy of deep learning to differentiate the histopathological grading of meningiomas on MR images: a preliminary study 2019 Banzato TommasoCausin FrancescoMazzai LindaZotti Alessandro + JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING - -
Age classes and sex differences in the skull of the Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (Herman, 1779). A study based on bone shape and density 2009 ZOTTI, ALESSANDROBERNARDINI, DANIELECOZZI, BRUNO + THE ANATOMICAL RECORD - -
Age estimation in the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus (Montagu 1821) by bone density of the thoracic limb 2007 BUTTI, CAMILLACORAIN, LIVIOCOZZI, BRUNOZOTTI, ALESSANDRO + JOURNAL OF ANATOMY - -
An AI-Based Algorithm for the Automatic Classification of Thoracic Radiographs in Cats 2021 BANZATO T.ZOTTI ALESSANDRO + FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE - -
An AI-based algorithm for the automatic evaluation of image quality in canine thoracic radiographs 2023 Tommaso BanzatoSilvia BurtiAlessandro Zotti + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
An FTIR-based model for the diagenetic alteration of archaeological bones 2024 Scaggion C.Pagani L.Carrara N.Zotti A.Banzato T.Artioli G. + JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE - -
Analisi delle caratteristiche in risonanza magnetica di 12 casi di patologie intracraniche non neoplastiche con diagnosi istologica nel cane e confronto con la letteratura 2013 ZOTTI, ALESSANDROBERNARDINI, MARCO + VETERINARIA - -
Analisi delle caratteristiche in risonanza magnetica di 35 neoplasie intracraniche del cane confermate istologicamente e confronto con la letteratura 2013 ZOTTI, ALESSANDROBERNARDINI, MARCO + VETERINARIA - -
Are Small Animal Practitioners Occupationally Exposed to Leptospirosis? Results of a Serological Survey 2022 Salata C.Zotti A. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH - -
Artificial intelligence in veterinary diagnostic imaging: perspectives and limitations 2024 Silvia BurtiTommaso BanzatoAlessandro Zotti + RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE - -