"Synaptic" ribbons in the pineal gland of the horse.
1990 Karasek, M; Cozzi, Bruno
A landmark analysis-based approach to age and sex classification of the skull of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) (Hermann, 1779)
2009 Brombin, C; Mo, G; Zotti, Alessandro; Giurisato, M; Salmaso, Luigi; Cozzi, Bruno
A Mediterranean Marine Mammal Tissue Bank.
2003 Cozzi, Bruno; Ballarin, Cristina; Papini, Lara; Mo, G; Bortolotto, Alessandro; Anfuso, Fiorenza; Pavan, G; Cagnolaro, L; Castagnaro, Massimo; Zappulli, VALENTINA ELENA GIUDITTA; Mazzariol, Sandro; Pietrobelli, Mario; Capelli, Gioia; FRANGIPANE DI REGALBONO, Antonio; Fognani, Paola
A model to study aromatase P450, estrogen receptorsexpression and Ca2+ homeostasis in the developingbovine brain
2011 Peruffo, Antonella; Suman, Matteo; Panin, Mattia; Ballarin, Cristina; Cozzi, Bruno
A preliminary investigation of the relationship between the “moment of resistance” of the canine spine, and the frequency of traumatic vertebral lesions at different spinal levels
2011 Zotti, Alessandro; Gianesella, Matteo; Gasparinetti, N.; Zanetti, E.; Cozzi, Bruno
Accumulation of copper and other metal ions, and metallothionein I-II expression in the bovine brain as a funcion of aging
2008 Zatta, P; Drago, D; Zambenedetti, P; Bolognin, S; Nogara, E; Peruffo, Antonella; Cozzi, Bruno
Age classes and sex differences in the skull of the Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (Herman, 1779). A study based on bone shape and density
2009 Mo, G; Zotti, Alessandro; Agnesi, S; FINOIA M., G; Bernardini, Daniele; Cozzi, Bruno
Age dependent changes in plasma anti-Mullerian hormone concentration in the bovine male, female and freemartin from birth to puberty: relationship with testosterone production and influence on sex differentiation
2002 Rota, A.; Ballarin, Cristina; Vigier, B.; Cozzi, Bruno; Ray, R.
Age estimation in the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus (Montagu 1821) by bone density of the thoracic limb
2007 Butti, Camilla; Corain, Livio; Cozzi, Bruno; Podesta', M; Pirone, A; Affronte, M; Zotti, Alessandro
Age-related changes in the primary motor cortex of newborn to adult domestic pig sus scrofa domesticus
2021 Desantis, S.; Minervini, S.; Zallocco, L.; Cozzi, B.; Pirone, A.
Aging and Veterinary Care of Cats, Dogs, and Horses through the Records of Three University Veterinary Hospitals
2017 Cozzi, Bruno; Ballarin, Cristina; Mantovani, Roberto; Rota, Ada
AMH plasma concentrations in bovine freemartins, a model of spontaneously occuring mammalian intersexes
2002 Rota, A; Cozzi, Bruno; Rey, R; Ballarin, Cristina
An on-line tissue bank for marine mammals of the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent waters
2005 Ballarin, Cristina; Papini, L; Bortolotto, A; Butti, C; Peruffo, Antonella; Sassu, R; Mazzariol, Sandro; Cozzi, Bruno
An overview of the central nervous system of the elephant through a critical appraisal of the literature in the XIX and XX centuries
2001 Cozzi, Bruno; Spagnoli, S.; Bruno, L.
An Unparalleled Sexual Dimorphism of Sperm Whale Encephalization
2016 Cozzi, Bruno; Mazzariol, Sandro; Podestà, Michela; Zotti, Alessandro; Huggenberger, Stefan
Analisi del pattern di distribuzione di densità ossea lungo il rostro di Delfinidi e Zifidi: uno studio comparativo
2009 Panin, Mattia; Zotti, Alessandro; Mazzariol, Sandro; Podesta', M; Zanetti, E; Cozzi, Bruno
Analysis of P450 aromatase (mRNA) in male and female bovine fetal hypothalamus at different development ages
2005 Peruffo, Antonella; Ballarin, Cristina; Cozzi, Bruno
Analysis of P450Aro and α and β estrogen receptors’ mRNA expression in primary cells cultures from fetal bovine brain.
2007 Peruffo, Antonella; Ballarin, Cristina; Cozzi, Bruno
Anatomia degli animali da laboratorio
2006 Cozzi, Bruno; Ballarin, Cristina; Peruffo, Antonella; Caru', F.
Anatomic and surgical approach to the ethmoidal nerve and parasympathetic innervation of the nasal and cerebral circulation in sheep
1999 Acocella, F.; Caru, F.; Farabola, M.; Addis, F.; Cozzi, Bruno