Dipartimento di Biologia - DiBio  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A prototype for the real-time analysis of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2014 Aboudan A.Bastieri D.Buson S.Evans P.Grandi P.Rosen S.Torresi E.Testa V. + - PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Dietary stress increases the total opportunity for sexual selection and modifies selection on condition-dependent traits 2020 Evans J. P.Morbiato E.Pilastro A. + ECOLOGY LETTERS - -
Ecology and Evolution of Poeciliid Fishes 2011 EVANS, JONATHANPILASTRO, ANDREA AUGUSTO + - - -
Ejaculate-mediated paternal effects: evidence, mechanisms and evolutionary implications 2019 Evans J. P.Pilastro A. + REPRODUCTION - -
Elective Cancer Surgery in COVID-19-Free Surgical Pathways During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: An International, Multicenter, Comparative Cohort Study 2021 Zanus, GEvans, Jonathan PFiore, Marco + JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY - -
Elective surgery system strengthening: development, measurement, and validation of the surgical preparedness index across 1632 hospitals in 119 countries 2022 Fiore, MarcoSullivan, RichardEvans, Jonathan PAhmed, Mohamed SArvanitakis, KonstantinosStamatiou, KonstantinosKumar, VishalKumar, AkshayHosseini, AlirezaPapa, Mario VArgenio, GiulioSchiavone, DonatellaBruno, ChiaraBertolini, GiacomoGiuffrida, MarioGentilli, SergioMorelli, LucaTutino, RobertaD'Oria, MarioPirozzolo, GiovanniFranceschini, GianlucaConti, LuigiMoretto, SilviaPellegrini, AliceBolognesi, FedericoTonini, ValeriaPerrone, UmbertoBona, DavideGrossi, UgoNovello, SimoneZanus, GiacomoGiacometti, MarcoBaldi, CaterinaMarkovic, MarkoNocera, GianlucaSimonelli, FrancescaPontini, AlexSalvador, RenatoMohammad, Mohammad AMuhammad, ShoaibKhan, Muhammad STariq, MuhammadRehman, AbdulAli, Ali AMohammed, Mohammed MTaha, AhmedLancerotto, Luca + THE LANCET - -
Expression of pre- and postcopulatory traits under different dietary conditions in guppies 2013 DEVIGILI, ALESSANDROKELLEY, JENNIFER LOUISEPILASTRO, ANDREA AUGUSTOEVANS, JONATHAN BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY - -
Extreme fertilization bias towards freshly inseminated sperm in a species exhibiting prolonged female sperm storage 2018 Gasparini, CleliaEvans, Jonathan P. + ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE - -
Female control over multiple matings increases the opportunity for postcopulatory sexual selection 2018 Gasparini, CleliaEvans, Jonathan P. PROCEEDINGS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES - -
Female guppies increase their propensity for polyandry as an inbreeding avoidance strategy 2019 Gasparini C.Evans J. P. + ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR - -
Genotype-by-environment interactions underlie the expression of pre- and post-copulatory sexually selected traits in guppies 2015 Evans, J. P.Gasparini, C. + JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY - -
Individual plasticity in alternative reproductive tactics declines with social experience in male guppies 2019 Evans, Jonathan P.Gasparini, Clelia + ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR - -
Intraspecific evidence from guppies for correlated patterns of male and female genital trait diversification 2011 EVANS, JONATHANGASPARINI, CLELIAPILASTRO, ANDREA AUGUSTO + PROCEEDINGS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES - -
Male Genital Morphology and Its Influence on Female Mating Preferences and Paternity Success in Guppies 2011 GASPARINI, CLELIAPILASTRO, ANDREA AUGUSTOEVANS, JONATHAN PLOS ONE - -
Malignancies among children and young people with HIV in Western and Eastern Europe and Thailand the European Pregnancy and Paediatric Infections Cohort Collaboration (EPPICC) study group 2021 Jackson C.Galli L.Ene L.Giaquinto C.de Martino M.Tagliabue C.Dona' D.Cristiano L.Mazza A.Lillo M.Martinetti G.Weber R.Hawkins S.Williams A.Hancock J.Evans J. + AIDS - -
Population demography and heterozygosity–fitness correlations in natural guppy populations: An examination using sexually selected fitness traits 2017 Devigili, AlessandroGasparini, CleliaEvans, Jonathan P. + MOLECULAR ECOLOGY - -
Possible glimpses into early speciation: the effect of ovarian fluid on sperm velocity accords with post-copulatory isolation between two guppy populations 2017 Gasparini, CPilastro, AEvans, J. P. + JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY - -
Postcopulatory sexual selection 2011 EVANS, JONATHANPILASTRO, ANDREA AUGUSTO - - Ecology and Evolution of Poeciliid Fishes
Sexual selection and the evolution of sperm morphology in sharks 2019 Locatello, LisaGiacomello, EvaEvans, Jonathan PMazzoldi, Carlotta + JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY - -
Sperm as moderators of environmentally induced paternal effects in a livebearing fish 2017 Evans, Jonathan P.Gasparini, Clelia + BIOLOGY LETTERS - -