Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale - ICEA  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 112 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.048 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A new methodology for the multi-risk assessment of existing road tunnels 2024 Pasetto, MarcoPasquini, EmilianoBaliello, Andrea + PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY - -
A rheological study on rejuvenated binder containing very high content of aged bitumen 2018 Pasetto, MarcoBaliello, AndreaGiacomello, GiovanniPasquini, Emiliano - - RILEM Bookseries
Acoustic characterization of asphalt rubber mixtures in Italy 2010 PASQUINI, EMILIANO + - - 39th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering 2010, INTER-NOISE 2010
Acoustic characterization of different road materials 2008 PASQUINI, EMILIANO + - - ISAP International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements and Environment
Advanced characterization of clear chip seals 2014 PASQUINI, EMILIANO + JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION - -
Advanced characterization of innovative environmentally friendly bituminous mixtures 2009 PASQUINI, EMILIANO - - -
Advances in the Rheology of Synthetic Binder for Sustainable Road Pavements: An Improved Protocol for DSR Testing 2023 Pasetto, MarcoBaliello, AndreaGiacomello, GiovanniPasquini, Emiliano SUSTAINABILITY - -
Aesthetic and Mechanical Suitability of a Clear Synthetic Resin as a Unconventional Binder for Road Pavements 2019 Pasetto M.Baliello A.Giacomello G.Pasquini E. ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - -
Aging of rejuvenated RAP binder – a RILEM inter-laboratory study 2021 A. Cannone FalchettoE. PasquiniM. Pasetto + - - 7th E&E Congress
An Application to the European Practice of the Bailey Method for HMA Aggregate Grading Design 2012 PASQUINI, EMILIANO + PROCEDIA: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES - -
An Interlaboratory Test Program on the Extensive Use of Waste Aggregates in Asphalt Mixtures: Preliminary Steps 2021 Pasetto M.Pasquini E.Giacomello G.Cannone Falchetto A. + - RILEM BOOKSERIES RILEM Bookseries
An Italian road pavement design method for bus lanes: proposal and application to case studies 2023 Pasetto, MarcoGiacomello, GiovanniBaliello, AndreaPasquini, Emiliano TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PROCEDIA - -
Analysis of water and thermal sensitivity of open graded asphalt rubber mixtures 2010 PASQUINI, EMILIANO + CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS - -
Asphalt Rubber: policy disclosure in Italy 2009 PASQUINI, EMILIANO + - - Asphalt Rubber 2009 Conference
Asphalt Rubber: primeiros resultados em itália 2008 PASQUINI, EMILIANO + - - Estrada 2008 V Congresso Rodoviario Portugues
Assessment of the Degree of binder Activity of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement using Support Vector Regression and Clustering 2022 E. PasquiniM. Pasetto + - - 1st International Data Science for Pavements Symposium DSPS2022
Bituminous Binder and Bituminous Mixture Modified with Waste Polyethylene 2023 Pasquini, EmilianoPasetto, MarcoCannone Falchetto, Augusto + - RILEM STATE-OF-THE-ART REPORTS Valorisation of Waste and Secondary Materials for Roads. State-of-the-Art Report of the RILEM TC 279-WMR
Circular Economy for Transport Infrastructure: An Overview of the Sustainable Use of Recycled Asphalt Shingles in Asphalt Mixtures 2024 Pasetto, MarcoHaider, SafeerPasquini, Emiliano APPLIED SCIENCES - -
Cold recycling of reclaimed asphalt: analysis of alternative procedures 2019 Pasetto, M.Baliello, A.Giacomello, G.Pasquini, E. - - Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements VII
Comprehensive performance characterization of warm mix asphalt containing steel slags: a laboratory study 2017 PASETTO, MARCOBALIELLO, ANDREAGIACOMELLO, GIOVANNIPASQUINI, EMILIANO - - 7th International EATA Conference EATA2017