Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale - ICEA  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A coupled hydrodynamic and breach formation model to simulate floodplain inundations: the case study of the Bacchiglione River 2011 VIERO, DANIELE PIETROD'ALPAOS, ANDREACARNIELLO, LUCADEFINA, ANDREA + - - Abstract Volume
A coupled hydrodynamic and breach formation model to simulate floodplain inundations: the case study of the Bacchiglione River (Italy) 2011 VIERO, DANIELE PIETROD'ALPAOS, ANDREACARNIELLO, LUCADEFINA, ANDREA + - - -
A coupled hydrodynamic and breach formation model to simulate floodplain inundations: the case study of the Muson dei Sassi River (Italy) 2011 VIERO, DANIELE PIETROD'ALPAOS, ANDREACARNIELLO, LUCADEFINA, ANDREA + - - -
A Flood Damage Model Accounting for Time-Evolving Hazard, Exposure, and Vulnerability 2022 Tommaso LazzarinDaniele P. VieroAndrea Defina + - - AGU Fall Meeting 2022
A Flood Damage Model Accounting for Time-Evolving Hazard, Exposure, and Vulnerability at the Event-Scale 2024 Tommaso LazzarinDaniele P. VieroAndrea Defina + - - Atti del XXXIXConvegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche
A fully coupled hydrodynamic and breach formation model to simulate floodplain inundation: the case study of the Muson dei Sassi River (Italy). 2011 VIERO, DANIELE PIETROD'ALPAOS, ANDREACARNIELLO, LUCADEFINA, ANDREA + - - EGU General Assembly 2011
A model to account for the within-event evolution of flood damage: insights from a case study in northern Italy 2023 Tommaso LazzarinAndrea DefinaDaniele P. Viero - - Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Young Professionals Congress
A new framework for flood damage assessment considering the within-event time evolution of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability 2022 Lazzarin, TommasoViero, Daniele P.Defina, Andrea + JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY - -
A quantitative criterion to predict the occurrence of tidal bores 2018 Daniele Pietro VieroAndrea Defina - - Atti del XXXVI Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche
A quantitative criterion to predict the occurrence of tidal bores 2018 Daniele Pietro VieroAndrea Defina - - 5th IAHR Europe Congress
A semi-empirical model to predict the probability of capture of buoyant particles by a cylindrical collector through capillarity 2016 PERUZZO, PAOLOVIERO, DANIELE PIETRODEFINA, ANDREA ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES - -
A single physics- and data-based impact parameter to express flood damage functions 2022 Tommaso LazzarinDaniele P. VieroAndrea Defina + - - Atti del XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche
Advanced Hydrodynamic Modelling of Flow at a River Bridge: Insights from 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics 2024 Lazzarin, TommasoViero, Daniele P. + PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY - Procedia Structural Integrity
Allagamenti in aree urbane: estrazione automatica dei parametri di porosità da geometrie complesse 2021 Daniele Pietro VieroAndrea Defina + - - XXXVII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche
Assessing 40 years of flood risk evolution at the micro-scale using an innovative modeling approach: the effects of urbanization and land planning 2023 Lazzarin TommasoDefina A.Viero D. P. GEOSCIENCES - -
Bed friction effects on the stability of a stationary hydraulic jump in a rectangular upward sloping channel 2008 DEFINA, ANDREASUSIN, FRANCESCA MARIAVIERO, DANIELE PIETRO PHYSICS OF FLUIDS - -
Benefici dell’idrovia Padova-Venezia sulla riduzione della pericolosità idraulica nel bacino Brenta-Bacchiglione 2018 Riccardo MelLuca CarnielloElena CrestaniDaniele Pietro VieroLuigi D'Alpaos - - Atti del XXXVI Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche
Beyond flood hazard. Mapping the loss probability of pedestrians to improve risk estimation and communication 2024 Lazzarin, TommasoViero, Daniele P + SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT - -
Beyond the Fixed-bed Paradigm in Flood Modelling: An Analysis of the Terminal Reach of the Po River (Italy) 2022 Tommaso LazzarinDaniele P. VieroDavide TogninAndrea DefinaLuca CarnielloStefano Lanzoni + - - AGU Fall Meeting 2022