Università di Padova  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Abnormal liver function tests predict transfer to intensive care unit and death in COVID-19 2020 Piano S.Vettore E.Gambino C. G.Framba V.Cerruti L.Martini A.Cattelan A.Vettor R.Angeli P. + LIVER INTERNATIONAL - -
Abnormalities in the 24-hour rhythm of skin temperature in cirrhosis: Sleep-wake and general clinical implications 2017 Garrido, MariaDe Rui, MicheleVettore, EliaVerardo, AlbertoCarraro, PaoloAngeli, PaoloBolognesi, MassimoMontagnese, Sara + LIVER INTERNATIONAL - -
Abnormalities in the 24-hour Rhythm of Skin Temperature in Cirrhosis: Sleep-Wake and General Clinical Implications 2017 DE RUI, MICHELEVETTORE, ELIAVERARDO, ALBERTOANGELI, PAOLOBOLOGNESI, MASSIMOMONTAGNESE, SARA + LIVER INTERNATIONAL - -
Assessment of Sepsis-3 criteria and quick SOFA in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infections 2018 Piano, SalvatoreTonon, MartaCHIES, GIADARomano, AntoniettaVettore, EliaStanco, MarialuisaPilutti, ChiaraFrigo, Anna ChiaraBrocca, AlessandraCaraceni, PaoloAngeli, Paolo + GUT - -
Depressive symptoms, functional measures and long-term outcomes of high-risk ST-elevated myocardial infarction patients treated by primary angioplasty 2016 RUSSO, NICOLACOMPOSTELLA, CATERINAVETTORE, ELIATARANTINI, GIUSEPPEILICETO, SABINOBELLOTTO, FABIO + INTERNAL AND EMERGENCY MEDICINE - -
Functional parameters but not heart rate variability correlate with long-term outcomes in St-elevation myocardial infarction patients treated by primary angioplasty 2016 RUSSO, NICOLACOMPOSTELLA, CATERINAVETTORE, ELIATARANTINI, GIUSEPPEILICETO, SABINO + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY - -
High doses of benzodiazepine predict analgesic and sedative drug withdrawal syndrome in paediatric intensive care patients 2014 VETTORE, ELIABRUGNOLARO, VALENTINABRUGNARO, LUCAGAFFO, DARIAMASOLA, MONICAMARZOLLO, ANTONIOPETTENAZZO, ANDREA + ACTA PAEDIATRICA - -
Incidence, predictors and outcomes of acute-on-chronic liver failure in outpatients with cirrhosis 2017 Piano, SalvatoreTonon, MartaVettore, EliaStanco, MarialuisaPilutti, ChiaraRomano, AntoniettaMareso, SaraGambino, CarmineBrocca, AlessandraSticca, AntoniettaFasolato, SilvanoAngeli, Paolo JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY - -
Predictors of Early Readmission in Patients With Cirrhosis After the Resolution of Bacterial Infections. 2017 Salvatore PianoFilippo MorandoMarta TononElia VettoreSilvia RosiMarialuisa StancoPILUTTI, CHIARAAntonietta RomanoAlessandra BroccaAntonietta SticcaPaolo Angeli + THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY - -
Response to Terlipressin and Albumin Is Associated With Improved Liver Transplant Outcomes in Patients With Hepatorenal Syndrome 2021 Piano, SalvatoreGambino, CarmineVettore, EliaCalvino, ValeriaTonon, MartaBoccagni, PatriziaGringeri, EnricoGermani, GiacomoBurra, PatriziaCillo, UmbertoAngeli, Paolo HEPATOLOGY - -
Tocilizumab for severe COVID-19 pneumonia 2020 Piano S.Vettor R.Angeli P.Arcidiacono G.Bettini S.Bonora B. M.Bucca G.Cattelan A.Cerruti L.Framba V.Gambino C. G.Ghirardini F.Mareso S.Martini A.Sensi C.Vettore E. + THE LANCET. RHEUMATOLOGY - -