Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.681
EU - Europa 570
AS - Asia 522
SA - Sud America 12
OC - Oceania 10
AF - Africa 3
Totale 3.798
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.677
IT - Italia 267
CN - Cina 224
SG - Singapore 204
DE - Germania 56
FI - Finlandia 47
IN - India 45
SE - Svezia 44
UA - Ucraina 26
PT - Portogallo 21
FR - Francia 20
RU - Federazione Russa 20
GB - Regno Unito 16
TR - Turchia 14
AU - Australia 10
KR - Corea 10
HK - Hong Kong 7
JP - Giappone 7
CL - Cile 6
IE - Irlanda 6
PL - Polonia 6
BE - Belgio 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
GR - Grecia 5
LV - Lettonia 5
AT - Austria 4
CA - Canada 4
BR - Brasile 3
NL - Olanda 3
PE - Perù 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
HU - Ungheria 2
MM - Myanmar 2
MT - Malta 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PH - Filippine 2
RO - Romania 2
RS - Serbia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BH - Bahrain 1
EG - Egitto 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
IR - Iran 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 3.798
Città #
Fairfield 391
Woodbridge 338
Ashburn 200
Ann Arbor 198
Chandler 177
Houston 157
Seattle 148
Wilmington 133
Cambridge 126
Singapore 119
Santa Clara 111
Boardman 70
Padova 65
Princeton 48
Medford 46
Beijing 40
Jacksonville 39
San Diego 39
Roxbury 35
Des Moines 30
Helsinki 23
Nanjing 23
Pune 22
Falls Church 21
Guangzhou 15
Milan 15
Naples 13
Shenyang 13
Jinan 10
Mestre 10
Turin 10
Venice 10
Rome 9
Hebei 8
Istanbul 8
Dongjak-gu 7
L'aquila 7
Cagliari 6
Dallas 6
Dublin 6
Nanchang 6
Brno 5
Gravina di Catania 5
Hangzhou 5
Indiana 5
Leiria 5
Lisbon 5
Los Angeles 5
New York 5
Ningbo 5
Riga 5
Viña del Mar 5
Bari 4
Changsha 4
Giugliano in Campania 4
Kharkiv 4
Redwood City 4
Selvazzano Dentro 4
Sydney 4
Tianjin 4
Zhengzhou 4
Aachen 3
Athens 3
Braga 3
Brussels 3
Catania 3
Conversano 3
Corbetta 3
Council Bluffs 3
Erzurum 3
Florence 3
Fuzhou 3
Graz 3
Jiaxing 3
Leca da Palmeira 3
Mildura 3
Munich 3
Norwalk 3
Nürnberg 3
Orlando 3
Palermo 3
Phoenix 3
Porto 3
Taiyuan 3
Tokyo 3
Trnava 3
Antibes 2
Arzano 2
Aulla 2
Aveiro 2
Bassano Del Grappa 2
Bastiglia 2
Belgrade 2
Bengaluru 2
Buja 2
Cajamarca 2
Cardiff 2
Cluj-Napoca 2
Greater Noida 2
Haikou 2
Totale 2.952
Nome #
Uncertainty quantification in structural health monitoring: applications on cultural heritage buildings 167
Integrated methodologies based on structural health monitoring for the protection of cultural heritage buildings 149
Non-destructive investigations for structural qualification of the Sarno Baths, Pompeii 135
Seismic assessment and numerical modelling of the Sarno Baths, Pompeii 131
Structural health monitoring: a tool for managing risks in sub-standard conditions 129
Structural health monitoring of the Roman Arena of Verona, Italy 123
The Spanish Fortress in l’Aquila: emergency actions, investigations and monitoring 121
Knowledge-based data warehouse of interventions for the protection of masonry historical heritage 121
Operating conditions of an ancient Roman bridge: inspections and vibration analysis 112
Structural health monitoring and diagnostic investigations of the Scrovegni chapel, Italy 110
Settlement induced damage modelling of historical buildings: the bell tower of the 'Basilica dei Frari' in Venice 106
Emergency actions and investigations on Cultural Heritage after the l'Aquila earthquake: the case of the Spanish Fortress 106
Foreword: Multidisciplinary study of the Sarno Baths in Pompeii (Naples, Italy): Preface 100
Finite element micro-modeling for the characterization of inclined head joints archaeological masonry: the case of Villa Diomede in Pompeii 99
Calibration of the dynamic behaviour of incomplete structures in archeological sites: The case of Villa Diomede portico in Pompeii 98
New integrated knowledge based approaches to the protection of cultural heritage from earthquake-induced risk 97
Ambient and free-vibration tests to improve the quantification and estimation of modal parameters in existing bridges 97
Structural Health Monitoring of the Roman Arena of Verona, Italy 97
Monitoring of orthotropic steel decks for experimental evaluation of residual fatigue life 92
Post-earthquake controls and damage detection through structural health monitoring: applications in l’Aquila 89
A multidisciplinary approach for the assessment of the dynamic and seismic behaviour of archaeological structures in Hierapolis of Phrygia, Turkey 89
Operational modal analysis for the characterization of ancient water towers in Pompeii 83
Structural assessment of historical buildings by monitoring and numerical methods: The case of Castelvecchio (Verona) 82
Structural Health Monitoring of the Roman Arena of Verona, Italy 80
Post-earthquake assessment pf the Civic Tower in L'Aquila: ambient vibration tests and structural health monitoring 78
Creation of a structured catalogue 74
Dynamic Identification & Monitoring of the churches of St. Biagio and St. Giuseppe in l’Aquila 73
Emergency actions for the preservation of cultural heritage buildings after the L’Aquila earthquake 73
Structural health monitoring of historical buildings in Italy: applications and uncertainty overview 73
Analisi in laboratorio delle prestazione acustiche e strutturali di elementi di solai in legno 64
Seismic analyses and interventions design of a historic building in Jerusalem: the Cenacle and the tomb of David 62
SHM for historical buildings: preventive and post-earthquake controls 58
Experimental investigations on two traditional minarets in Bosnia and Herzegovina 58
Seismic vulnerability assessment of free-standing massive masonry columns by the 3D Discrete Element Method 57
Structural Health Monitoring of historical buildings: preventive and post-earthquake controls 55
Post-earthquake survey, analysis and retrofitting scenario of school buildings 54
Fortezza Spagnola. Analisi del comportamento strutturale 52
Seismic Assessment of Masonry Towers: The Case of Castellum Aquae System in Pompeii 52
Modelli numerici per l’analisi sismica di edifici in muratura: confronto tra metodi ad elementi finiti e a telaio equivalente 49
Uncertainties reduction on modal parameters estimation in existing bridges using ambient and free vibration test 49
Chiesa di Santa Giusta a Bazzano 42
Dynamic Identification and Calibration of an Arch Steel Bridge Model for the Evaluation of Corrosion Effects 41
Integrated Seismic and Energy Retrofit Interventions on a URM Masonry Building: The Case Study of the Former Courthouse in Fabriano 38
Onsite experimental investigations into the qualification of materials and characterisation of dynamic structural behavior 36
The Engineering Approach to Conservation of Massive Archaeological Structures in Seismic Areas: The Apollo Nymphaeum in Hierapolis of Phrygia 34
Indagini sperimentali e valutazioni strutturali per la conservazione delle cd. Terme-Chiesa 30
Multidisciplinary study of the Sarno Baths in Pompeii (Naples, Italy) 27
Dynamic calibration and seismic validation of numerical models of URM buildings through permanent monitoring data 27
Totale 3.869
Categoria #
all - tutte 14.152
article - articoli 5.731
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 106
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.077
Totale 21.066

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020339 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 74 103 85 16
2020/2021355 23 20 15 48 15 17 16 29 48 33 37 54
2021/2022594 17 87 43 21 31 65 67 36 39 13 46 129
2022/2023437 88 10 4 38 114 45 3 31 70 4 18 12
2023/2024433 15 36 45 45 42 67 15 55 9 19 49 36
2024/2025580 25 97 42 87 177 47 38 67 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.869