Dipartimento di Neuroscienze - DNS  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Does cognition structure Number paradigms? Insights from typology and an ERP study 2018 Zanini C.Arcara G.Rugani R.Franzon F - - 18th International Morphology Meeting (IMM18)
Effects of animacy on the processing of morphological Number: a cognitive inheritance? A psycholinguistic study 2017 Franzon F.Rugani R.Giomo D.Zanini C. - - 50th Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea
Encoding Numerosity into Number Morphology: An ERP Stud 2017 Arcara G.Franzon F.Gastaldon S.Brotto S.Semenza C.Peressotti F.Zanini C. - - 10th International Morphological Processing Conference (MoProc)
Gender Agreement: a psycholinguistic and aphasia case study 2014 FRANZON, FRANCESCAARCARA, GIORGIOPERESSOTTI, FRANCESCASEMENZA, CARLO FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY - Frontiers
Gender Errors in Aphasia Reveal a Projection for Contextually Dependent Gender in Syntax 2012 FRANZON, FRANCESCABERTOCCI, DAVIDESEMENZA, CARLO + PROCEDIA: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES - Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Mass is more: The conceiving of (un)countability and its encoding into language in 5-year-old-children 2017 Zanini, ChiaraBenavides-Varela, SilviaLORUSSO, RICCARDINAFranzon, Francesca PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW - -
One can be some but some cannot be one: ERP correlates of numerosity incongruence are different for singular and plural 2018 Arcara, GiorgioFranzon, FrancescaGastaldon, SimoneBROTTO, SILVIASemenza, CarloPeressotti, FrancescaZanini, Chiara CORTEX - -
Referential Numerosity and Morphosyntactic Number Agreement: A Psycholinguistic Study on Italian qualche/alcuni 2016 GASTALDON, SIMONEChiara ZaniniGiorgio ArcaraFrancesca PeressottiFrancesca Franzon RGG. RIVISTA DI GRAMMATICA GENERATIVA - -
Referential Numerosity and Morphosyntactic Number Agreement: A Psycholinguistic Study on Italian qualche/alcuni 2015 Gastaldon S.Zanini C.Arcara G.Peressotti F.Franzon F. - - 41° Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (41st Generative Grammar Meeting)
Referential numerosity in quantification expressions. An ERP study on Italian 2017 Zanini C.Franzon F.Semenza C.Peressotti F.Gastaldon S.Brotto S.Arcara G. - - 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia
Semantic interpretability speeds up the processing of morphological features. A psycholinguistic experiment on gender agreement 2014 FRANZON, FRANCESCAPERESSOTTI, FRANCESCAARCARA, GIORGIOSEMENZA, CARLO STEM-, SPRAAK- EN TAALPATHOLOGIE - 15th International Science of Aphasia Conference -
The encoding of countability and numerosity in nominal morphology 2016 Franzon, Francesca - - -
The encoding of numerosity in quantification expressions. Insight from an ERP study 2017 Zanini C.Franzon F.Semenza C.Peressotti F.Brotto S.Gastaldon S.Arcara G. - - 18th Science of Aphasia
The interaction between animacy and numerosity in language processing 2017 Franzon F.Rugani R.Giomo, DuniaSemenza C.Zanini C. - - XXXV European Workshop in Cognitive Neuropsychology (EWCN)
The interference of animacy in the processing of morphological Number 2017 Franzon F.Zanini C.Giomo D.Peressotti F.Rugani R. - - 10th International Morphological Processing Conference (MoProc)