Dipartimento di Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali - TESAF
Analysis of suspended sediment dynamics at event scale: comparison between a Mediterranean and an Alpine basin
2019 Pagano, S. G.; Rainato, R.; Garcia-Rama, A.; Gentile, Francesco; Lenzi, M. A.
Application of the new Morphological Quality Index in the Cordevole River (Bl, Italy)
2013 Rigon, Emanuel; Moretto, Johnny; Delai, Fabio; Picco, Lorenzo; Ravazzolo, Diego; Rainato, Riccardo; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Assessing Top soil Movement in Rotary Harrowing Process by RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) Technique
2019 Kayad, Ahmed; Rainato, Riccardo; Picco, Lorenzo; Sartori, Luigi; Marinello, Francesco
Bank erosion and large wood recruitment along a gravel bed river
2016 Picco, Lorenzo; Tonon, Alessia; Rainato, Riccardo; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Cascading processes in a changing environment: Disturbances on fluvial ecosystems in Chile and implications for hazard and risk management
2019 Mazzorana, B.; Picco, L.; Rainato, R.; Iroumé, A.; Ruiz-Villanueva, V.; Rojas, C.; Valdebenito, G.; Iribarren-Anacona, P.; Melnick, D.
Characteristics of fluvial islands along three gravel bed-rivers of North-Eastern Italy
2014 Picco, Lorenzo; Ravazzolo, Diego; Rainato, Riccardo; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
2013 Picco, Lorenzo; Rainato, Riccardo; Mao, Luca; Delai, Fabio; Tonon, Alessia; Ravazzolo, Diego; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Coarse sediment transfer and geomorphic changes in an alpine headwater stream
2021 Oss Cazzador, D.; Rainato, R.; Mao, L.; Martini, L.; Picco, L.
Coupling Climate Conditions, Sediment Sources and Sediment Transport in an Alpine Basin
2018 Rainato, Riccardo; Picco, Lorenzo; Cavalli, Marco; Mao, Luca; Neverman, Andrew J.; Tarolli, Paolo
Evaluating short-term morphological changes in a gravel-bed braided river using terrestrial laser scanner
2013 Picco, Lorenzo; Mao, L.; Cavalli, M.; Buzzi, E.; Rainato, Riccardo; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Evaluation of short-term geomorphic changes along the Tagliamento river using LiDAR and Terrestrial Laser Scanner surveys.
2013 Rainato, Riccardo; Picco, Lorenzo; Cavalli, M; Mao, L; Delai, Fabio; Ravazzolo, Diego; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Evaluation of the morphological quality index in the Cordevole river (BL, Italy)
2013 Rigon, Emanuel; Moretto, Johnny; Rainato, Riccardo; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE; Zorzi, A.
Hydrological, geomorphic and sedimentological responses of an alpine basin to a severe weather event (Vaia storm)
2021 Rainato, Riccardo; Martini, Lorenzo; Pellegrini, Giacomo; Picco, Lorenzo
Integrated analysis of sediment source areas in an Alpine basin
2020 Oss Cazzador, D.; Rainato, R.; Cavalli, M.; Lenzi, M. A.; Picco, L.
Interaction between climatic conditions, water- and sediment-fluxes in an alpine basin: Long-term monthly and seasonal analysis
2025 Rainato, R.; Pellegrini, G.; Lenzi, M. A.; Picco, L.
Large wood mobilization and morphological changes in an alpine river following the release of an ordinary experimental flood from an upstream dam
2022 Pellegrini, Giacomo; Martini, Lorenzo; Rainato, Riccardo; Picco, Lorenzo
Medium-term fluvial island evolution in a disturbed gravel-bed river (Piave River, Northeastern Italian Alps)
2014 Picco, Lorenzo; Mao, Luca; Rainato, Riccardo; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Monitoring river island dynamics using aerial photographs and lidar data: the tagliamento river study case
2015 Picco, Lorenzo; Tonon, Alessia; Ravazzolo, Diego; Rainato, Riccardo; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Near-bankfull floods in an Alpine stream: Effects on the sediment mobility and bedload magnitude
2018 Rainato, Riccardo; Mao, Luca; Picco, Lorenzo
Surprising suspended sediment dynamics of an alpine basin affected by a large infrequent disturbance
2023 Pellegrini, G.; Mao, L.; Rainato, R.; Picco, L.