Dipartimento di Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali - TESAF
An extraordinary event changed the (morphological) appearance of a famous Alpine stream
2020 Picco, Lorenzo; Rainato, Riccardo; Pellegrini, Giacomo; Martini, Lorenzo; Mao, Luca; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Assessing the effect of torrent control structures on sediment continuity and connectivity
2024 Martini, Lorenzo; Cucchiaro, Sara; Piccinin, Francesco; Pellegrini, Giacomo; Maset, Eleonora; Baggio, Tommaso; Chiarel, Giorgia; Cazorzi, Federico; Picco, Lorenzo
Assessment of flash flood impacts in a mountain basin: an integrated approach for the management of channel control works
2024 Piccinin, Francesco; Martini, Lorenzo; Cucchiaro, Sara; Pellegrini, Giacomo; Maset, Eleonora; Beinat, Alberto; Baggio, Tommaso; Cazorzi, Federico; Picco, Lorenzo
Cascading processes in a headwater catchment: unraveling Vaia windstorm's Influence on stream Morphology and Large Wood Dynamics
2024 Pellegrini, Giacomo; Picco, Lorenzo
Cascading processes of the Vaia storm in the italian Rio Cordon mountain catchment
2021 Pellegrini, Giacomo; Rainato, Riccardo; Martini, Lorenzo; Mao, Luca; Picco, Lorenzo
Contribution of a windthrow-affected area to the suspended sediment transport in an Alpine Mountain catchment: a focus on the snowmelt period
2022 Pellegrini, Giacomo; Rainato, Riccardo; Mao, Luca; Picco, Lorenzo
2023 Pellegrini, Giacomo; Picco, Lorenzo; Luca, Mao
Evaluating the Effects of Forest Cover Changes on Sediment Connectivity in a Catchment Affected by Multiple Wildfires
2020 Martini, Lorenzo; Lorenzo, Faes; Cordelia, Scalari; Pellegrini, Giacomo; Andrés, Iroumé; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE; Picco, Lorenzo
Eventi estremi sui bacini montani: risposte morfologiche e sedimentologiche primarie ed a cascata
2023 Pellegrini, Giacomo
How to deal with large wood recruitment after wildfires? Analysis, aspects and considerations for improving post-fire management
2020 Picco, Lorenzo; Scalari, Cordelia; Martini, Lorenzo; Pellegrini, Giacomo; Faes, Lorenzo; Sanhueza, Daniel; Mazzorana, Bruno; Iroumé, Andres
Hydrological and sedimentological responses of an Alpine river to the 2022 summer drought
2023 Rainato, R.; Pellegrini, G.; Mao, L.; Lenzi, M. A.
Hydrological, geomorphic and sedimentological responses of an alpine basin to a severe weather event (Vaia storm)
2021 Rainato, Riccardo; Martini, Lorenzo; Pellegrini, Giacomo; Picco, Lorenzo
Impact of a volcanic eruption on the wood fluctuation along a Chilean river basin: the Calbuco study case
2022 Iroumé, Andrés; Sanchez, Karla; Martini, Lorenzo; Pellegrini, Giacomo; Picco, Lorenzo
Influence of a windstorm-affected area on the transmission of a mountain basin’s sediment fluxes
2023 Pellegrini, Giacomo; Rainato, Riccardo; Mao, Luca; Picco, Lorenzo
Integrated assessment of geomorphological dynamics: implementing a management protocol in a mountain catchment
2024 Piccinin, Francesco; Martini, Lorenzo; Pellegrini, Giacomo; Picco, Lorenzo
Interaction between climatic conditions, water- and sediment-fluxes in an alpine basin: Long-term monthly and seasonal analysis
2025 Rainato, R.; Pellegrini, G.; Lenzi, M. A.; Picco, L.
Investigating the geomorphic change in the Rio Cordon basin (Italy) after Vaia Storm
2020 Martini, L.; Picco, L.; Rainato, R.; Pellegrini, G.; Lenzi, M. A.; Cavalli., M.
Large Wood dynamics during the Vaia storm : insights from post-event remote and field-based data
2024 Pellegrini, Giacomo; Martini, Lorenzo; Stecca, Guglielmo; Picco, Lorenzo
Large wood mobilization and morphological changes in an alpine river following the release of an ordinary experimental flood from an upstream dam
2022 Pellegrini, Giacomo; Martini, Lorenzo; Rainato, Riccardo; Picco, Lorenzo
Multi-temporal analysis to support the management of torrent control structures
2024 Cucchiaro, S.; Martini, L.; Maset, E.; Pellegrini, G.; Eliana Poli, M.; Beinat, A.; Cazorzi, F.; Picco, L.