Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche - DiSC  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A multibiomarker approach to assess the effects of a BPA analogues-contaminated diet in the crab Carcinus aestuarii 2024 Fabrello, JacopoRoverso, MarcoBogialli, SaraMatozzo, Valerio + AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY - -
A new method for the determination of primary and secondary terrestrial and marine biomarkers in ice cores using liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry 2019 Giorio, ChiaraRoverso, MarcoTapparo, Andrea + TALANTA - -
A Nutraceutical Formulation Containing Brown Algae Reduces Hepatic Lipid Accumulation by Modulating Lipid Metabolism and Inflammation in Experimental Models of NAFLD and NASH 2022 Gabbia, DanielaRoverso, MarcoZanotto, IlariaColognesi, MartinaSayaf, KatiaSarcognato, SamanthaArcidiacono, DilettaZaramella, AliceFerri, NicolaGuido, MariaRusso, Francesco PaoloBogialli, SaraCarrara, MariaDe Martin, Sara + MARINE DRUGS - -
A preliminary fastview of mitochondrial protein profile from healthy and type 2 diabetic subjects. 2014 PORCU, SIMONALAPOLLA, ANNUNZIATABASSO, DANIELAROVERSO, MARCO + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY - -
A preliminary investigation on placenta protein profile reveals only modest changes in well controlled gestational diabetes mellitus. 2013 LAPOLLA, ANNUNZIATAPORCU, SIMONAROVERSO, MARCOCOSMA, CHIARANARDELLI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY - -
A preliminary study on human placental tissue impaired by gestational diabetes: A comparison of gel-based versus gel-free proteomics approaches 2016 ROVERSO, MARCOVISENTIN, SILVIABURLINA, SILVIALAPOLLA, ANNUNZIATA + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY - -
A versatile Fe(II) diketonate diamine adduct: Preparation, characterization and validation in the chemical vapor deposition of iron oxide nanomaterials 2022 Barreca D.Bigiani L.Gasparotto A.Fois E.Roverso M.Bogialli S.Maccato C. + MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS - -
Accurate pH Monitoring of Highly Concentrated Saline Aqueous Solutions (Seawater-like) with a pH Colorimetric Sensor Array 2024 Pastore, AndreaBadocco, DenisCappellin, LucaZanut, AlessandraBogialli, SaraRoverso, MarcoPastore, Paolo + ACS SENSORS - -
An Improved Gold(I) Catalytic System for the Preparation of Coumarins via Intramolecular Cyclization 2024 Ravera, FrancescoTubaro, CristinaRoverso, MarcoBiffis, Andrea + CHEMISTRY - AN ASIAN JOURNAL - -
Antioxidant activity of Zuccagnia-type propolis: A combined approach based on LC-HRMS analysis of bioanalytical-guided fractions and computational investigation 2024 Roverso, MarcoBogialli, SaraOrian, LauraBadocco, DenisPettenuzzo, SilviaFavaro, GabriellaPastore, Paolo + FOOD CHEMISTRY - -
Assessing the Effects of a Diet of BPA Analogue-Exposed Microalgae in the Clam Ruditapes philippinarum 2024 Fabrello, JacopoRoverso, MarcoBogialli, SaraMatozzo, Valerio + JOURNAL OF XENOBIOTICS - -
Bioremediation of Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) by Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803: A Chassis for a Synthetic Biology Approach 2021 Marchetto, FrancescaRoverso, MarcoRighetti, DavideBogialli, SaraFilippini, FrancescoBergantino, ElisabettaSforza, Eleonora LIFE - -
Comparative Evaluation of Intestinal Absorption and Functional Value of Iron Dietary Supplements and Drug with Different Delivery Systems 2020 Pastore P.Roverso M.Mantovan E. + MOLECULES - -
Corrigendum to “Use of a simple empirical model for the accurate conversion of the seawater pH value measured with NIST calibration into seawater pH scales” [Talanta 225 (2021) 122051] (Talanta (2021) 225, (S0039914020313424), (10.1016/j.talanta.2020.122051)) 2021 Badocco D.Pastore A.di Marco V.Marin M. G.Bogialli S.Roverso M.Pastore P. + TALANTA - -
Derivatization, an Applicable Asset for Conventional HPLC Systems without MS Detection in Food and Miscellaneous Analysis 2022 Dogra, RaghavRoverso, MarcoBogialli, SaraPastore, Paolo + CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY - -
Design and experimental validation of an optimized microalgae-bacteria consortium for the bioremediation of glyphosate in continuous photobioreactors 2023 Borella, LisaNovello, GiuliaGasparotto, MatteoRenella, GiancarloRoverso, MarcoBogialli, SaraFilippini, FrancescoSforza, Eleonora JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS - -
Dexamethasone counteracts hepatic inflammation and oxidative stress in cholestatic rats via CAR activation 2018 Gabbia, DanielaRoverso, MarcoSacchi, DianaPozza, Arianna DallaCarrara, MariaBogialli, SaraFloreani, AnnarosaGuido, MariaDe Martin, Sara + PLOS ONE - -
Diffusion-driven formation of Co3O4 nanopetals layers for photoelectrochemical degradation of organophosphate pesticides 2022 Kalinic, B.Girardi, L.Ragonese, P.Faramawy, A.Mattei, G.Frasconi, M.Baretta, R.Bogialli, S.Roverso, M.Rizzi, G. A.Maurizio, C. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE - -
Direct Injection Liquid Chromatography High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Determination of Primary and Secondary Terrestrial and Marine Biomarkers in Ice Cores 2019 Giorio C.Roverso M.Tapparo A.Bogialli S. + ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY - -
Drosophila Mpv17 forms an ion channel and regulates energy metabolism 2023 Checchetto, VanessaRampazzo, ChiaraDe Pittà, CristianoRoverso, MarcoDe Stefani, DiegoBogialli, SaraZeviani, MassimoViscomi, CarloSzabò, Ildiko + ISCIENCE - -