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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A Mosaic of Colors: Investigating Production Technologies of Roman Glass Tesserae from Northeastern Italy 2018 Maltoni, SarahSilvestri, Alberta MINERALS - -
A mosaic of colours. Comparing production technologies of Roman and Late-Roman glass tesserae from various sites of Northern-Eastern Italy. 2014 MALTONI, SARAHSILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIOSALVADORI, MONICA + - - 40th International Symposium on Archaeometry ISA 2014, Program and Abstract Book
Archaeological and archaeometric study of the glass finds from the ancient harbour of Classe (Ravenna- Italy): new evidence 2015 MALTONI, SARAHSILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIO + HERITAGE SCIENCE - -
Chemical and textural investigation of the glass tesserae from the baptistery of Tyana (Khemerisar) - Turkey 2017 SILVESTRI, ALBERTAMALTONI, SARAH + - - "Glass Science in Art and Conservation 2017". Proceedings of the 5th GLASSAC International Conference
Consumption working and trade of late-Antique glass from northern Adriatic Italy: An archaeometric perspective 2018 MALTONI, SARAHGALLO, FILOMENASILVESTRI, ALBERTAMARCANTE, ALESSANDRAMOLIN, GIANMARIO + - - Things That Travelled: Mediterranean Glass in the First Millennium CE
Consumption, working and trade of Late-Antique glass from Northern Adriatic Italy: an archaeometric perspective. 2014 MALTONI, SARAHGALLO, FILOMENASILVESTRI, ALBERTAMARCANTE, ALESSANDRAMOLIN, GIANMARIO + - - Things that Travelled - Mediterranean Glass in the First Millennium AD
Glass-working or glassmaking? New evidence from the site of “Fondi ex Cossar”in Aquileia (Italy) 2014 MALTONI, SARAHMARCANTE, ALESSANDRASILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIOGALLO, FILOMENA + - - 40th International Symposium on Archaeometry ISA 2014, Program and Abstract Book
I mosaici paleocristiani del Veneto: il punto di vista dell’archeometria. 2019 SILVESTRI, ALBERTAMALTONI, SARAHMOLIN, GIANMARIO - I LIBRI DI VIELLA. ARTE Studi sulla circolazione del mosaico in area nord-adriatica
Il materiale vitreo della “Casa di Tito Macro”. Studio archeometrico del vasellame da mensa e degli indicatori di lavorazione 2021 Sarah MaltoniAlberta SilvestriGianmario Molin - - Aquileia. Fondi Cossar. Volume 3.3. Tomo 2 – L’instrumentum, i materiali vitrei, metallici e gli elementi architettonici
Il vetro di Aquileia: lavorazione o produzione? Nuove evidenze dallo studio archeometrico dei reperti dei fondi "Ex Cossar" 2014 MALTONI, SARAHMARCANTE, ALESSANDRASILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIOGALLO, FILOMENA + - - Scienze e Beni culturali: stato dell'arte e prospettive
Indagini tipologiche e archeometriche dei reperti vitrei dal porto di Classe: nuovi dati 2014 MALTONI, SARAHSILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIO + - - Scienze e Beni culturali: stato dell'arte e prospettive
Innovation and tradition in the fourth century mosaic of the Casa delle Bestie Ferite in Aquileia, Italy: archaeometric characterisation of the glass tesserae 2018 MALTONI, SARAHSILVESTRI, ALBERTA ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES - -
Interdisciplinary study of the Medieval glass mosaic of “S. Agnese fuori le Mura”, Rome. From art history to archaeometry. 2022 DEIANA R.MALTONI S.SILVESTRI A. + - - Book of Abstract Convegno Tematico AIAr 2022
Investigating a Byzantine technology: experimental replicas of Ca-phosphate opacified glass 2017 MALTONI, SARAHSILVESTRI, ALBERTA - - "Glass Science in Art and Conservation 2017". Proceedings of the 5th GLASSAC International Conference
Investigating a Byzantine technology: experimental replicas of Ca-phosphate opacified glass 2019 Maltoni SarahSilvestri Alberta JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE - -
La diffusione del vetro nell'Adriatico centrale: studi tipologici e dati chimici dal Porto di Classe 2014 MALTONI, SARAHSILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIO + - - Economia e territorio nell'Adriatico centrale tra tarda antichita' e alto Medioevo (IV-VIII secolo)
La diffusione del vetro nell’Adriatico centrale: studi tipologici e dati chimici da Classe 2019 Chinni, TaniaMaltoni SarahVANDINI, MARIANGELASilvestri AlbertaMolin Gianmario + - - Economia e Territorio. L’Adriatico centrale tra tarda Antichità e alto Medioevo
Late-Antique glass tesserae from Tyana (Cappadocia, Turkey): archaeometric characterisation. 2021 SILVESTRI AlbertaMALTONI Sarah + - - XI Congresso AIAr (Associazione Italiana di Archeometria). Abstract Book
Opaque red glass tesserae from Roman and early-Byzantine sites of north-eastern Italy: new light on production technologies 2015 MALTONI, SARAHSILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIO - - 20th Congress of the International Association for the History of Glass. Programme and Abstracts
Opaque red glass tesserae from Roman and early-Byzantine sites of north-eastern Italy: new light on production technologies. 2017 MALTONI, SARAHSILVESTRI, ALBERTAMOLIN, GIANMARIO - - Annales du 20e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, Fribourg – Romont (Suisse), 7th – 11th September 2015.