Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita" - DM
5G Security Challenges and Solutions: A Review by OSI Layers
2021 Sullivan, S.; Brighente, A.; Kumar, S. A. P.; Conti, M.
A comprehensive security and performance assessment of UAV authentication schemes
2023 Mekdad, Yassine; Aris, Ahmet; Acar, Abbas; Conti, Mauro; Lazzeretti, Riccardo; Fergougui, Abdeslam El; Uluagac, Selcuk
A comprehensive survey of authentication methods in Internet-of-Things and its conjunctions
2022 Kumar, A.; Saha, R.; Conti, M.; Kumar, G.; Buchanan, W. J.; Kim, T. H.
A Cyber-Kill-Chain based taxonomy of crypto-ransomware features
2019 Dargahi, T.; Dehghantanha, A.; Bahrami, P. N.; Conti, M.; Bianchi, G.; Benedetto, L.
A few-shot malware classification approach for unknown family recognition using malware feature visualization
2022 Conti, M.; Khandhar, S.; Vinod, P.
A holistic approach to power efficiency in a clock offset based Intrusion Detection Systems for Controller Area Networks
2021 Halder, S.; Conti, M.; Das, S. K.
A lightweight mechanism for detection of cache pollution attacks in Named Data Networking
2013 Conti, Mauro; Paolo, Gasti; Marco, Teoli
A Location-Aware and Healing Attestation Scheme for Air-Supported Internet of Vehicles
2023 El-Zawawy, Mohamed A.; Lal, Chhagan; Conti, Mauro
A machine learning based approach to detect malicious android apps using discriminant system calls
2019 Vinod, P.; Zemmari, Akka; Conti, Mauro
A machine learning-based approach to detect threats in bio-cyber DNA storage systems
2022 Tavella, F.; Giaretta, A.; Conti, M.; Balasubramaniam, S.
A Multilabel Fuzzy Relevance Clustering System for Malware Attack Attribution in the Edge Layer of Cyber-Physical Networks
2020 Alaeiyan, M.; Dehghantanha, A.; Dargahi, T.; Conti, M.; Parsa, S.
A Novel Review Helpfulness Measure Based on the User-Review-Item Paradigm
2023 Pajola, Luca; Chen, Dongkai; Conti, Mauro; Subrahmanian, V. S.
A Novel Stealthy Attack to Gather SDN Configuration-Information
2020 Conti, M.; De Gaspari, F.; Mancini, L. V.
A PLS-HECC-based device authentication and key agreement scheme for smart home networks
2022 Pirayesh, J.; Giaretta, A.; Conti, M.; Keshavarzi, P.
A Realistic Model for Failure Propagation in Interdependent Cyber-Physical Systems
2018 Sturaro, Agostino; Silvestri, Simone; Conti, Mauro; Das, Sajal K.
A review: Monitoring situational awareness of smart grid cyber-physical systems and critical asset identification
2023 Alrowaili, Y.; Saxena, N.; Srivastava, A.; Conti, M.; Burnap, P.
A robust multicast communication protocol for Low power and Lossy networks
2020 Conti, M.; Kaliyar, P.; Lal, C.
A Sanitizable Access Control With Policy-Protection for Vehicular Social Networks
2023 Zhao, Y.; Yu, H.; Liang, Y.; Conti, M.; Bazzi, W.; Ren, Y.
A secure alert messaging system for safe driving
2014 Wafa Ben, Jaballah; Conti, Mauro; Mohamed, Mosbah; Palazzi, CLAUDIO ENRICO
A Survey and Comparative Analysis of Security Properties of CAN Authentication Protocols
2024 Lotto, Alessandro; Marchiori, Francesco; Brighente, Alessandro; Conti, Mauro