Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE
Assessment of the morphology of mixed SAMs on Au nanoparticles using a fluorescent probe
2011 Bonomi, Renato; Cazzolaro, Alessandro; Prins, LEONARD JAN
Detection of Enzyme Activity through Catalytic Signal Amplification with Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles
2011 Bonomi, Renato; Cazzolaro, Alessandro; Sansone, Anna; Scrimin, PAOLO MARIA; Prins, LEONARD JAN
Monolayer protected gold nanoparticles with metal-ion binding sites: Functional systems for chemosensing applications
2015 Pezzato, Cristian; Maiti, Subhabrata; Chen, J. L. Y.; Cazzolaro, Alessandro; Gobbo, Cristian; Prins, LEONARD JAN
Selective targeting of proteins by hybrid polyoxometalates: Interaction between a bis-biotinylated hybrid conjugate and avidin
2018 Zamolo, VALERIA ANNA; Modugno, G.; Lubian, E.; Cazzolaro, A.; Mancin, F.; Giotta, L.; Mastrogiacomo, D.; Valli, L.; Saccani, A.; Krol, S.; Bonchio, M.; Carraro, M.
Self-assembly and selective exchange of oligoanions on the surface of monolayer protected Au nanoparticles in water
2012 Pieters, Gregory; Cazzolaro, Alessandro; Bonomi, Renato; Prins, LEONARD JAN