Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione - DEI
A Convolutional Autoencoder Approach for Feature Extraction in Virtual Metrology
2018 Maggipinto, Marco; Masiero, Chiara; Beghi, A.; Susto, G. A.
A deep learning approach for anomaly detection with industrial time series data: a refrigerators manufacturing case study
2019 Carletti, Mattia; Masiero, Chiara; Beghi, Alessandro; Susto, GIAN ANTONIO
A multi-label Continual Learning framework to scale deep learning approaches for packaging equipment monitoring
2023 Dalle Pezze, Davide; Deronjic, Denis; Masiero, Chiara; Tosato, Diego; Beghi, Alessandro; Susto, Gian Antonio
Deep Learning-based Production Forecasting in Manufacturing: a Packaging Equipment Case Study
2019 Brunelli, Luca; Masiero, Chiara; Tosato, Diego; Beghi, Alessandro; Susto, Gian Antonio
Enhancing Interpretability and Generalizability in Extended Isolation Forests
2024 Arcudi, A.; Frizzo, D.; Masiero, C.; Susto, G. A.
FORMULA: A Deep Learning Approach for Rare Alarms Predictions in Industrial Equipment
2022 Dalle Pezze, D.; Masiero, C.; Tosato, D.; Beghi, A.; Susto, G. A.
On the Error Region for Channel Estimation-Based Physical Layer Authentication Over Rayleigh Fading
2015 Ferrante, Augusto; Laurenti, Nicola; Masiero, Chiara; Pavon, Michele; Tomasin, Stefano
Time and spectral domain relative entropy: A new approach to multivariate spectral estimation
2012 Ferrante, Augusto; Masiero, Chiara; Pavon, Michele