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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Attivazione, percezione dell'attivazione ed esperienza emotiva 1990 PALOMBA, DANIELASTEGAGNO, LUCIANO + GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA - -
Autocontrollo della frequenza cardiaca: l'uso del biofeedback con bambini di età scolare 1984 PALOMBA, DANIELASTEGAGNO, LUCIANO + ETA' EVOLUTIVA - -
Autonomic and attentional correlates of emotional processing. 1998 SARLO, MICHELAPALOMBA, DANIELAANGRILLI, ALESSANDROSTEGAGNO, LUCIANO PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY - -
Biofeedback 1989 PALOMBA, DANIELASTEGAGNO, LUCIANO - - Trattato enciclopedico di psicologia dell'età evolutiva
Biofeedback 2006 STEGAGNO, LUCIANO - - Psiche. Dizionario storico di psicologia, psichiatria, psicoanalisi, neuroscienze. A-K
Biofeedback assisted heart rate modification after myocardial infarction 1982 PALOMBA, DANIELASTEGAGNO, LUCIANO + JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH - -
Biofeedback for heart rate reduction in different contexts 1984 PALOMBA, DANIELASTEGAGNO, LUCIANO + SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOUR THERAPY - -
Blood phobia and Spider phobia: two specific phobias with different autonomic cardiac modulations 2002 SARLO, MICHELAPALOMBA, DANIELAANGRILLI, ALESSANDROSTEGAGNO, LUCIANO BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY - -
Blood pressure changes highlight gender differences in emotional reactivity to arousing pictures 2005 SARLO, MICHELAPALOMBA, DANIELABUODO, GIULIASTEGAGNO, LUCIANO + BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY - -
Cardiac autonomic activity during daytime nap in young adults 2018 CELLINI, NICOLATORRE, JACOPOSTEGAGNO, LUCIANOSARLO, MICHELA JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH - -
Cardiac autonomic activity in primary insomnia: a HRV study. 2010 SARLO, MICHELASTEGAGNO, LUCIANO + PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY - -
Cardiac autonomic profile during rest and working memory load in essential hypotensive women 2012 CELLINI, NICOLASARLO, MICHELASTEGAGNO, LUCIANO + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY - -
Cardiac responses associated with affective processing of unpleasant film stimuli 2000 PALOMBA, DANIELASARLO, MICHELAANGRILLI, ALESSANDROSTEGAGNO, LUCIANO + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY - -
Cardiovascular down-regulation and cognitive performance in essential hypotension. 2013 SARLO, MICHELACELLINI, NICOLASTEGAGNO, LUCIANO + PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY - -
Cardiovascular down-regulation in essential hypotension: Relationships with autonomic control and sleep 2013 CELLINI, NICOLASARLO, MICHELASTEGAGNO, LUCIANO + PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY - -
Cardiovascular dynamics in blood phobia: Evidence for a key role of sympathetic activity in vulnerability to syncope 2008 SARLO, MICHELABUODO, GIULIASTEGAGNO, LUCIANOPALOMBA, DANIELA + PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY - -
Cardiovascular hypoactivation during sleep in essential hypotension. 2011 CELLINI, NICOLADE ZAMBOTTI, MASSIMILIANOSARLO, MICHELASTEGAGNO, LUCIANO + PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY - -
Cardiovascular reactivity and affective startle modulation during emotional picture viewing. 2007 SARLO, MICHELAGHISI, MARTASTEGAGNO, LUCIANOPALOMBA, DANIELA + PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY - -
Central and peripheral hemodynamics during emotional activation in essential hypotension. 2009 SARLO, MICHELASTEGAGNO, LUCIANO + PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY - -