The detection of children's difficulties and diversity in the school context has changed significantly over time and has been affected by various cultural, social and regulatory changes. The previous decade has seen an increase in the number of diagnostic certifications for school-age children. One of the contexts most critically impacted by this is the School, which is neither conceptually nor structurally prepared to handle such an increase. The dynamics through which this occurs have not yet been studied in the literature. The present work aimed to explore what discourses support the current referral of school-age children to Services dealing with diagnostic assessments, and how the subsequent assessment is used by the various roles involved. The objectives of the investigation involved a) The normative and procedural study of the current diagnostic process; b) Investigating what discourses teachers, families, and services use in favoring or requiring a diagnostic evaluation; and c) Investigating how diagnostic evaluation is used by teachers and families in the school context. The semi-structured interview was used as follows: 22 to teachers, 10 to operators of neuropsychiatric services, 12 to parents of children with special educational needs, 1 Municipal Services Manager, 8 School Integration Services Operators. Data analysis was carried out through Critical Discourse Analysis, according to the methodology systematized by Norman Fairclough (2015). Specifically, the analysis, three-dimensional in type, followed the following three lines: a) identification of the text dimension, in which the content and meaning of the text is considered; b) identification of the discursive practice dimension, which concerns the way through which uses communicate the message; c) identification of the social practice dimension, which examines the social context in which the text is generated. Through the text, I related a level of microanalysis (argumentative processes) to a level of macroanalysis (ideologies and social theorizing). Regarding the results, and specifically how reporting occurs, the results note that the detection of difficulties starts from disregarding standards and in comparing with others. There is a preference to use psychological or psychiatric categories as a means of maintaining a content-based, one-sided socialization of integration of diversity to normality. Far removed from an inclusive, citizen-based approach. The results show how the different roles involved practice the idea that the child with special educational needs is such in that he or she fails to meet school requirements and that he or she stands out from other normal children. In fact, the most common discourses reflect the idea of a child to be helped and that he or she can have whatever it takes to learn and to do it like others. The idea is practiced that the child is an element of diversity to be intervened upon because a part of him or her deviates and is not suitable. Most teachers do not know or use diagnosis. What emerges is a disconnect between the diagnostic assessment and the application of the diagnostic data in the school context. The diagnosis rarely helps to specify the intervention vis-à-vis the child, but is placed more as a tool to obtain help vis-à-vis the school. With reference to the Individualized Educational Projects, the prevailing configuration is to deal with the projects in terms of fulfillment. The practiced theory is to "do cut and paste," that is, to use predefined projects, in which some specifications are added. Projects are defined by adding objectives and activities, from which emerges not only a "shopping list" mode but also the considerable difficulty in making an assessment that relates the objectives and the customized activities or strategies.
Il presente lavoro prende avvio dal dato per il quale nell’ultimo decennio si è constatato un notevole incremento delle certificazioni diagnostiche nei confronti dei minori in età scolare. Uno dei contesti che maggiormente ha subito un impatto critico di tutto ciò è la Scuola, la quale non risulta né preparata concettualmente né strutturalmente a gestire tale incremento. In letteratura non sono ancora state studiate le dinamiche attraverso cui tutto ciò avviene. Il presente lavoro ha inteso esplorare quali discorsi sostengono l’attuale invio dei minori in età scolare a Servizi che si occupano di valutazioni diagnostiche, e come la susseguente valutazione venga usata dai vari ruoli coinvolti. Gli obiettivi dell’indagine hanno riguardato a) lo studio normativo e procedurale dell’iter diagnostico attualmente in vigore; b) indagare quali discorsi usano i partecipanti e i servizi nel favorire o richiedere una valutazione diagnostica; c) Indagare come viene usata la valutazione diagnostica nel contesto scolastico. Si è utilizzata l’intervista semistrutturata con 22 agli insegnanti, 10 a operatori di servizi di neuropsichiatria, 12 a genitori di minori con bisogni educativi speciali, 1 Responsabile dei Servizi Comunali, 8 Operatori dei Servizi di Integrazione Scolastica. L’analisi dei dati è stata svolta attraverso l’Analisi Critica del Discorso, secondo la metodologia sistematizzata da Norman Fairclough (2015). Nello specifico, l’analisi, di tipo tridimensionale, ha seguito le tre seguenti linee: a) l’identificazione della dimensione del testo in cui si prende in considerazione il contenuto e il significato del testo; b) l’identificazione della dimensione della pratica discorsiva, che riguarda il modo attraverso cui usa comunicare il messaggio; c) l’identificazione della dimensione della pratica sociale, che prende in esame il contesto sociale in cui il testo si genera. Attraverso il testo, ho posto in relazione un livello di microanalisi (processi argomentativi) con un livello di macroanalisi (ideologie e teorizzazioni sociali). In merito ai risultati, e nello specifico di come avviene la segnalazione, i risultati rilevano che la rilevazione delle difficoltà parte dal disattendere gli standard e nel confronto con gli altri. Si preferisce usare categorie psicologiche o psichiatriche come strumento per mantenere una socializzazione contenutistica, unilaterale, di integrazione della diversità alla normalità. Ben distanti da un approccio inclusivo e basato sul cittadino. I diversi ruoli coinvolti praticano l’idea che il minore con bisogni educativi speciali sia tale in quanto non riesce a rispettare le richieste scolastiche e che si distingua dagli altri bambini normodotati. I discorsi più diffusi infatti riflettono l’idea di un bambino da aiutare e che possa avere tutto ciò che serve per imparare e di farlo come gli altri. Di fatto si pratica l’idea che il minore sia un elemento di diversità su cui intervenire in quanto una parte di sé devia e non è adatta. La maggior parte degli insegnanti non conosce né usa la diagnosi. Quello che emerge è uno scollamento tra la valutazione diagnostica e l’applicazione del dato diagnostico nel contesto scolastico. La diagnosi raramente aiuta a precisare l’intervento ne confronti del minore, ma si colloca più come strumento per ottenere un aiuto nei confronti della scuola. In riferimento ai Progetti Educativi Individualizzati, la configurazione prevalente è quella di occuparsi dei progetti in termini di adempimenti. La teoria praticata è quella di “fare taglia e incolla”, ovvero di usare progetti predefiniti, in cui aggiungere qualche specifica. I progetti sono definiti aggiungendo obiettivi e attività, da cui emerge non solo una modalità “lista della spesa” ma anche la notevole difficoltà a effettuare una valutazione che ponga in relazione gli obiettivi e le attività o strategie personalizzate.
The detection of children's difficulties and diversity in the school context has changed significantly over time and has been affected by various cultural, social and regulatory changes. The previous decade has seen an increase in the number of diagnostic certifications for school-age children. One of the contexts most critically impacted by this is the School, which is neither conceptually nor structurally prepared to handle such an increase. The dynamics through which this occurs have not yet been studied in the literature. The present work aimed to explore what discourses support the current referral of school-age children to Services dealing with diagnostic assessments, and how the subsequent assessment is used by the various roles involved. The objectives of the investigation involved a) The normative and procedural study of the current diagnostic process; b) Investigating what discourses teachers, families, and services use in favoring or requiring a diagnostic evaluation; and c) Investigating how diagnostic evaluation is used by teachers and families in the school context. The semi-structured interview was used as follows: 22 to teachers, 10 to operators of neuropsychiatric services, 12 to parents of children with special educational needs, 1 Municipal Services Manager, 8 School Integration Services Operators. Data analysis was carried out through Critical Discourse Analysis, according to the methodology systematized by Norman Fairclough (2015). Specifically, the analysis, three-dimensional in type, followed the following three lines: a) identification of the text dimension, in which the content and meaning of the text is considered; b) identification of the discursive practice dimension, which concerns the way through which uses communicate the message; c) identification of the social practice dimension, which examines the social context in which the text is generated. Through the text, I related a level of microanalysis (argumentative processes) to a level of macroanalysis (ideologies and social theorizing). Regarding the results, and specifically how reporting occurs, the results note that the detection of difficulties starts from disregarding standards and in comparing with others. There is a preference to use psychological or psychiatric categories as a means of maintaining a content-based, one-sided socialization of integration of diversity to normality. Far removed from an inclusive, citizen-based approach. The results show how the different roles involved practice the idea that the child with special educational needs is such in that he or she fails to meet school requirements and that he or she stands out from other normal children. In fact, the most common discourses reflect the idea of a child to be helped and that he or she can have whatever it takes to learn and to do it like others. The idea is practiced that the child is an element of diversity to be intervened upon because a part of him or her deviates and is not suitable. Most teachers do not know or use diagnosis. What emerges is a disconnect between the diagnostic assessment and the application of the diagnostic data in the school context. The diagnosis rarely helps to specify the intervention vis-à-vis the child, but is placed more as a tool to obtain help vis-à-vis the school. With reference to the Individualized Educational Projects, the prevailing configuration is to deal with the projects in terms of fulfillment. The practiced theory is to "do cut and paste," that is, to use predefined projects, in which some specifications are added. Projects are defined by adding objectives and activities, from which emerges not only a "shopping list" mode but also the considerable difficulty in making an assessment that relates the objectives and the customized activities or strategies.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
embargo fino al 09/02/2026
Descrizione: Tesi_Antonio_Iudici
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