Planning evaluation and calibration are of crucial importance to make the health system more efficient and to improve its sustainability. In fact, the context of application of the prevention strategies is characterized by an increased need for health associated to an increase in life expectancy and to the frequency of chronic conditions, an increase in the possibilities of prevention thanks to clinical research and the unparallel increase the economic resources assigned to healthcare systems. In this sense, information collected routinely and systematically through health information systems represent an important resource in the epidemiological field. Their functionality in population studies is related to the fact that, by their own nature, these systems are referred to large volumes of population. Furthermore, the inconsistencies in data collection have been progressively overcome through the introduction and dissemination of information standardization systems that make the collection of information homogeneous both in the national and international context. In this paper, outcome of the study conducted in the Industrial Doctorate, the results of the analysis of the flow of the Hospital Discharge (HDR) Forms of the Veneto region and of the 3 regional databases are reported. The analyzes of the HDR Flow offered a perspective on the evaluation of a prevention campaign already in progress, the vaccination campaign for Papillomavirus, and an assessment of the prevention needs for the Syncytial Respiratory Virus. In the third analysis, the contingent issue of the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 disease was addressed. The evaluation of the effects of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) prevention campaign was performed by investigate the hospitalizations for anogenital warts between 2007 and 2018 recorded in Veneto. Although the primary objective of vaccination for papillomavirus is the prevention of cancers, primarily that of the uterine cervix, the choice of the endpoint hospitalization for warts is in line with the faster expression of that HPV-related disease. In this sense, the results indicate the presence of a positive effect on the target population, the female adolescents, already a few years after the introduction of vaccination. Interestingly, in the following years it has been observed also a hint of a possible herd effect with a reduction in the rate of hospitalization for warts in young males. The analysis of hospitalizations for Syncytial Respiratory Virus (RSV) was conducted by analyzing hospitalizations that occurred in Veneto in the period between 2007 and 2021. The data analysis shows three notable elements: first, the general increase in the number of hospitalizations in almost the entire analysis period, the increase occurs in orders of magnitude that are hardly indicative exclusively of an increase in the disease burden and it is more likely related to an increased attention in the diagnosis phase associated with a greater availability of diagnostic tests with better sensitivity. The second notable element is the elimination of hospitalizations for RSV during the period of restrictions on social life implemented to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Finally, the number of deaths registered in the different age groups seems to indicate the existence of a marked burden of RSV pathology in the elderly, a burden that the HDR Flow seems to intercept only partially. By analyzing the data of 3 regional databases, it was estimated the effectiveness of the vaccine formulations used between January 2021 and February 2022 in Veneto, and indirectly the effectiveness of the vaccination campaign itself. This study was characterized by a complexity of interpretation of the results that may require a further step, through the construction of a complex statistical model, before the conclusions can be considered consolidated.
La programmazione, valutazione e calibrazione delle campagne di prevenzione rivestono un’importanza cruciale per rendere sempre più efficiente il sistema sanitario e per migliorarne la sostenibilità. Infatti, Il contesto è caratterizzato da un aumento del bisogno di salute indotto dall’aumento dell’aspettativa di vita e della frequenza delle condizioni di cronicità, da un incremento delle possibilità di prevenzione grazie alla ricerca clinica e dal mancato aumento parallelo di risorse economiche assegnate al sistema sanitario stesso. In tal senso, le informazioni raccolte attraverso i sistemi informativi sanitari rappresentano una risorsa importante. La loro funzionalità in studi di popolazione trova il proprio razionale nel fatto che, per loro stessa natura, tali sistemi si riferiscano a volumi di popolazione di dimensioni notevoli. Inoltre, le incongruenze nella raccolta dei dati sono state progressivamente superate tramite l’introduzione e la diffusione di sistemi di standardizzazione delle informazioni. Nel presente elaborato, frutto del percorso di studio condotto nel percorso di Dottorato Industriale, sono riportati i risultati dell’analisi del Flusso delle Schede di Dimissione Ospedaliera della regione Veneto e dei databases regionali utilizzati durante l’emergenza COVID. Le analisi del Flusso SDO hanno offerto una prospettiva circa la valutazione di una campagna di prevenzione già in corso, la campagna di vaccinazione per HPV, ed una valutazione circa i bisogni di prevenzione per il RSV. Nella terza analisi, invece, è stato affrontato il tema contingente della prevenzione della malattia da SARS-CoV-2. Per valutare la campagna di prevenzione di HPV è stata condotta un’analisi delle ospedalizzazioni per condiloma anogenitale tra il 2007 ed il 2018 registrate in Veneto. Sebbene l’obiettivo primario della vaccinazione per HPV sia la prevenzione dei tumori maligni, in primis quello della cervice uterina, la scelta dell’endpoint ospedalizzazione per condilomi rappresenta il termine di valutazione di una campagna a più rapida espressione. I risultati emersi indicano la presenza di un effetto positivo sulla popolazione target, le adolescenti, già pochi anni dopo l’introduzione della vaccinazione. Di interesse, negli anni successivi, appare l’osservazione del principio di effetto di gregge con riduzione nei giovani maschi del tasso di ospedalizzazione per condilomi. L’analisi delle ospedalizzazioni per RSV è stata condotta analizzando le ospedalizzazioni occorse in Veneto nel periodo compreso tra il 2007 ed il 2021. L’analisi dei dati mostra tre elementi di sicuro interesse. Il primo è l’aumento generale del numero di casi in quasi tutto il periodo di analisi, tale aumento avviene in ordini di grandezza difficilmente indicativi esclusivamente di un aumento del carico di malattia. Esso è più probabilmente collegato ad una maggiore attenzione diagnostica associata ad una maggiore disponibilità di test a maggiore sensibilità. Il secondo elemento di rilievo è costituito dall’azzeramento delle ospedalizzazioni per RSV durante il periodo di restrizioni alla vita sociale attuate per limitare la diffusione del SARS-CoV-2. In ultimo, il numero di decessi nelle diverse fasce di età della popolazione sembra indicare l’esistenza di un marcato burden di patologia da RSV nella fascia anziana, burden che il Flusso SDO sembra solo parzialmente identificare. Tramite l’analisi dei dati afferenti ai databases regionali utilizzati nella gestione dell’emergenza COVID è stato, infine, possibile stimare l’efficacia di campo delle formulazioni vaccinali utilizzate tra gennaio 2021 e febbraio 2022 in Veneto, dato che indirettamente offre una prospettiva sull’efficacia della campagna vaccinale stessa. Tale studio si è caratterizzato per una complessità di interpretazione dei risultati che rende necessario un ulteriore passaggio prima di poter consolidare le conclusioni.
Utilizzo delle fonti routinarie di dati per la valutazione dei programmi preventivi / Prandi, GIAN MARCO. - (2023 Mar 22).
Utilizzo delle fonti routinarie di dati per la valutazione dei programmi preventivi
Planning evaluation and calibration are of crucial importance to make the health system more efficient and to improve its sustainability. In fact, the context of application of the prevention strategies is characterized by an increased need for health associated to an increase in life expectancy and to the frequency of chronic conditions, an increase in the possibilities of prevention thanks to clinical research and the unparallel increase the economic resources assigned to healthcare systems. In this sense, information collected routinely and systematically through health information systems represent an important resource in the epidemiological field. Their functionality in population studies is related to the fact that, by their own nature, these systems are referred to large volumes of population. Furthermore, the inconsistencies in data collection have been progressively overcome through the introduction and dissemination of information standardization systems that make the collection of information homogeneous both in the national and international context. In this paper, outcome of the study conducted in the Industrial Doctorate, the results of the analysis of the flow of the Hospital Discharge (HDR) Forms of the Veneto region and of the 3 regional databases are reported. The analyzes of the HDR Flow offered a perspective on the evaluation of a prevention campaign already in progress, the vaccination campaign for Papillomavirus, and an assessment of the prevention needs for the Syncytial Respiratory Virus. In the third analysis, the contingent issue of the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 disease was addressed. The evaluation of the effects of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) prevention campaign was performed by investigate the hospitalizations for anogenital warts between 2007 and 2018 recorded in Veneto. Although the primary objective of vaccination for papillomavirus is the prevention of cancers, primarily that of the uterine cervix, the choice of the endpoint hospitalization for warts is in line with the faster expression of that HPV-related disease. In this sense, the results indicate the presence of a positive effect on the target population, the female adolescents, already a few years after the introduction of vaccination. Interestingly, in the following years it has been observed also a hint of a possible herd effect with a reduction in the rate of hospitalization for warts in young males. The analysis of hospitalizations for Syncytial Respiratory Virus (RSV) was conducted by analyzing hospitalizations that occurred in Veneto in the period between 2007 and 2021. The data analysis shows three notable elements: first, the general increase in the number of hospitalizations in almost the entire analysis period, the increase occurs in orders of magnitude that are hardly indicative exclusively of an increase in the disease burden and it is more likely related to an increased attention in the diagnosis phase associated with a greater availability of diagnostic tests with better sensitivity. The second notable element is the elimination of hospitalizations for RSV during the period of restrictions on social life implemented to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Finally, the number of deaths registered in the different age groups seems to indicate the existence of a marked burden of RSV pathology in the elderly, a burden that the HDR Flow seems to intercept only partially. By analyzing the data of 3 regional databases, it was estimated the effectiveness of the vaccine formulations used between January 2021 and February 2022 in Veneto, and indirectly the effectiveness of the vaccination campaign itself. This study was characterized by a complexity of interpretation of the results that may require a further step, through the construction of a complex statistical model, before the conclusions can be considered consolidated.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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