The research is placed in the context of the recent Italian policies of social inclusion and fighting against poverty linked to the Citizenship Income (RdC) and the 2018-2020 National Social Plan (later confirmed and expanded in the 2021 -2023 Plan for interventions and services against poverty), with the aim to understand effective processes in contrasting the multiple aspects of poverty (economic but also social, cultural, health) and in guaranteeing child development in the first thousand days of life. The alarm for children at risk of poverty and social exclusion in Italy increased after the latest data (Istat, 2021): the consequences of the current socio-economic crisis are experienced particularly by families with children. The thesis presents three research actions that are placed within a broader context of research-action-training, aimed to respond to the challenge of parenting support of families with children 0-3 y.o. that live in conditions of poverty and social vulnerability. The Italian Ministry of Welfare gave the responsibility of the wall research to the LabRIEF (Laboratory of Research and Intervention in Family Education) of the University of Padua for the years 2019-2022, in a research called Citizenship Income 0-3: interrelationships between income, parenting and development of children between 0-3 years (also named research "RdC03"). The three specific research actions of the doctoral thesis were carried out following the three purposes of the research RdC03 towards families with children 0-3 years old, beneficiaries of the Citizenship Income and with complex needs. Referring to the first purpose (to support social services in the realisation of participatory and multidimensional interventions) the doctoral research carried out a survey through interviews with the professionals participating in the pilot study, preliminary to the research RdC03, to verify satisfaction and perception of effectiveness of the assessment tools of child development and parental interactions, both used in a participatory way. Relatively to the second purpose (to evaluate the impact on child development of social policies introduced by the RdC), the doctoral thesis has developed an in-depth analysis within the research RDC03, focusing on the evaluation of outcomes through two assessment tools, out of those used by the research RDC03. The two assessment tools measure change in child development and parenting interactions. Finally, referring to the third purpose (to understand effective processes for assuring child development and for combating against poverty), the doctoral thesis developed a qualitative study through case studies, with an in-depth focus on the paths of participation of three families and professionals involved in the research RdC03. The research made it possible to explore the innovations introduced by the RdC and the social plan in the field of parenting support, investigating both the implemented interventions and their results. The research reaches an initial understanding of the evidence, which confirms the investments of human and economic resources carried out within the social plan. Particularly, the qualitative insights, focusing on the notion of participation, offer concrete examples, that through a critical and pragmatical analysis, become reflective learning opportunities, useful in the implementation in practice of the policy. They move in the direction of a parenting support that requires an active participation in which the parent co-build positive responses to the developmental needs of their child, together with the community in which they live.
La ricerca si colloca nel contesto delle recenti politiche italiane di inclusione sociale e lotta alla povertà legate al Reddito di Cittadinanza (RdC) e al Piano sociale nazionale 2018-2020 (poi confermato e ampliato nel Piano per gli interventi e i servizi di contrasto alla povertà 2021-2023), intendendo avviare una comprensione dei processi efficaci nel contrastare le molteplici forme di povertà (economica ma anche sociale, culturale, sanitaria) e nel garantire lo sviluppo infantile nei primi mille giorni di vita. Infatti, recenti dati Istat (2021) confermano e aggravano l’allarme che riguarda gli elevati livelli di rischio di povertà e di esclusione sociale vissuti dalle bambine e dai bambini in Italia: sono soprattutto le famiglie con figli a subire le conseguenze della crisi socio-economica in atto. La tesi presenta tre azioni di ricerca che si collocano all’interno di un contesto più ampio di ricerca-azione-formazione, teso a cimentarsi con la sfida dell’accompagnamento dei nuclei familiari con bambini piccoli in condizione di povertà e vulnerabilità sociale e affidato dal Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali al LabRIEF (Laboratorio di Ricerca e Intervento in Educazione Familiare) dell’Università di Padova per gli anni 2019-2022, denominato Reddito di Cittadinanza 0-3: interrelazioni fra reddito, genitorialità e sviluppo dei bambini tra 0-3 anni (cosiddetta ricerca «RdC03»). Nel solco delle tre finalità della ricerca RdC03 nei confronti delle famiglie con bambini tra 0 e 3 anni, beneficiarie del Reddito di Cittadinanza e che manifestano bisogni complessi, sono state realizzate le tre specifiche azioni di ricerca della tesi dottorale: rispetto alla prima finalità (accompagnare l’agire dei servizi sociali nel realizzare interventi partecipativi e multidimensionali) la ricerca dottorale ha realizzato una indagine tramite interviste alle operatrici partecipanti allo studio pilota, preliminare alla ricerca RdC03, al fine di verificare gradimento e percezione dell’efficacia degli strumenti proposti con modalità partecipative per l’assessment dello sviluppo infantile e delle interazioni genitoriali; rispetto alla seconda finalità (valutare l’impatto delle politiche legate all’introduzione del RdC sullo sviluppo infantile), la tesi dottorale ha sviluppato un proprio approfondimento all’interno della ricerca RDC03, concentrandosi nella valutazione degli esiti registrati attraverso due degli strumenti della ricerca RDC03, dedicati in particolare alla misurazione del cambiamento nello sviluppo infantile e nelle interazioni genitoriali a favore di tale sviluppo; infine, rispetto alla terza finalità (sviluppare una comprensione dei processi efficaci nel garantire lo sviluppo infantile e nel contrastare le forme di povertà) la tesi dottorale ha sviluppato un approfondimento qualitativo tramite studi di caso relativo ai percorsi di partecipazione di tre delle famiglie e degli operatori coinvolti nella ricerca RdC03. La ricerca ha consentito di esplorare le novità introdotte dal RdC e dal piano sociale in merito allo spazio di supporto alla genitorialità avviando una indagine sia sugli interventi messi in atto, sia sui loro risultati, e arrivando a definire una evidenza, seppur iniziale, che conferma gli investimenti di risorse umane ed economiche svolti in seno al piano sociale. In particolare, gli approfondimenti qualitativi , soffermandosi sulla nozione di partecipazione, offrono esemplificazioni concrete, che analizzati in una prospettiva critica e pragmatica, costituiscono opportunità riflessive di apprendimento, utili nella pratica di implementazione della politica, nella direzione di un sostegno alla genitorialità che richiede una partecipazione attiva e propositiva in cui il genitore co-costruisce risposte positive ai bisogni di sviluppo del proprio figlio/a, insieme alla comunità in cui vive.
Sostegno alla genitorialità e sviluppo dei bambini tra 0 e 3 anni nella Politica del Reddito di Cittadinanza: Critical Best Practices di partecipazione delle famiglie / MORENO BOUDON, DANIELA ARIADNA. - (2023 Mar 29).
Sostegno alla genitorialità e sviluppo dei bambini tra 0 e 3 anni nella Politica del Reddito di Cittadinanza: Critical Best Practices di partecipazione delle famiglie.
The research is placed in the context of the recent Italian policies of social inclusion and fighting against poverty linked to the Citizenship Income (RdC) and the 2018-2020 National Social Plan (later confirmed and expanded in the 2021 -2023 Plan for interventions and services against poverty), with the aim to understand effective processes in contrasting the multiple aspects of poverty (economic but also social, cultural, health) and in guaranteeing child development in the first thousand days of life. The alarm for children at risk of poverty and social exclusion in Italy increased after the latest data (Istat, 2021): the consequences of the current socio-economic crisis are experienced particularly by families with children. The thesis presents three research actions that are placed within a broader context of research-action-training, aimed to respond to the challenge of parenting support of families with children 0-3 y.o. that live in conditions of poverty and social vulnerability. The Italian Ministry of Welfare gave the responsibility of the wall research to the LabRIEF (Laboratory of Research and Intervention in Family Education) of the University of Padua for the years 2019-2022, in a research called Citizenship Income 0-3: interrelationships between income, parenting and development of children between 0-3 years (also named research "RdC03"). The three specific research actions of the doctoral thesis were carried out following the three purposes of the research RdC03 towards families with children 0-3 years old, beneficiaries of the Citizenship Income and with complex needs. Referring to the first purpose (to support social services in the realisation of participatory and multidimensional interventions) the doctoral research carried out a survey through interviews with the professionals participating in the pilot study, preliminary to the research RdC03, to verify satisfaction and perception of effectiveness of the assessment tools of child development and parental interactions, both used in a participatory way. Relatively to the second purpose (to evaluate the impact on child development of social policies introduced by the RdC), the doctoral thesis has developed an in-depth analysis within the research RDC03, focusing on the evaluation of outcomes through two assessment tools, out of those used by the research RDC03. The two assessment tools measure change in child development and parenting interactions. Finally, referring to the third purpose (to understand effective processes for assuring child development and for combating against poverty), the doctoral thesis developed a qualitative study through case studies, with an in-depth focus on the paths of participation of three families and professionals involved in the research RdC03. The research made it possible to explore the innovations introduced by the RdC and the social plan in the field of parenting support, investigating both the implemented interventions and their results. The research reaches an initial understanding of the evidence, which confirms the investments of human and economic resources carried out within the social plan. Particularly, the qualitative insights, focusing on the notion of participation, offer concrete examples, that through a critical and pragmatical analysis, become reflective learning opportunities, useful in the implementation in practice of the policy. They move in the direction of a parenting support that requires an active participation in which the parent co-build positive responses to the developmental needs of their child, together with the community in which they live.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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