Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common cancer observed in children and rearrangements involving the MLL gene are identified in the 5% of B cell precursor ALL (BCP-ALL). More than 100 different MLL translocation partner genes (TPG) have been identified so far. The AF4 gene resulting in the MLL-AF4 gene fusion, represents the most frequent TPG in BCP-ALL MLL rearranged patients, especially in patients below one year of age. MLL-AF4 translocated leukemia is a very aggressive B-ALL subtype, with a dismal prognosis. Despite improvements on the biological characterization of this disease and the development of specific therapeutic protocols, strong efforts are still needed to ameliorate the disease outcome. To this end we need to increase the comprehension of the mechanisms that sustain leukemogenesis. In this context, a new class of RNA molecules, circular RNAs, are emerging as novel regulators of cells’ gene expression and key players in tumor development. These covalently closed and highly stable RNA isoforms have been shown to be abundantly expressed in the hematopoietic compartment and, importantly, to be deregulated in blood cell malignancies. CircRNAs have been associated with different functions; they can serve as microRNAs sponges, compete with RNA binding proteins, and even act as translation templates. This study aimed to: i) provide new computational methods to predict putative circRNAs binding sites and ORF regions, ii) study the circRNAs specifically generated from genes involved in the translocation in both normal and leukemic cells, iii) explore the circular transcriptome landscape (circRNAome) in MLL-AF4 pediatric patients and iv) deeply investigate the functional role of prioritized deregulated circRNAs identified in MLL-AF4+ patients. To do this, we used Ribo-depleted-RNA seq data obtained from BCP-ALL pediatric patients harboring MLL-AF4 translocations, RS4;11 cell lines and patients derived xenograft (PDX) cells. The CircComPara pipeline allowed us to identify several deregulated circRNAs between patients and CD34+ and B-cell from healthy donors. Moreover, we used a semi-massive siRNA screening assay to identify specific circRNAs with a functional effect. Applying our newly developed CRAFT predictor software that can extract circRNAs sequence and predict both miRNA and RBPs binding sites and putative ORF sequences, we were able to uncover the putative axes of action of the identified functional circRNAs. Interestingly, we predicted important regulatory axes involving RUNX1 gene and MLL gene itself. Plus, we could detect circular isoforms originating from genes involved in the translocation, whose formation can compromise circRNA formation from single genes because the sequence from where they are formed is no longer present in translocated chomosomes. A deeper analysis of a circRNA produced by the AF4 gene revealed the high heterogeneity expression of this circular RNA in patients and its association with the distinct MLL-AF4 gene expression signature. In conclusion, we conducted the first study of circRNAs expression in MLL-AF4+ leukemia. The integration of the bioinformatic analysis with the experimental functional studies was proven to be essential to obtain robust and informative results about circRNAs involvement in leukemogenesis and to precisely delineate their functions. These data clearly showed that circRNAs are important factors to be taken into account in MLL-AF4 leukemia.
ABSTRACT La leucemia linfoblastica acuta (LAL) è il tumore più comune tra i bambini e le traslocazioni che coinvolgono il gene MLL sono stati identificati nel 5% nelle leucemie acute linfoblastiche a cellule B (BCP-ALL). La leucemia con traslocazione MLL-AF4 è un sottotipo di BCP-LAL molto aggressivo, con una prognosi infausta. Sebbene siano stati fatti miglioramenti per quanto riguarda la caratterizzazione biologica della malattia e siano stati sviluppati specifici protocolli terapeutici, è necessario ancora molto sforzo per migliorare la percentuale di successo della malattia. Per questo motivo abbiamo bisogno di aumentare la comprensione dei meccanismi che sostengono il processo leucemogenico. In questo contesto, una nuova classe di RNA, gli RNA circolari, stanno emergendo come nuovi regolatori dell’espressione genica all’interno delle cellule e con un ruolo nello sviluppo e nel sostegno di varie tipologie di tumori. Queste molecole chiuse covalentemente e molto stabili sono state dimostrate essere abbondantemente espressi nel compartimento ematopoietico e deregolati nelle patologie ematopoietiche. I circRNA sono stati associate a diverse funzioni, possono agire come sponge di miRNA, competere con RNA binding proteins (RBPs) e inoltre, possono produrre peptidi. Gli scopi di questo studio sono: i) sviluppare nuovi metodi computazionali per predire i possibili siti di legame e regioni ORFs (open reading frames), ii) studiare gli RNA circolari generati nello specifico dai geni coinvolti nella traslocazione sia in cellule normali che leucemiche, iii) esplorare il trascrittoma dei circRNA (circRNAome) in pazienti pediatrici con traslocazione MLL-AF4 e vi) indagare il ruolo funzionale dei circRNA deregolati nei pazienti con traslocazione MLL-AF4. Per lo sviluppo di questo progetto abbiamo utilizzato dati di RNA-seq dopo deplezione dell’RNA ribosomiale ottenuti da pazienti pediatrici BCP-LAL con traslocazione MLL-AF4 alla diagnosi, da linea cellulare RS4;11 e da campioni di xenotrapianto di pazienti MLL-AF4. L’applicazione della pipeline bioinformatica CirComPara, ci ha permesso di identificare le molecole di RNA circolari deregolate tra i pazienti e le cellule CD34+ e B derivate da donatori sani. Inoltre, abbiamo utilizzato un saggio di silenziamento semi-massivo per identificare i circRNA con un effetto funzionale. Applicando il nostro sviluppato software di predizione CRAFT, siamo stati in grado di estrarre le sequenze dei circRNA e predire sia siti di legame per i miRNA, per le RBP e le putative sequenze ORF, identificando possibili assi di azione dei circRNA funzionalmente validati. Tramite questa analisi abbiamo predetto importanti assi regolatori di circRNAs deregolati che coinvolgono il gene RUNX1 e MLL. L’investigazione dei dati ottenuti dal circRNAome sia dei pazienti MLL-AF4 sia dei donatori sani, ci ha permesso inoltre, di individuare diverse isoforme circolari che originano dai geni coinvolti nella traslocazione, la cui formazione può compromettere la generazione dei circRNA stessi prodotti dai geni. In particolare, nei pazienti MLL-AF4 abbiamo identificato diverse isoforme di circRNA prodotte dal gene AF4 e in particolare l’elevata eterogeneità di espressione di una isoforma associata a profili specifici di espressione genica che caratterizzano la leucemia MLL-AF4. In conclusione, abbiamo prodotto il primo studio sull’espressione dei circRNA nella leucemia MLL-AF4. L’integrazione delle analisi bioinformatiche con gli esperimenti funzionali è stata essenziale per ottenere risultati robusti e informativi sul coinvolgimento dei circRNA nella leucemia MLL-AF4 e per predire la loro funzione. Questi dati mostrano chiaramente che i circRNAs sono fattori importanti da considerare nel contesto dello studio leucemia con traslocazione MLL-AF4.
Indagine del ruolo dei circularRNA coinvolti nel processo leucemogenico della leucemia pediatrica MLL-AF4 / TRETTI PARENZAN, Caterina. - (2022 Jun 17).
Indagine del ruolo dei circularRNA coinvolti nel processo leucemogenico della leucemia pediatrica MLL-AF4.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common cancer observed in children and rearrangements involving the MLL gene are identified in the 5% of B cell precursor ALL (BCP-ALL). More than 100 different MLL translocation partner genes (TPG) have been identified so far. The AF4 gene resulting in the MLL-AF4 gene fusion, represents the most frequent TPG in BCP-ALL MLL rearranged patients, especially in patients below one year of age. MLL-AF4 translocated leukemia is a very aggressive B-ALL subtype, with a dismal prognosis. Despite improvements on the biological characterization of this disease and the development of specific therapeutic protocols, strong efforts are still needed to ameliorate the disease outcome. To this end we need to increase the comprehension of the mechanisms that sustain leukemogenesis. In this context, a new class of RNA molecules, circular RNAs, are emerging as novel regulators of cells’ gene expression and key players in tumor development. These covalently closed and highly stable RNA isoforms have been shown to be abundantly expressed in the hematopoietic compartment and, importantly, to be deregulated in blood cell malignancies. CircRNAs have been associated with different functions; they can serve as microRNAs sponges, compete with RNA binding proteins, and even act as translation templates. This study aimed to: i) provide new computational methods to predict putative circRNAs binding sites and ORF regions, ii) study the circRNAs specifically generated from genes involved in the translocation in both normal and leukemic cells, iii) explore the circular transcriptome landscape (circRNAome) in MLL-AF4 pediatric patients and iv) deeply investigate the functional role of prioritized deregulated circRNAs identified in MLL-AF4+ patients. To do this, we used Ribo-depleted-RNA seq data obtained from BCP-ALL pediatric patients harboring MLL-AF4 translocations, RS4;11 cell lines and patients derived xenograft (PDX) cells. The CircComPara pipeline allowed us to identify several deregulated circRNAs between patients and CD34+ and B-cell from healthy donors. Moreover, we used a semi-massive siRNA screening assay to identify specific circRNAs with a functional effect. Applying our newly developed CRAFT predictor software that can extract circRNAs sequence and predict both miRNA and RBPs binding sites and putative ORF sequences, we were able to uncover the putative axes of action of the identified functional circRNAs. Interestingly, we predicted important regulatory axes involving RUNX1 gene and MLL gene itself. Plus, we could detect circular isoforms originating from genes involved in the translocation, whose formation can compromise circRNA formation from single genes because the sequence from where they are formed is no longer present in translocated chomosomes. A deeper analysis of a circRNA produced by the AF4 gene revealed the high heterogeneity expression of this circular RNA in patients and its association with the distinct MLL-AF4 gene expression signature. In conclusion, we conducted the first study of circRNAs expression in MLL-AF4+ leukemia. The integration of the bioinformatic analysis with the experimental functional studies was proven to be essential to obtain robust and informative results about circRNAs involvement in leukemogenesis and to precisely delineate their functions. These data clearly showed that circRNAs are important factors to be taken into account in MLL-AF4 leukemia.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
embargo fino al 16/06/2025
Descrizione: Tesi_Definitiva_Caterina Tretti Parenzan
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